Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1674: Eternal Dan

Dan room, popular for a moment, said: "Do you mean, the elixir in these two jade bottles has not disappeared?"

"Yes, the elixir in other jade bottles has passed with time, except for these two jade bottles." Ling Xian nodded with a smile, a glimmer of expectation flashed in the star eyes.

Popularity is also looking forward to, not only because of the remnants of elixir, but also because of the elixir in the two jade bottles, which is obviously the best existence of the elixir.

Otherwise, how can they stay together?

At the moment, a rushing rushed to the front of the jade bottle, eager to know the names of these two elixir.

It is a pity that these two jade bottles are not printed with their names. I would like to know what kind of elixir can be opened.

"Don't worry, let me see." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and first opened the jade bottle on the left.

Suddenly, a longan-sized purple elixir emerged, the rhyme flowed, and the fragrance was ten miles away.

There are nine patterns of elixir on it, forming a strange pattern, mysterious and mysterious, mysterious.

This makes Ling Xian face intoxicated, but also feels strange.

Want to come, it should be the elixir unique to Xuanwu mainland.

"This ... Is this the legendary Wuhun Nirvana?" The popular look turned red, so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Wuhun Nirvana?"

Ling Xian frowned, and it was determined to be the only elixir of Xuanwu continent, because there was no Wuhun in Yongxianxing, and naturally there was no magic pandemic related to Wuhun.

"This Dan can transform the martial arts nirvana and raise one level, which is the most precious thing all creatures dream of."

"Especially for those who have a king-level martial spirit, this Dan is the supreme treasure, even if it is invincible, it is not as good as this Dan."

"Because once it is served, it is possible to make Wuhun reach the imperial rank!"

Popular with excitement, he possessed the king-level martial spirit, and dreamed of making the martial arts king.

Unfortunately, his martial arts soul does not have the ability to grow, and the only way is the martial arts nirvana. In that case, can he not be excited?

"It turned out to be the most precious thing." Ling Xian sighed and nodded in approval.

For the people on the Xuanwu continent, Wuhun is the most important foundation and the most powerful means. Anyone is dreaming of having an imperial martial spirit.

However, the imperial martial spirit is too difficult to awaken, and the martial spirit with the ability to grow is rare in ancient times.

In this case, the elixir that allows Wuhun to advance is naturally extremely precious.

"Do you really want this elixir?" Ling Xian smiled slightly, his martial spirit has the ability to grow, and sooner or later will grow to the imperial martial spirit. Even, it is to reach the legendary **** level.

So for him, Wuhun Nirvana is optional.

"Who doesn't want it? This is the supreme treasure. If I submit to him, I can have a royal martial spirit!" Staring at the purple goddam, the saliva almost flowed out.

"That being the case, this Dan is yours." Ling Xian smiled, a dispensable elixir, simply borrowed flowers to present the Buddha, and be a good friend.

"Return to ... return to me?" Frightened, surprised, and hesitant.

On the one hand, Wu Hun Nirvana is the highest treasure, and on the other hand, he has no power and feels ashamed.

"Yes, hold it." Ling Xian nodded with a smile, and turned her eyes to the jade bottle on the right, saying, "This elixir belongs to me, so don't grab it from me."

"Good." Feng Xinglu was grateful and grateful.

Fortunately, he shared the ruins with Ling Xian in order to repay his grace. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to enter at all. How could he get the Wuhun Nirvana?

At the moment, the purple **** dandelion was carefully and carefully collected, and said, "The grace of today, I will keep in mind that if there is something useful to me in the future, I will speak."

"You're welcome." Ling Xian smiled and waved, then opened the right jade bottle.

Suddenly, the golden light erupted, and an elixir loomed among them, like a small sun, dazzling to the extreme.

Ling Xianxing's eyes lighted up, besides fiery, fiery.

Because, this is the legendary eternal dandelion. Even if you look at all the elixir, it is also the best existence!

This Dan can strengthen the flesh, and can give the soul an immortal air. If the chance is enough, it can be repaired into the legendary immortal body!

You must know that the immortal body is not inferior to the nine holy bodies. It is not only physical and world-class, but also has almost infinite vitality, which is so powerful!

Although the hope is very slim, it is a hope after all!

Therefore, Ling Xian's eyes were hot and fell into ecstasy.

With this, his trip can be regarded as a great gain.

"It turns out to be immortal ..." Feng Xingmulu marveled, without any greed.

One is that Ling Xian treats him not thinly, and the other is in his heart that immortal Dan is not as good as Wuhun Nirvana.

He doesn't practise his flesh, and it won't help to destroy Dan.

"This Dan is of great use to me. This time it is all right, everyone is happy." Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction.

Popular also laughed.

He needed the Wuhun Nirvana, and Lingxian needed the immortal Dan.

"Let's go and see what kind of treasure is hidden in the device room and the law room." Ling Xianmulu looked forward and walked to the front of the device room.

Similar to the Dan room, the device room also has a test, the need to come up with a magic weapon that can leapfrog.

For others, this is undoubtedly a difficult task, and most of them can only return empty-handed. But for Ling Xian, who is both a master of Taoism and an inheritance of Qixian, naturally it is nothing.

A few of his refined magic weapons surpassed the grade, enough to fight beyond the ranks.

Therefore, Ling Xian easily passed the test and entered the device room.

Unfortunately, the magic weapon of the instrument room has been damaged over time, the power is no longer, and even the aura of the material itself has disappeared.

This made Feng Xingxin's blood bleed, and looking at the famous magic weapon, his face was distressed.

Ling Xian didn't feel anything. He who possessed the world had very low demand for magic weapon.

Therefore, he was not disappointed and stepped into the law room.

This time, Ling Xian did not encounter the test, but she was not able to enter it.

Just because the door of the law room has a keyhole, that is to say, it is impossible to enter without the key.

"Maybe, the key is in the last room ..."

Ling Xian guessed, then stepped into the last room and pushed in the door.

Suddenly, a large array emerged, killing himself.

Heaven fell to the light, and the sword surged into the ground. For a moment, Lingxian became popular.

This was still in the situation he was prepared for, or he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"Be careful!" Feng Xing's face changed. He was a few steps behind Lingxian, so he didn't enter the battle.

"It's okay, don't come in, just wait patiently." Ling Xian looked dignified, the flower of the avenue turned, resisting the light beam and sword gas.

At the same time, he played a series of break-ups and hit the formations.

After a while, the burst shattered and the killer disappeared.

This relieved Fengxing's sigh of relief, and at the same time he felt a little bit sad.

Ask yourself, if you change yourself, you will not only be unable to break the battlefield, but also difficult to resist the attack.

However, Ling Xian was able to survive unharmed, naturally shaking him.

"Well, come in."

Ling Xian opened her mouth softly, moving her gaze towards the middle of Shishi, her expression instantly calmed.

I saw an ice coffin placed there, full of cold air, making this place cold and bitter as the cold winter moon.

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