Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1673: Dan Room

At the center of the palace, Ling Xian's eyes were deep, and she looked around the hall.

I saw that the interior of the hall was extravagant and extravagant, and nothing else was said. Just talking about some furnishings was valuable.

It was all made from rare materials, and the luxury was extremely extreme. Even Lingxian was enthusiastic. What made him even more enthusiastic was the four treasure houses that he knew at a glance.

Dan room, device room, law room, and an unusually luxurious but unknown room.

This made Ling Xianmu's eyes glowing. If it had not been enough, he would have rushed forward.

As can be seen from the name, the first three treasure houses are equipped with elixir, magic weapon, and magical power. In other words, these are three treasure trove.

And with the extraordinaryness of the Lord of the palace, how can the treasures collected be ordinary?

It is foreseeable that in the three treasure houses there must be hidden treasures, even treasures!

Therefore, Feng Xing was excited, and the frustration of being defeated by Bai Hu disappeared and replaced by excitement.

Ling Xian was also hot, but he did not act lightly.

Although the treasure is good, it also needs to be useful to take. In such a crisis-ridden place, he must have a 12-point spirit.

"Lingxian, go in, I can't wait anymore." Popularity is hot, and saliva is almost coming out.

"Okay, take a look at the advanced Dan room, but be careful." Ling Xian nodded slightly, taking a careful step, while opening the road to three flowers, in case of a sudden crisis.

However, he was not in danger until he reached the front of Dan's room.

This made Ling Xian feel suspicious. From the moment he set foot on the ground, the crisis continued, and now he was about to get the treasure. How could there be no danger?

Feng Xing also felt weird. He rubbed his chin and said, "Is it because we passed the test of the arena?"

"It shouldn't be. The test just sent us here. It will never be so easy to get a treasure."

Ling Xian frowned, quite puzzled, but the next moment, he understood.

There is indeed no danger, but to get the treasure, you need to pass the last test.

I saw three holes in the door of the Dan room, which were no different from the size of normal elixir, and then thought of the name of this treasure house, Ling Xian immediately understood.

"Thinking about it, it should be putting three elixir into the hole, if it meets the standard, the door will open."

Ling Xian's eyebrows stretched out, but the next moment, she wrinkled again: "I just don't know what kind of panacea is needed to reach the standard."

"Is the medicine? This is easy to handle." Popularity smiled slightly, and took out three Sipin Baodan from the storage bag, all of which had six Dan patterns.

This means that all three elixir have a 60% effect, which is considered good.

After that, popularly put the elixir into three holes.

Unfortunately, it only lasted for a moment, and the Shenguang disappeared, and the three elixirs were also spit out, obviously not up to the standard.

This made Feng Jie's face froze and smiled bitterly: "This is already the best elixir in my body, and I really don't care about it."

"Anyway, I also have a lot of miracles." Ling Xian waved her hand, groaned, and took out three Liupin medicines, all of which were 70% quality.

"Six Pin Ling Dan won't work. Don't try your six Pin Pan pills."

"I speculate that it should not be based on Dan's pharmaceutical grade, but on quality." Ling Xian chuckled and put three Lingdan into the hole.

It's no different from the last time. After the dying, the elixir was spit out.

"Look, I'll say no." Popular frustration.

"Normally, if the elixir of 70% is effective, you can open the elixir room, so don't look at it here." Ling Xian was not frustrated and took out three more elixir.

Suddenly, Fengxing's eyes were straight, and there was obviously a little vibration.

Just because these three Dan medicine grades are not high, but they have Jiudan patterns, that is, it is a rare Jiucheng Dan!

"I wish I could, otherwise, I would have to take out the perfect panacea." Ling Xian said secretly, sending the elixir into the hole.

This time, the elixir was not spit out, but the door was not opened.

"A gate can be robbed?"

Popular eyeballs are about to stare out, Ling Xian also has a few distributions.

Immediately, he shook his head with a bitter smile, and could only take out three perfect goddess.

Any perfect panacea is a treasure, and for the alchemist, it is even more priceless. Even if it is only the lowest-level Jiupin Lingdan, countless people have broken their heads because it represents perfection.

Less than a last resort, Lingxian could not bear it, and for now, it is undoubtedly the last moment.

If he didn't come up with the perfect panacea, he would have to leave empty-handed.

And seeing the ten Dan patterns on Lingdan, his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "You ... you have the perfect god?"

Hearing that Ling Xianxin said that I not only own, but also refine.

However, he didn't say it, he didn't want to show the limelight.

"Luck by chance." Ling Xian chuckled, sending ten percent of Baodan into the hole.

This time, the radiance of the gods reached the extreme, like a round of unforgettable sun, dazzling and immortal.

Immediately, the elixir disappeared and the door slowly opened.

"It's turned on, the perfect panacea is really useful!" Feng Xing excited.

"If the perfect **** is not up to standard, it can only be said that the master of the palace deliberately made things difficult." Ling Xian smiled slightly and stepped into the Dan room.

I saw that the room was not large. There were a hundred or so jade bottles on the shelf, and each jade bottle was printed with a thrilling name. Even if it is not Dan Daozhong, it is like Lei Guaner.

Qingxin Rusheng Dan, Qinglong Quexin Dan, Wanshou Wujiang Dan ... and other thrilling names, passed by Ling Xian and Feng Xing, making them breathless.

No way, these elixir are so amazing, the second one is also second grade. There are many of them, even the top forces in the Xuanwu continent cannot come up!

But the next moment, Ling Xian frowned.

"Unbelievable, this is just heaven!" Feng Xing was excited, rushed to the front of the shelf, and opened a jade bottle.

As a result, it was like a cold water topping, which disappointed him.

Because the scent stays in the hollow of the jade bottle, there is no elixir.

"Why ..." Frown in popularity, opened another jade bottle, still scented empty.

"This is the power of time."

Ling Xian sighed and said, "It's not that there is no elixir, but time is running out."

Hearing that the fashion was silent, he waved his sleeve and opened dozens of jade bottles.

Suddenly, the fragrance was pungent, but there was no elixir.

"It seems that at least tens of thousands of years have passed. Otherwise, Baodan of this level will never be wiped out." Ling Xian sighed, feeling ruthless.

"It's a pity that there are three perfect gods. I didn't expect to come here for nothing." Fengxing smiled bitterly, very depressed.

"Nothing comes." Ling Xian smiled mysteriously and walked to the left shelf.

There, there are two jade bottles.

Upon entering, Lingxian noticed that, looking at the entire Dan room, only these two jade bottles still contained the elixir.

Therefore, he frowned, but he was not disappointed.

Because how much time a miracle can carry is linked to quality.

In other words, the elixir in these two jade bottles is the best elixir here!

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