Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1677: Tiankong Samcheong

"The existence in the middle is the most noble. What is it, more noble than the nine fingers?"

Looking at the blank stone monument, Ling Xian opened his eyes, and the light was bright.

The result was nothing.

It's not that they are stopped by strange forces, but that the stele is common and nothing.

But this is by no means impossible. Even aside from the middle position, being able to juxtapose with a generation of Tianjiao's experience and intercepting the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor is enough to prove its extraordinary.

"Even the world can't see through, what is it ..." Ling Xianmu Lu Qiguang became more and more interested.

It is a pity that it is useless to be interested again. No matter it is the spirit soul or the sky eye, there is nothing unusual about this monument.

"Can't you just give up?" Ling Xian sighed, stroking the stone with the palm of her hand, somewhat helpless.

But at this moment, the stele suddenly shook.

Ling Xian's body also shook with it. After that, Shangqing's mental method automatically operated, making him wonder.

This method is the highest inheritance of the Shang Qing Sect, and it can also be regarded as a good method, but it is undoubtedly a thousand thousand miles worse than Honghuang Tiangong.

Therefore, since he received the Honghuangtiangong, he has not used the Qingxin method or even forgotten it.

However, at this moment, Shangqing's mentality was running uncontrolled, which naturally made him suspicious.

"Is there a connection between Shangqing Xinfa and this monument?"

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly. This was the only reason he could think of and the most reliable reason.

If there is no connection, how can the stele shake? How can the Shangqing mentality work?

At present, Ling Xian's eyebrows stretched out, and then she urged Shangqing Xinshu with all her strength.

Suddenly, the stele trembled even more, and after a moment, the bright light poured out into his eyebrows.

This changed Ling Xian's face, thinking he was taking it away, but when he was about to resist, he suddenly smiled.

The reason is that God's light is not a ransom, but a Scripture.

In other words, it is a method of meditation, a ruling of the same level as Honghuangtiangong!

This method is called Sanqing Tiangong, and it is also a prestigious one. It used to shine in ancient times and was called one of the strongest Tiangong!

"That's it." Ling Xian was shocked, and finally understood why the stele suddenly vibrates, and why the Qingqing method works automatically.

Because, Shangqing Xinfa is part of Sanqing Tiangong.

"Fortunately, you have practiced this method yourself, otherwise you will have to miss the Sanqing Tiangong." Ling Xian raised his mouth, and at the same time he was very happy.

This is not inferior to the existence of Honghuang Tiangong, even the invincible God Emperor, can't help but move!

"No wonder it can be located between the two stone monuments. It turned out to be Xeon Tiangong."

Ling Xianxi couldn't help herself, only felt that Sanqing Tiangong was vast and mysterious.

Even with his understanding, he did not want to get started in three or five years.

It's too profound, every word contains the truth of the universe, the mystery of the road, and the mystery to the extreme.

This surprised Ling Xian, and when he saw a method recorded on Sanqing Tiangong, he was even more excited.

He is in the wild, and he doesn't need to repair other Tiangong, so even if he got the Sanqing Tiangong, he was just happy and not excited.

But after seeing this supernatural power, he couldn't keep calm.

This method is called Yiqi Sanqing. It is a method that is famous for all ages. Once completed, two avatars can be condensed. Its combat power is the same as the body!

You must know that any creature's avatar is fragile. Even if it has a special method, it has at most 90% of the combat power of the body. However, this method can achieve 100%, what does this mean?

It means three to one, more powerful than three times the power!

A Lingxian is scary enough. If you practice this method and look at the same level, who is his opponent?

"It turned out that the famous Sanqing Tiangong originated from Sanqing Tiangong." Ling Xian was surging, and his interest in Sanqing Tiangong was not strong, because he had the flood and shortage of Tiangong, so there was no need to modify it.

However, he is bound to win this method of Yiqi Sanqing.

Right now, he was immersed in mind and began to realize.

Unfortunately, this method is too mysterious, even if it is based on his understanding, he can't get started for a moment.

"Anyway, take your time." Ling Xian was not impatient and took out the ancient Buddha relic.

This treasure has all kinds of divine power, and enlightenment is one of them.

The light of the Buddha was shining, the sound of the Tao was thorough, Ling Xian fell into the realm of enlightenment, and devoted himself to the enlightenment of Sanqing.

Time passed quietly, and two years later, he finally got started.

However, getting started is just the beginning. If you want to consolidate your avatars that are generally the same as the ontology, you can only achieve it if you say less.

"Entry-level avatars can only have 50% of their combat power. How can they realize Xiaocheng's realm?"

Ling Xian murmured to himself, glanced at the prevailing trend of comprehension, then closed her eyes and continued to comprehend.

Time passed again, and under the light of the Buddha's light, his understanding was improved. However, Sanqing was too mysterious, even with his understanding, it took him three years to comprehend this method to Xiaocheng's realm.

So far, he has been here for eight years.

"Xiao Cheng's realm has 70% combat power, which is enough." Ling Xian smiled, and didn't plan to continue enlightenment.

One gasification Sanqing is too mysterious, if you want to understand the state of Dacheng, it will take decades to say less. And he can't stay here for that long.

"Try it and think of it, it won't let me down."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and spurred the divine law. Suddenly, the two avatars condensed to the left and right, and they both exhaled 70% of the body.

In addition, the two avatars also seem to have souls, energetic, and martial.

Even if they use special magical powers like Tianyan, I'm afraid they will be treated as flesh and blood, rather than as avatars.

"The legendary one gas Sanqing, it really is mysterious."

Looking at the real and fake avatars, Ling Xianmu was amazed and overjoyed.

Although the two avatars only have 70% of the combat power, he is sure that if the Ming Luo Shengzi dare to fight with himself, by this method, he can blow them up!

"It's a worthwhile trip." Ling Xian retracted her avatar and smiled with satisfaction.

The gains from his trip were too great, whether it was immortal or the five fingers, or the three gasifications in one gas, all were invaluable treasures. Not to mention that all three are available, even if only one is obtained, they are all heavenly creations.

Therefore, Ling Xian was extremely satisfied.

The same is true of popularity

He opened his eyes, his light was glorious and full of joy.

"Haha, it is indeed the strongest magical power of the Emperor of Heaven, and it is indeed vast and profound and extremely powerful."

Hearing the words, Ling Xian laughed and said, "You all understand?"

"That's right, all five fingers have already started, how about you?" Feng Xing asked.

"Me too." Ling Xian smiled lightly, not wanting to be in the limelight, nor wanting to fight against popularity.

But after only three years, he realized that the five fingers were the highest, and the first finger reached the level of Xiaocheng. The popularity, however, took a full eight years.

"The harvest is too big, it's like dreaming."

Feeling popular, she bowed deeply towards Ling Xian: "Thank you, I would not have done this without you."

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