Under the ground, Lingxian Ning gasification shield, calmly move forward.

No matter how sharp the arrow rain is, it is endless and difficult to hurt.

Soon, he stepped into the palace with popularity. Suddenly, the magical powers emerged, and the golden and splendid hall disappeared, replaced by a spirited arena.

I saw the gladiatorial field in a ring shape, constructed from rare materials, and there were countless ancient characters flashing on it, which had the power to suppress the common people.

Even Lingxian felt the pressure.

Therefore, he instantly determined that with his own strength, it was difficult to break the prohibition above. As for breaking the gladiatorial field, let alone think about it.

Although his physical body is powerful, the entire gladiatorial court is made of rare materials, which is indestructible. Even if his physical body reaches the height of the seventh realm, it is difficult to break.

It's the same way, frowning: "What's the meaning of sending us here?"

"I think it should be you and I fighting against them." Ling Xian frowned, pointing at the wall of the gladiatorial field, staring with dignity.

I saw a kind of fierce beasts engraved on the wall, there are heaven and earth heterogeneous, there is the Xeon royal family, the worst one is also among the top ten royal families.

Although it's just a pattern, it's still terrible, giving a feeling that it is about to break through the wall.

"Fight against them?" The prevailing complexion changed, and the beasts on the walls were all aliens of the heavens and the earth.

The royal family is easy to say, but if they encounter the royal family, it is difficult to win with his strength.

"It should be, you see, there are already two monsters alive." Ling Xian sighed, pointing at the two monsters in front.

It was a praying mantis and a leopard, and they flowed through the light and broke through the wall.

The former is as clear as jasper, less than three feet, but it is ruthless and murderous.

The latter was as dark as ink, but his eyes were red and bloody, strange and scary.

Although the two are not really fierce beasts, they are only bizarre existences constructed with great magical powers, but they have flesh and flesh, which is no different from the body.

"Opening the devil and the blood leopard are terrible aliens." Ling Xian sighed.

These two ferocious beasts are alien species that transcend the royal family, especially the demon who opened the sky. Their arms are known to be indestructible, and they can tear even the sky!

Therefore, popular discoloration. Although he is good, and has the ability to suppress the same order, but compared to these two heads of the alien species, it is undoubtedly inferior.

"Leave me to the demon mango, you have to deal with the leopard blood leopard." Ling Xian looked indifferent, then took a big step towards the green mantis.

"Thank you, be careful." Feng Menglu was grateful.

Although Kai Tian Demon and Blood Yuan Leopard are both heaven and earth heterogeneous, the former is undoubtedly stronger than the latter. The blade-like arms are known to tear the sky apart, which is far worse than Blood Yuan Leopard.

If he were allowed to confront him, the chance of survival would not exceed 30%. In that case, would he not be grateful to Lingxian?

"You too, win this game and we may be able to leave."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, and the turbulent weather swept across the wasteland, shaking the earth.


Kai Tian Demon Clan attacked, the blade-like arm split, tearing the void, as simple as cutting tofu.

This caused Ling Xian to frown, but without fear, raising his hand to meet Kaitian Devil.


As if the golden iron and the iron were screaming, a bright Mars burst out, and the demon who opened the sky was shaken up into the sky with his arms safe and sound.

Ling Xian's feet sank for three points and she didn't see any blood.

Judging from this blow, the two are equally divided, and no one has the upper hand.

At the same time, the popular and **** leopards also began to confront each other, a fierce and brutal, a flowing light.

The two broke out in a terrible battle, the void was destroyed, and the battlefield shook.

"It's worthy to be a devil who looks like a god, but it seems to be weak, but it contains extremely terrifying power." Ling Xian sighed.

Kaitian Demon Beetle is really powerful. Not only is it powerful, the blade-like arm is extremely sharp, it has the power to destroy the magic.

But in front of him, it was nothing.

If it is only based on the physical body, then there is nothing he can do between him and Kaitian Devil. But don't forget, he is not only physically strong, but also has better mana than physical!

At present, Ling Xianxing's eyes flickered, the God of War halberd broke out, killing the devil.


The devil's arms had a horizontal arm, blocking the war halberd, and at the same time it burst into a green light, turned into a thousand sharp blades, and killed Ling Xian.

"Break me!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes were cold, and the war halberd swept across ten sides, smashing all the sharp blades.

The next moment, blood filled the sky, the magic sword cut through the sky, and the murderer went straight to Xiaohan.

This made Kaitian Devil's pupils shrink, his arms danced wildly, the green blades of light appeared, endless and sharp.

However, it can't stop the magic sword.

Ling Xian broke through the sword with a sword and nailed it to the wall in the desperate eyes of Kaitian Demon.

Immediately, the demon beetle dissipated, turned into a strange power, and poured into his body.

This changed Ling Xian's color, and she tried to stop it, but it was too late. But soon, he turned to worry.

Only because this strange power is beneficial and harmless, makes his cultivation a point better.

Although it is only one point, he now knows that the monk in the state can only reach it for at least two years if he depends on hard work alone. In other words, this point is worth his two years of hard work!

"Is this a reward for the winner?" Ling Xian smiled and suddenly didn't want to leave.

One victory is worth two years of hard work. Where can you find such good things? I don't want to change anyone.

Especially Ling Xian, his cultivation is infinitely close to the middle of Ming Dao. According to his estimation, as long as he wins another three games, he can break through!

So he looked at the wall, hoping for another ferocious beast.

And this strange arena also satisfied Ling Xian's desire.

An ape emerged, snow-white, but with red hair on its head.

His eyes were cold and brutal, his arms were slender and slender, and he had a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers.

It is Zhu Yan, one of the seven royal families!

This made Ling Xian move, but unexpectedly, the royal beast appeared in the second game.

You know, the royal family represents the pinnacle of the demon world, which is equivalent to the holy body of the human race, powerful and outrageous. In particular, pure blood can reproduce its ancestor style!

"Fortunately, Zhu Yan is not pure blood, otherwise, it must be a hard fight."

Fortunately, Ling Xian is not afraid of the pure blood royal family, but if pure blood appears in the second game, how strong is the third game? Will there be the legendary demon world supreme, the demon family?


Zhu Yan yelled at the sky, slammed his arms as if the tiger was out of the gate, and the mighty vibrance shook the world.

However, Ling Xian has not moved.

Zhu Yan is not pure blood. With his strength, suppression is not difficult.

"Let me disappear!"

Ling Xian stopped drinking, and the mountains and rivers came to life, making Zhu tired of being trapped and unable to move.

However, in the end, it is a royal family.

"It's strong, unfortunately, it's the end."

Ling Xian's eyes burst into cold electricity, and Emperor's fist burst out, breaking Zhu Gan.

Immediately, the strange ability poured into his body again, more pure than before, allowing him to improve by two points.

This means that as long as he wins another game, he can break through to the middle of the seventh realm!

"It is foreseeable that the next game must be a hard fight."

Ling Xian's expression was dignified for a few minutes. The second game is already a half-blood royal family. It is not difficult to imagine how powerful the beast of the third game will be.

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