At the top of the mountain, Ling Xian frowned and fell into silence.

There is no doubt that the nine battlefields at this moment are extremely dangerous and no different from the ten dead land.

Therefore, staying in the Red River Valley is undoubtedly the best choice. Even if the coalition forces are defeated, he will not lose his life, but after that?

Once the Mo Men ruled the Xuanwu continent, how could he stay in his place? Even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, he left the Xuanwu continent alive, but after all, it is difficult to get rid of the extraterrestrial demon.

Therefore, Ling Xian was silent for a long time and decided to go with the man.

Although this may not be the last battle, it is also critical and he does not want to be absent.

At the moment, Ling Xian said in a deep voice: "I'll go with you and change my guard to the Red River Valley."

"You ..." The man in white sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, most people have no hope in this battle. Therefore, I don't want you to die."

"I understand, can I survive if I don't go?" Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Of course, even if the coalition really loses, you can save your life." The man in white firmly believed.

"Will there be a complete egg under the nest?" Ling Xian sighed, and said, "I have a deep resentment with the magic gate. Once the magic gate rules the basalt continent, no matter how big the world is, there is no place for me."

"Even so, you have a chance to escape."

"No need to say more. You saved the lives of everyone in the Red River Valley. I will never allow you to join the war."

"Moreover, even if you go, you can't control the situation."

The man in white looked at Ling Xian seriously and said, "Listen to me, stay in the Red River Valley. Once the news of the coalition's defeat is heard, leave immediately."

"The legs are on me, you can't stop me." Ling Xian smiled, suddenly feeling weak and weak in her limbs.

This frowned and shook him quite a bit.

One was that they didn't notice it, the other was that there was no change in burning the true fire, and the third was that the man would poison himself.

At present, Ling Xian looked slightly cold and said, "You have poisoned me ..."

"It's not poison, it's a medicine."

"This medicine is colorless, odorless, invisible and quality. It is not only harmless to the human body, but it is good."

"It will make it difficult for creatures to move in a short period of time, but when the potency of the medicine is over, it will improve its cultivation."

The man in white smiled slightly and said, "I originally intended to use it on myself, but you saved me and wanted to go to war, so I gave it to you."

"It's no wonder that the burning of the flames of evil spirits didn't move. It turned out to be a drug that was good for me." Ling Xian stunned, and then smiled bitterly.

Although this medicine is good for him, he can't move in a short period of time. When he can move, I am afraid that the battlefield of the Ninth National Congress has already won.

"Well, in order for me to stay, you took great pains." Ling Xian sighed.

"You are my life-saving benefactor. I must not watch you go to death."

The man in white chuckled, seeing Lingxian's decision to resolve the drug, said: "No effort is needed, this is not a poison. If you use all means, you can't solve it."

"I want to know, how long can it imprison me?" Ling Xian said silently.

"Seven days at least, March at most."

The man in white smiled brightly and said, "Just count at least seven days, and you have no time to fight."

"Maybe, give me five days, and I can let Yaojin pass." Ling Xian smiled slightly before he tried it. If he did it all, it would take five days to make Yaojin disappear.

After all, his physical body has reached the seventh state, and his resistance in all aspects is very strong.

"Sure enough, even the candidate of the Emperor of the Emperor, without seven days, wants to make the medicine disappear."

The man in white took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "It's a pity that in five days, you can't make it."

"Anyway, I want to give it a try, in case it's too late." Ling Xian said silently.

"Stay in the Red River Valley with peace of mind, I will send someone to guard the place, so as not to be disturbed by you."

"If I return alive, I will drink 300 cups with you, and if I die, please live well."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, I'm gone."

The white man smiled, turned into a silver dragon, and left.

The next moment, eleven figures cut through the sky, with moths fighting against the fire, rushing to different locations, but destined to the same fierce battlefield.

This made Ling Xian silent, looking at the direction in which the twelve people disappeared, without looking away for a long time.

They may not all be good people and may have committed many sins, but at this moment, they are worthy of respect.

"Did you miss the last battle ..." Ling Xian sighed helplessly.

The medicinal power is too strong, and even he is weak and unable to gather strength.

"Whether it's too late, I will try my best."

Ling Xianmu's eyes turned firm, her destiny turned to famine, and she strived for an early cure.

It's a pity that after three days, Yaojin is still so powerful.

This made Lingxian bitter, but did not give up, and finally, at the fifth day of sunrise, the medicine strength completely disappeared.

Immediately, the majestic energy poured out, nourishing his internal organs and strange veins.

Suddenly, his cultivation began to strengthen, and finally, he stopped at the peak of the early Ming Daojing.

In other words, he is now one step away from the middle of Ming Dao.

"Good medicine. If I rely on penance alone, I want to reach this step, and it will take years to say less."

Ling Xian was sighed, and then she gathered the nine heavenly **** wings, intending to fight the nine battlefields ahead.

Although five days have passed, no news came, in other words, no decision was made.

However, just as Lingxian rose into the sky, a sudden killing sound came from outside the Red River Valley.

"What's going on, isn't Momen sending troops again?" Ling Xian frowned.

The strategy of the Red River Valley is of great significance. It is worse than the other nine battlefields and must not be lost.

Therefore, he can only temporarily abandon his intention to go to the battlefield of the Ninth National Congress, and instead fly to the periphery of the Red River Valley.

After a few breaths, Lingxian appeared on the periphery of the Red River Valley, and her expression calmed down.

Because of this, the magic gate has made a comeback. Although there are not many people and only three, they are all strong in the early days of Ming Dao!

"My guess is indeed correct. It is true that the tiger is detached from the mountain. The magic gate has not given up the Red River Valley."

"The other nine battlefields are not fake. This time, the magic gate is trying to win the top ten battlefields in one fell swoop and lay a victory!"

Ling Xian sighed, and entered the stadium like a dragon, crossing between the coalition forces and the three seventh-strength powerhouses.

Suddenly, nearly 30,000 people looked happy, and the three elders of the magic gate all smiled.

Icy smile.

"You are really here."

An old man in a purple shirt said with a cold voice, killing himself in the cold and sweeping the wilderness.

The other two were also murderous and burst into cold.

"Are you here to die?" Ling Xian glanced at the three of them, dancing in a white robe without wind.

"Hahaha, ridiculous!"

The old man in purple clothing laughed wildly and said, "You don't even think about how many pounds or two you have, it is really stupid."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come to war!"

Ling Xian was thinking of the nine battlefields, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with a few people, and didn't need to talk nonsense.

Ben is as deep as the sea, and at a critical moment, why bother to say more?

Only one word.


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