Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1662: Black ring

In mid-air, Lingxian made a strong shot, and if a supreme emperor shook the world.

His eyes flickered with cold electricity, setting off a mighty wind, thundering around, covering the three of them.

"Huh, look for death!" The old man in sneer sneered, his right hand made a paw print, and it was extremely sharp.

At the same time, two other people also cast divine magic and struck Ling Xian hard.

In the next instant, the three went backwards by seven steps, and Ling Xian stood up proudly, without a half step!

This cheered and surprised the Red River Valley soldiers.

The three old men were gloomy, staring at Ling Xian, grievously and shocked.

They had overestimated Ling Xian as much as possible, but when they faced a blow, they found that they still underestimated him.

One shot forced the three of them back, which proves that Lingxian's strength is far above them!

"I give you a choice, either to retreat now or die here."

Ling Xian's expression was cold and her black hair danced wildly. As the devil came, there were signs of madness.

"You are not eligible for choice."

The old man in purple clothes said: "You are really strong. In terms of combat power alone, I am not your opponent, but we are prepared."

As he said, he smiled, and the other two also laughed, both showing a bit of jokes.

"Then it lights up. It's too late, but there's no chance." Ling Xian's eyes flickered with cold electricity, and she raised her hand to point out a halberd.

He is concerned about the nine battlefields, and does not want to waste time with the three. Therefore, he not only used the war halberd, but also made other six changes.


The mountains and rivers are ups and downs, the sun is shining, and there is a powerful force to suppress the common people.


Fulongqin vibrated, resounded through the sky, and the power of the gods was universal.

Seven changes surround her body, and Ling Xian looks like a war immortal. Just the power, let the three change their color!

Too strong, really like the war immortal underworld, arrogant to eternal, Gaidai invincible.

At present, the old man in purple was afraid to enlarge it, and took out a black ring.

The ring is as dark as ink and long when facing the wind. A few breathing rooms are already covering the sky and the sky is huge.

The terror came out and everyone changed its color. Even Lingxian felt great pressure.

On the one hand, it is too powerful, on the other hand, it is based on the mastery of his masters, but he cannot see the root of this thing.

"Boy, this thing is given by the demon Lord, and the gods are in the world. If you use the means to heaven, you will die today!"

The old man in purple was laughing loudly, and it was hard to be concealed.

The next instant, the black ring shrouded Lingxian, the imprisoned **** could come, and Lingxian was trapped in the mud, unable to move.

Not only him, but also 30,000 soldiers. It can be seen how powerful the black ring is and how wide it is.

"Strange magic weapon ..." Ling Xian frowned, feeling tricky.

If the thing has only imprisoned divine power, it's okay to say that he can shatter it. But in addition to the power of imprisonment, the black ring also has a strange ability that invades his eight veins and hinders the operation of his mana.

In other words, it is difficult for him to gather mana, so he will be subdued instantly and unable to move.

"Haha, the Lord is really strong, and you can't move without a treasure."

Seeing Ling Xian's imprisonment for a moment, the old man in purple clothing smiled more and more proudly, and said, "Boy, have you regretted this? This is the end of my enemy!"

"Walking dog, if not the demon in your mouth, what are you fighting with me?" Ling Xian glanced at the person lightly, though still imprisoned, still calm.

"That's not important. What's important is that you have lost your resistance and can only let me slaughter!" The old man in purple sneered.

"Not necessarily. Although this treasure is strong, it depends on who has it." Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "In your hands, no matter how powerful a magic weapon is, it is also waste."

Hearing that, the old man in purple clothes became gloomy, and said arbitrarily, "Boy, what is the skill of being able to resist breaking this thing?"

"I'm about to show it to you." Ling Xian chuckled, he already thought of a solution, and also firmly believed that this method was feasible.

"Haha, joke, heavenly joke!"

"You, who were subdued in an instant, dared to make crazy words, which is ridiculous."

"Stupid, I want to see, how do you break the magic weapon given by the Lord!"

A few people were ridiculing, in addition to joking on their faces, they were holding the winning ticket.

The fact is in front of him, how could Lingxian who was subdued in an instant be broken?

"This treasure is indeed powerful and has the ability to imprison mana. If I only have mana, I can only let you slaughter."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "But I still have physical strength."

As the words fell, his body glowed, like a round of unforgettable sun, shining and immortal.

It was an indescribable light, dazzling to the extreme, and terrifying to the extreme.


A clear crackling sounded, and then an incredible scene appeared.

I saw dense cracks in the black ring, and after a few breaths, it broke completely.

At the same time, the power of imprisonment disappeared, and everyone was free.

This stunned the three, disappearing proudly, and replacing it with incredible!

"This is impossible, the treasure given by the Lord, how can you break it?" The old man in purple snarled, unable to accept this cruel fact.

"I said that this treasure is really strong, but it also depends on whose hands."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "No matter how powerful a magic weapon is in your hands, it is also waste."

I heard that the old man almost vomited blood, but he had no words to refute.

The fact is in front of him. If he is stronger, Lingxian will never break the black ring!

"Okay, it's over."

Ling Xian converged to smile, the rivers and rivers rise and fall, the light is bright, and the heavens are suppressed.

Suddenly, all three spit out blood, and fear and regret poured into their eyes.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Seven kinds of magic soldiers attacked madly, hitting a few people spurting blood, and there was no fighting back.

In the end, Lingxian swept away the wasteland and killed the three.

This declares the end of this war and also means that the next war is coming.

"Time to go."

Looking at the sky, Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed with firmness.

No matter how bad the situation is or how slim the odds are, he has to go and see. Otherwise, there is no peace of mind in this life.

At the moment, Ling Xian's eyes swept across the hall, and finally fixed on the man in Taichu Holy Land.

"I'm going to the battlefield of the Ninth National Congress, and the Red River Valley will give it to you. I don't think Momon will send any more in a short time.

"Seniors don't worry, I dare not say that with me, the Red River Valley will not be occupied by the magic gate."

The man Zheng Jianjian head said, "I can only say that if I want to occupy the Red River Valley, I will step over my body first!"

"And our bodies!"

Thirty thousand soldiers shouted in unison, without any hesitation, some just decided.

This made Ling Xianmulu feel relieved, and said, "The Red River Valley is left to you."

With that said, his wings fluttered and he flew up into the air.

"Please predecessors to bring this decree!" The man shouted, throwing the decree of Taichu Holy Land into the air.

However, Ling Xian did not collect it.

He has the flower of the avenue, and does not need the decree at all.

Therefore, he threw back the decree, leaving only a word to slowly echo.

"If there is news of the defeat of the coalition forces, you will withdraw from the Red River Valley and find a mountain retreat."

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