In the stone room, three stone monuments stand tall, mysterious and quaint.

This made Ling Xian and Feng Xing's eyes light up, and at the same time walked towards the stele.

I saw the ancient inscription on the left stele, and after a brief glance, Ling Xian concluded that this was the life and cultivation of the person in the coffin.

Life is useless, at most it is to sigh about this man's evildoing, but the experience of the Taoist is undoubtedly valuable.

Although it was only the eighth state before that life, and there is still a long way to go before the Emperor of God, for Lingxian who only had the seventh state, it was enough.

"It's nothing, even if you only have this experience, it's quite rewarding." Ling Xian smiled slightly and turned her eyes to the stone tablet on the right.

Suddenly, the smile on his face grew thicker.

Popularity is ecstatic.

Because there is a supernatural power recorded on the stone tablet on the right.

There are five pictures on it, all of which are heavenly fingers. Even if they are only carved, they also release a powerful force. It's like opening the sword of heaven.

Below the picture, four small characters are engraved.

Obviously, this is the name of this supernatural power.

"It turned out to be nine fingers, which is the invincible method of the King of Heaven!"

Furious exclaimed, fell into shock, and fell into excitement.

Ling Xian also felt a little shock.

Although he knew only a little bit about the Xuanwu continent, the twelve **** emperors kept in mind. Especially the King of Heaven, I can't forget it.

On the one hand, this person has immense merits and has made great contributions to the Xuanwu continent. On the other hand, this person is too strong, even if placed in the invincible **** emperor, it is an outstanding existence.

Of course, each emperor is invincible, it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat, and there is no such opportunity.

However, in the hearts of the world, the King of Heaven is the most powerful being ever since ancient times. The reason is that he used his own strength to split Tianyu in half!

It is precisely for this reason that his title is cut off, which means that even the sky can be cut off!

And the method he used at that time was to cut off nine fingers!

"Dacaihua, the Emperor Xietian has not left blood, nor passed down, so his method has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Don't say it's the most powerful jealous nine fingers, even if it is other methods, it has never been alive."

"I didn't expect this opportunity."

Popularity was so agitated that it was hard to hold on, and his voice was shaking.

In this regard, Ling Xian expressed his understanding, because he was also a bit excited.

This is not an ordinary supreme supernatural power, but the strongest method of intercepting the Emperor of the Heavens, and it is definitely no worse than the Pingxian Dingxianquan!

Therefore, even with Lingxian's heart, it can not help but be a little excited.

But soon, he calmed down and regretted: "Unfortunately, there are only five fingers, not a complete invincible law."

"How do you know?" Popularity froze.

"Are you stupid? There are only five pictures in total. Where are the nine fingers?" Ling Xian was helpless.

Hearing that Feng Xing turned his gaze towards the stone monument, and then mourned in the sky, it was called stern.

I don't know, I thought he was suffering from Wanjian's penetrating heart, the pain of burning fire.

"Well, this is the invincible law of the King of Heaven. Even if there are only five fingers, it is better than the ordinary Supreme Master." Ling Xian comforted.

"That's right. It's a lucky invitation to get five fingers."

Popularity calmed down, and then fell into excitement: "As long as I can fix these five fingers, even if I can't compare with your pervert, I can stand up to the same level."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's concentrate on it."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I have already seen this monument, and this monument cannot be collected, that is, we can only comprehend it here."

Upon hearing that, Fengxing frowned suddenly.

He is very clear how difficult it is to realize a supreme supernatural power, let alone the invincible Divine Emperor's Xeon Method, even if it is just an entry, it will take ten years and eight years.

This is still a situation of good understanding, if it is rotten wood, it will be difficult to get started throughout its life.

If nothing happens, it ’s okay to enlighten here for decades, but now the war is so fierce, how can there be time to enlighten here?

"Don't worry, the family of the emperor has already entered the war, and nothing will happen in a short period of time."

"After all, that is the family of the Emperor God. The heritage of any family will not be lost to the magic gate."

"Moreover, there are three major alliances, but they represent the entire Xuanwu continent."

Ling Xian patted the popular shoulder, begging him to relax.

"I hope so, no matter what, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, and we must not let it go." The prevailing expression turned firm.

"Yes, this can help you." Ling Xian nodded with a smile and took out ten Wudao lotus petals.

"What is this?" Feng Tao, who doesn't know Yongxian Xing, just feels that this thing is extraordinary.

"Good things can help you realize." Ling Xian said briefly.

"Then I'm welcome." Feng Xing's eyes lit up, and then he took a lotus petal and began to understand the first form of the nine fingers.

The same is true of Lingxian.

As Fengxing said, this opportunity is rare. Even if there are only five fingers, it is also a great opportunity. If you encounter it, you can't miss it.

At the moment, he was immersed in the mind, and realized the first finger by the power of Tao.

A moment later, a picture appeared in his mind.

It was a magnificent man who stood on top of all eternity and pointed out that the mountains and rivers were broken.

This is a finger that is difficult to speak, the mystery of the avenue, the mystery of the poor supernatural powers, as if all the laws of the world have absorbed it.

It is too mysterious and too powerful. It is better than Pingran Dingxianquan.

This is also normal. The Emperor Heiran was the strongest in the world of immortality, and the Emperor Jedi was also the invincible in the Xuanwu continent. Naturally, the two were equal.

"It's a mysterious finger, even if it's my understanding, I haven't thought about getting started in less than a year and a half."

Ling Xian sighed, and then he was immersed in his mind and devoted himself to enlightenment.

As time passed, he felt that the first finger was mysterious and endless, as if he had entered the infinite starry sky.

Although the first finger is not the strongest, it is the foundation of the nine fingers, and the eight fingers have evolved from it.

It is like the first realm of spiritual practice, the foundation and the most important thing.

Therefore, Ling Xian fully enlightened, even if he has already started, he did not modify the second finger.

Finally, a year later, he realized Xiaocheng with his first finger and laid the foundation.

Then he began to realize the remaining four fingers.

The same mystery, different strength, each finger is extremely tyrannical, without exaggeration, it is absolutely world-defining.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Three years later, Ling Xian finally realized that she had five fingers in the sky. Although the first finger is Xiaocheng, the remaining four fingers are just introductions, but this is still an amazing achievement.

Don't say far, just say near, Feng Xing began to comprehend with him, but only now has he realized the third finger.

This comparison shows how strong Lingxian's understanding is. He passed it on, and I don't know how many people feel guilty.

"Huh, finally cut the five fingers."

Ling Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, and would like to test the power of this invincible law, but this place is obviously not a suitable place.

Therefore, he dismissed this idea and turned his eyes to the blank stone tablet in the middle.

Generally speaking, the things in the middle are the most noble. The left side of this monument records the feelings and feelings of a generation of Tianjiao, and the right side is engraved with the invincible law of the King of Heaven, which shows how extraordinary this monument should be!

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