Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1679: Three palms

With a cold drink, the colorful clouds landed, and Qin Che, who had been maimed, was wrapped.

Immediately, Qin Wuya appeared, full of anger and murderous look.

"Uncle San, kill him, you must kill him!" Qin Che shouted wildly, and the whole person was shaking.

Half is painful and half is irritating.

As the bloodline of the Qin Emperor's family, his status is extremely exalted, especially to the outside world. Even the strongest in the seventh realm must be kind to him.

However, at this moment, it was half-disabled by Ling Xian. What a shame and shame? How can we not make him angry?

"Shut up for me first."

Gently glanced at Qin Che, Qin Wuya turned his eyes to Ling Xian, and said, "I know Qin Che's virtue, he must have provoked you first."

After speaking, he turned sharply: "But no matter what, he is my Qin Huang family, your Excellency's move, but it hit my Qin Huang family's face."

"So what?" Feng Xing said one step ahead, and said, "You Qinhuang family, can't you fight?"

"You're right, people in my Qinhuang family really can't fight, at least, it can't be beaten." Qin Wuya's expression was indifferent, naturally showing a kind of pride.

This caused Ling Xian's brows to frown, and the popularity quickly blew up his lungs.

He stared at Qin Wuya coldly, sarcastically: "Jiuwen heard that the emperor's family is proud and domineering. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation."

"That's because the family of the Emperor God has this capital." Qin Wuya arrogantly and faintly said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I'm self-defeating, and today's things have passed."

It was said that everyone was discolored and their fists clenched.

For practitioners, cultivation is everything. What is the use of life if there is no cultivation?

There is no doubt that Qin Wuya is driving Lingxian to death!

"Good capital, good self-defeating."

Ling Xian smiled, a little cold, and a little mocking.

"What capital do you have? It's nothing more than a good ancestor."

"This is your luck, your pride, but not your proud capital."

"That is the glory that belongs to the Emperor of God, and it has nothing to do with you."

"What you are doing is just humiliating your grandparents and shame the Emperor!"

Ling Xian ruthlessly rebuked, making Feng Xing and others enthusiastic, and making Qin Wuya angry.

Those who have just appeared in the family of the imperial emperor are also very angry, and they can't wait to smash Lingxian to death.

However, no one can refute his words.

Ling Xian is right. The reason they are high is because of their ancestors. But that is the glory of the Emperor God alone, and has nothing to do with these descendants, why is he proud?

Even if you can, you shouldn't be aggressive, not forever, this will make the Emperor shame!

"Haha, well said, so angry!"

"I've wanted to say these things for a long time, but unfortunately, the son is mighty!"

"Domineering, so dissolute, relied on the glory of the ancestors, what!"

Everyone spoke, feeling happy, but also full of worry.

This remark undoubtedly hit the face of the Qin Huang family, and even offended the five gods. Not to mention Lingxian is only a seventh-level monk, even if the eighth-level power, there is no good fruit to eat.

After all, that is the family of the Emperor of the Gods and the most powerful force in the Xuanwu continent!

"Boy, you're looking for death." Qin Wuya's face was gloomy, his eyes seemed to spit fire.

He knew that the entire continent had complaints about the family of the Emperor, but none of them dared to say in person that the family of the Emperor was not, even if it was the eighth state of power, he did not dare.

But Lingxian said it grandly, this is undoubtedly a naked face!

"You can't kill me yet."

Ling Xian's expression was cold. He clearly said the consequences of these remarks. It can be said that he stood opposite to the family of the emperor. But if it wasn't for Qin Wuya who was driven to a dead end, how could he be so?

"It's just the mid-term Ming Dao, killing you is easy." Qin Wuya smiled, full of irony.

This is also true of the rest of the Qin Huang family.

Qin Wuji is the strongest in the Ming Dao, two feet higher than Ling Xian. This gap is undoubtedly the difference between Yunni.

Only popular is full of confidence in Lingxian.

"You can try it."

Ling Xian responded arrogantly, and said, "But before that, I will receive three strokes from you, as if I had returned your kindness."

The words fell, and everyone, including Qin Wuya, froze.

No one expected that under the circumstances that Qin Wuya was driven to death, Ling Xian remembered that kindness.

At this moment, there are four words flashing in everyone's minds, and love is right!

Even the people of the Qinhuang family had a respectful look at Ling Xian.

"It's interesting, don't say it was three palms from me, even if it is a palm, you can't bear it." Qin Wuya sneered.

"Come on, although that's just what you want to do, but grace is grace, I can't help it."

Ling Xian stood by his hands. Although he was thin and could fall into the eyes of everyone, it was such a mighty shore.

His heart is full of grudges and grievances, and his bones would rather bend!

"I won't show mercy to my men."

"I don't need your mercy, either."

Ling Xian waved her sleeves and said, "Let's go. After three palms, I don't owe you anything more."

"Okay, pick my first palm!" Qin Wuya shouted, his palm fingers glowed, and his first palm blasted strongly.

This palm he used his full strength to break the void, but also let everyone change its color.

However, Ling Xian has not moved.

In the face of this extremely horrible palm, not only did he not have defense, but even the natural mana barrier that had existed was dispersed.

Because he said, to be affected by Qin Wuji's three palms, naturally, there can be no defense!


Shockingly slammed into Ling Xian with a firm palm, making his mouth bleed and step back a few steps.

"What a powerful flesh, come again!"

Qin Wuya drank coldly, condensed his mana in one palm, and blasted out.


Blood splattered, Ling Xian looked pale, but stood up like a mountain.

This made Feng Xing and others' eyes red, and even the people of Qin Huang's family fell into silence.

No doubt this is a stupid thing, but it is stupid to be respected!

"Boy, you're dead, the third palm must make you die!"

Qin Che laughed wildly and looked at Ling Xian's eyes, as if looking at a dead man.

The same is true of Qin Wuya.

He knows his strength very well, even if he is a monk of the same level, he cannot hold his three palms without stopping.

"You can hold my palms, you are already very good, but unfortunately, so far."

Qin Wuya was angry and drank, condensing his mana to his right hand, and struck a strong third palm.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Ling Xian was blasted into the mountains in the distance, and the mountain peaks collapsed suddenly, soots and smokes blocked the sight of everyone.

However, it did not stop everyone's urgent heart.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the mountain peak, wanting to know whether Ling Xian was alive or dead after the third palm.

"Haha, regret three palms, he will die!" Qin Che laughed loudly.

But the next moment, his laughter came to an abrupt end.

Just because there was a word in the sky, the volume was low, but it was like thunder and thunder, shaking the world.

"Three palms have passed, this is ... a write-off!"

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