Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1672: Repression and breakthrough

In the arena, Ling Xian powerfully smashed Zhu Yan, and Xiu had two points.

At the same time, the popularity of the Blood Yuan Leopard was suppressed, and repair was improved.

"Good place, unfortunately, I lack strength, and the second game will be undoubtedly undoubted." Feng Xing sighed softly, a little helpless.

Ling Xian was powerless.

He can be sure that the next thing he is going to face is the pure-blooded royalty, who can't be distracted to help prevail.

"Do your best, even if you lose, you won't lose your life." Ling Xian comforted.

Obviously, the gladiatorial court is only a test. If the Lord of the Palace wants to kill those who come, it will not give any benefit at all. In other words, even if you lose, you will probably not die.

"Well, it's worth a few years of hard work. I'll do my best for such good things."

"Come here, be careful."

When Ling Xian's expression was condensed, when the words landed, two fierce beasts broke through the wall, and thunder suddenly began to tremble, and the quake trembled.

On the left is a white tiger, a mighty majesty, enraged, but it is not pure blood, at most it is half blood.

On the right side is Xuanwu, standing still like a mountain, standing tall, as if it can't shake the sky.

No doubt, this is a pure blood basalt, a well-deserved king among monsters!

"It really is the royal family ..." Feng Xing smiled bitterly.

"It's just half blood. With your strength, there is a possibility of winning."

Ling Xian looked dignified for a few minutes, looking at the heavy and condensed Xuanwu, and said, "I am more troublesome. Xuanwu is known for his defensive power. With pure blood, the defensive power has reached the same level of extreme."

"I believe you have the power to beat it." Fengxing smiled.

"Hopefully, if I win this game, I can break through." Ling Xianmulu looked forward, then flashed, and appeared in front of pure blood Xuanwu.

The next moment, the immortal **** light bloomed, and the invincible fist marks burst out.

In the face of the pure blood royal family, Ling Xian did not dare to carelessly, and also knew that only with all his strength could pure blood basalt be suppressed.

Therefore, when he shot, he was invincible, and at the same time he gathered the flowers of the road and guarded him.

In the face of Lingxian Zhigang to the fierce punch, Xuanwu did not evade, and regretted the shocking defense.


The void bursts, the world shakes, and in the dust, Xuanwu takes a strong shot, and it collapses!

Ling Xian is also strong, he punched, domineeringly.

Boom boom!

Both are powerful to the extreme of the same order, as the two immortal kings are in a decisive battle, the heavens that they fight are broken, and the earth is trembling.

Feng Xing and the half-blooded white tiger also launched a showdown, but just face to face, they were suppressed.

However, he was unyielding and vowed to suppress White Tiger.

Ling Xian was also war-fighting, shaking his hands and shaking the earth. Even the gladiatorial arena, known for its solid strength, was shaken by his confrontation with pure blood and basalt.

They are too powerful, both in attack and defense.

Especially Xuanwu's defensive power, even if it is the leveling of Xianxianquan, it is difficult to break.

Therefore, at the same time that Ling Xian displayed his imperial fist, he also spurred the fight against the immortal bones.

Although not every stroke can trigger the immortal bone, as long as it is triggered, you can beat Xuanwu to a large mouth.

Even its hardest tortoise shell was cracked by Lingxian.

This made Xuan Wu angry, his claws torn apart, and his mighty power was endless, killing Ling Xian crazy.

"Suppress me!"

Ling Xian drank, just like the war immortal lower world, raised his hand to split the world, and mobilized Qian Kun.

Each of his punches has the force of pushing the same rank. If it triggers the battle of the immortal bones, it is even more powerful and outrageous.

In the end, it was difficult to maintain its shape and there were signs of dissipation.

But just before dissipating, the pure blood Xuanwu hit a shock, even if it was as strong as Lingxian, it also had scalp tingling.

At the moment, he tried his best to urge Honghuangtiangong, not only condensing the three flowers of the road, but also letting the golden ancient characters emerge.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Lingxian was blood-stained in the air and his face was a little pale.

After that, the pure blood basalt dissipated, turned into pure energy, and poured into his body.

"It's worthy of pure blood and basalt, and it really can't be underestimated." Ling Xian sighed, and then smiled.

No matter how powerful the pure blood Xuanwu is, he was suppressed by the result, naturally making him feel happy. Especially when he felt a breakthrough, he was overjoyed.

At the moment, he was immersed in his mind and hit the bottleneck with all his strength.

Boom boom!

Mana is boiling, surging like a big wave, and hitting the bottleneck again and again.

With each impact, the bottleneck breaks a minute, and in a short time, it is close to collapse.

This is because three times of strange energy nourish, Lingxian's mana has reached the middle of the seventh realm, and the impact bottleneck is naturally much simpler.

"Booming and breaking the bottleneck!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes fluttered with cold electricity, condensed her mana, and strongly impacted the bottleneck.

The next moment, the bottleneck shattered, allowing him to reach a new height.

Like Nirvana transformation, his mana has undergone a qualitative change, which is ten times stronger than before!

The same is true for the spirits, with a wider range of perception and clearer.

It is worth mentioning that his martial spirit level has also been improved to reach the spiritual level.

This made Ling Xian happy, and did not expect a breakthrough, so much.

But to his disappointment, this breakthrough did not awaken the eighth change in the world.

"I still couldn't wake up the eighth change ..." Ling Xian frowned slightly, but then she felt relieved.

He is not unable to awaken the eighth change, but it is not time yet. One day, sooner or later, he can awaken the eighth change and the ninth change!

"Be patient, everyone who awakens will be awakened." Ling Xian smiled slightly, thinking of the Nine Immortals from the world.

It has been decades since the fifth burning day was awake, and the seventh immortal still has not appeared. However, he is not in a hurry and will wake up sooner or later.

The top priority is the forthcoming fourth war.

The third battle is already a pure blood royal family. How strong are the opponents of the fourth battle? There is a great possibility that it is the legendary demon world supreme, the day demon family!

For this reason, Ling Xian waited intently and did not dare to carelessly.

However, he was not afraid, and some were just expectations.

He would like to see how powerful the Tian Yao Clan, one of the five most powerful races!

However, Ling Xian waited for a long time and did not see the beast of the fourth war.

"Didn't it happen, the third war is over?" Ling Xian raised a brow and turned her eyes to the popular and half-blooded white tiger.

The battle between the two of them has reached a feverish stage. Although popular is unyielding, the gap in strength is there. Even if he tries his best, he cannot suppress Bai Hu.

Seeing this, Ling Xian sighed and did not take any action.

Not that you don't want to, but you can't.

When he confronted Xuanwu, he wanted to help each other secretly, but there was a mysterious power to stop him, and he could not intervene in the white tiger and popular battle.

Therefore, he can only wait and see.

A moment later, the popular defeat was defeated, and the White Tiger dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, the Nether twisted, sucking Lingxian and Fengxing into it.

Ling Xian did not resist this. He knew that this force was to take himself away from the arena and teleport to somewhere in the palace.

Sure enough, when this power disappeared, he and Fengxing had reached the center of the palace.

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