In the dark and gloomy sky, Lingxian flew across, like arrows, like meteors.

The snow wings were already burning, like a big fireball, lighting up Tianyu. It is conceivable how fast he is at this moment.

No way, although Ling Xian didn't know what the situation was, it is conceivable that the Nine Battlefields must be extremely critical.

Therefore, he frantically vibrated Jiutian Godwing and flew towards Qingyun.

There is one of the top ten battlefields, and the closest to the Red River Valley is naturally the first choice.

"Hope you can get there in time ..." Ling Xian muttered, her eyes full of firmness, or in other words decisive.

He knew exactly what this meant, and he was likely to die there, but he didn't want to escape.

If the demon from outside the territory occupied the basalt continent, it would not only be miserable, but the entire universe would probably be in crisis.

Therefore, Ling Xian firmly established her faith and did not regret it.

Two days later, he descended on Qingyunyu, and when he appeared, he was shocked by what he saw.

I saw the blood flowing down into the river and the bones into the mountains.

It's too tragic, there are stumps and broken arms everywhere, it's really like Shura hell, the horror is extreme.

The strong **** smell was mixed with corpse odor, pungent and disgusting, Rao was Ling Ling's heart, and his stomach was tumbling.

However, he was relieved.

Because there are no people in the magic gate below, some are only coalition forces.

Although all of them were hurt and the number was pitifully small, there were only a few dozen people, but this meant that Qing Yunzhen didn't fall behind.

At the moment, Ling Xian fell to the ground and immediately caught everyone's attention.

It was an extremely calm look, like seeing through death, the fear of peace.

"Friend, or enemy?" A man in **** clothes spoke, staring indifferently at Ling Xian, deep and cold.

"If the blood on your body is flowing to protect the continent, then we are friends." Ling Xian responded with a deep voice, her words murmured, and she murmured.

He and his blood-stained man have been living together forever, and they don't know anyone here, but the act of killing them with blood is worthy of him as a friend.

"Friends ..." The man laughed, matching the blood on his face, looking grim and terrible.

But in Ling Xian's eyes, this is the most beautiful smile, the most gentle smile.

However, at this moment, it is obviously not a time for gossiping. The priority is to understand the situation in this place and other battlefields.

At the moment, Ling Xian asked in a deep voice: "I want to know the situation of Qing Yunzhen. I also ask my friends to inform you."

"What you see is the situation." The man replied, pointing to the corpse on the ground, and to the living person.

"Do you mean that you have wiped out all the people in the Demon Gate. What is still standing at this moment is the rest of the coalition?" Ling Xian frowned.

"Smart." The man sighed.

However, not only was Ling Xian not happy, but she was in grief.

Destroying the Demon Gate sounds like a great victory and it is worth celebrating. But don't forget the price paid by the coalition.

He didn't know how many coalition troops Qing Qingyun had, but he knew it would never be less than 100,000 soldiers in the Red River Valley.

However, at this moment, there are only dozens of people left, and even the seventh state power is left with only a man in blood.

How terrible is this? How can Ling Xian be happy?

"Cruel war." Ling Xian sighed, "Anyway, in the end, the coalition forces won."

"Win? These two words are very ironic." The **** man laughed at himself and said, "Qing Yunzhen did hold on, but he lost five in the other eight battlefields."

"What's going on? Please ask Daoyou to elaborate." Ling Xian frowned.

"Seven days ago, when the war broke out, 108 wise men in the magic gate launched a total attack on the nine battlefields."

"And the coalition forces only have a total of 93 seventh-level monks."

"I don't know the specific situation on other battlefields. I only know that there are thirteen elder elders in Qingyunyu, and there are only nine on the coalition side."

"Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, there was a downside trend, but at the time of the crisis, reinforcements from the three major forces, the Sanshou Union, the Mercenary Union, and the Refiner Union, arrived.

"It turned out that as you can see, Qing Yunzhen held on, but the only people I survived were a monk who knows the situation and dozens of them."

The man in blood clothing spoke indifferently, as if he was telling something that has nothing to do with himself, but anyone could hear it, the grief in his tone.

"What about the other eight battlefields?" Ling Xian frowned.

"Win three and lose five."

The blood-covered man looked calm and said, "It is needless to say that the five lost, all the coalition owners died in battle, and the three that they won were also as heavy as Qing Yun's."

After hearing that, Ling Xian fell into silence. Although I didn't see it myself, I can imagine how terrible it was.

"After this war, the major forces were severely injured, and all the powerful men of Daoism combined, not more than ten."

The blood-skinned man's complexion finally changed, bitter and hopeless.

He couldn't help but despair, and there were less than ten monks of Mingdao, how could he resist the magic gate?

"It should be almost over the magic gate." Ling Xian said silently.

The current situation is that the coalition forces and the magic gates stand in five battlefields, and the strong ones who have lost should be similar. In other words, there was no victory or defeat in this battle, and it remained in a balanced state.

The next thing to look at is the knowledge of both sides. Whoever has the most cards will be the winner.

"Unclear, or rather unsure."

"The magic gate is too weird. According to the spies lurking in the magic gate, the magic gate has only thirty Mingdao monks."

"So at the beginning, the major forces did not take the magic gate to heart."

"I didn't expect that there would suddenly be so many wise men, and until now, the major forces could not find out the origin of those people."

The blood-covered man smirked without any hope.

"Can you describe those people?" Ling Xian frowned, suspecting that those people were extraterrestrial demons.

"It's the same as human beings. The only difference. How to say it is a feeling that is difficult to describe."

The blood-covered man frowned, pondered for a while, and couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

Seeing this, Ling Xian was not difficult for this person, and comforted: "Forget it, take good care of it, the war is not over."

"Yeah, the unfinished war, endless bleeding." The man in the **** sighed, suddenly coughing violently, and spit out black blood without a cough.

"Poisoned?" Ling Xian's complexion changed slightly, and a ray of flames of evil spirits popped out, dissolving toxins in the man's body.

However, it did not work.

This poison is extremely powerful. In the face of the evil flame of the ten thousand poison nemesis, not only did not escape, but instead rushed up.

Suddenly, the flames shrank, turning from a ray into a flame.

This caused Ling Xian to shake. Burning the evil flames was a poisonous nemesis. Even in a poisonous place like Wandulin, it could not fight the fire.

However, this toxin has destroyed the flame of burning evil spirits. Although it is just a ray, it is quite incredible.

"Good domineering toxin!"

Ling Xian's expression calmed down, and her palm rose into the flames and broke into the man's body.

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