The Red River Valley is a vast region with meandering mountains and ancient trees. It is a treasure trove that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At this moment, the first birth of Chaoyang is sprinkled with pale golden light, and the figure sitting on the top of the mountain is like a **** of heaven, aloof from all beings.

It is Lingxian.

His eyes were closed tightly, Dao marks increased, he breathed heaven and earth aura, and enhanced cultivation.

Unfortunately, the effect is minimal, like a stone falling into the sea, a ripple is hard to splash.

This is also impossible. In the seventh realm, cultivation becomes more difficult. It only takes hundreds of years to talk about reiki, and it is possible to break through a small realm.

Therefore, Ling Xian felt the urgency. Although he still has hundreds of years to live, don't forget that there is a curse of Tianyuan in his body.

This curse is terrifying and sinister, which will eat away his life a little bit, especially after swallowing a hundred steps, the power is even more powerful.

According to Ling Xian's estimation, every day, the curse of Tianyuan will devour oneself for four days. In other words, if someone else spends one day, he equates to five days.

As a result, he naturally felt urgent. However, he also understood that no matter whether it was a breakthrough or a drug search, he had to look at the opportunity and couldn't rush.

"Let it be, the priority is to deal with the magic gate."

Ling Xian sighed and frowned at the thought of the magic gate.

Six months have passed since the last battle. In the past six months, the Momen has not sent troops here, just like forgetting the Red River Valley.

However, the situation in the other nine battlefields became more severe, and every time news came, the situation was a little worse.

In the face of the strange and powerful magic gate, the coalition forces were fettered and defeated. If it weren't for the numbers, I'm afraid the other nine battlefields would have collapsed.

However, judging from the current situation, the collapse is sooner or later, unless we can crack the strange ways of the magic gate.

"The situation is very grim. The means of the extraterrestrial demon are too weird and unfamiliar to start."

Thinking of the news from the battlefields of the Ninth National Congress, Ling Xian sighed and worried.

The magic gate is an indigenous force on the Xuanwu continent. Even if the means are weird, the major forces will understand a little bit, so as not to be beaten so badly. But the fact is that they were beaten without any counterattack, which proves that those weird means come from outside the demon.

"Hopefully, the major forces can abandon their selfishness and join forces to fight the enemy." Ling Xian muttered to himself.

Although the war situation has not yet reached a critical moment, it is already very grim. If the major forces threw their selfishness, then this battle could not be fought.

And just as he frowned, a silver dragon broke through the clouds and landed in the form of an adult. It was the man in white.

He fastened his eyebrows and Shen said, "A big deal has happened!"

"What is it?" Ling Xian frowned slightly.

"The Momen increased its troops to the nine battlefields. It seems that even if it is not a decisive battle, it is a coalition that wants to defeat nine battlefields in one fell swoop."

"It doesn't make sense. Although the magic gate is powerful, from the perspective of the number of top powerhouses, the coalition still has the advantage."

"Just because of selfishness, the major forces did not do their best."

"So, the way that is good for the magic gate should be to fight the war of attrition and win the battle, only to force the major forces to abandon selfishness, which is not good for the magic gate."

Ling Xian was suspicious and couldn't understand Momen's plan.

"You're right, but that's the old yellow calendar."

The man in white smiled bitterly, and said, "Guess how many strong men did the Momen send?"

"What time is it, do you still let me guess? Hurry up and say." Ling Xian frowned, her voice a little bit heavy.

"Speaking of it, it's incredible. How could the magic gate have so many powerful people?"

The man in white sighed and said, "The magic gate sent ten strong men of Taoism to each battlefield, that is, a total of ninety."

"Ninety strong men?" Ling Xian was shocked, and Rao felt shocked by his mentality.

That is a rare seventh-world power, not a little monk who can be seen everywhere, and even if the top forces are added together, there may not be ninety.

Although the magic gate has a deep foundation, it is only a force after all. How can it be possible to have ninety wise men?

"This is impossible. Although the magic gate has been passed down for 100,000 years, the depth of the foundation is profound. There is no force in the world that can control it."

"When it comes to the number of top powerhouses, no force can match it."

"But the ninety wise men are too incredible."

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly. He spent some time in Momen Cave, and determined that there were only thirty monks of Ming Dao in the Momen.

Some have died in the past two years. At present, it is not bad to have 20 people. How can it be as many as 90?

"I don't think it's incredible, it's nothing but night and day, but it's true."

The man in white smiled bitterly, and said, "Ninety monks of Ming Dao are not bad. They are all flesh and blood.

Hearing that Ling Xian's brows frowned even tighter. He determined that there were only twenty Seventh-level monks left in the Demon Gate. The remaining seventy people came from?

Is it possible that it is an extraterrestrial demon?

Thinking of this possibility, Ling Xian suddenly sank with a heart, her face also gloomy.

If he guessed right, the problem was even worse.

Although Ling Xian did not know what the extraterrestrial demon had attempted, he knew that once the extraterrestrial demon entered the basaltic continent, bad things would happen!

"Together with the battlefields of the Ninth National Congress, the original eighteen strong men of the Taoism are now 108."

"This is an incredible number. Even if the major forces add up, they may not be able to make up a hundred wise men."

"Therefore, the major forces have given orders and asked me to wait for support."

The man in white sighed, showing a little despair.

One hundred and eight Mingdao strong men, this number is too terrible, and whoever changes it will inevitably feel despair.

"Doesn't Xuanwu continent have the eighth realm?" Ling Xian frowned.

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't, but one thing is certain, the eighth state power has not yet appeared."

The man in white was helpless, and said, "That is to say, we can only fight dead."

"Death battle ... what a heavy word." Ling Xian sighed, "You are all gone, what will Honghe Valley do? In case, the magic gate is to move the tiger away from the mountain?"

"One hundred and eight Ming Dao strongmen have already formed an array. Even if they are tuned away, we can only be fooled."

"The nine battlefields are very important. If they are occupied by the Momen, the situation will be even more dangerous."

"Moreover, this is likely to be the last battle. There is no such thing as a tiger."

The white man smiled bitterly, apparently with no hope.

Seeing this, Ling Xian groaned for a moment, she said, "I'll go with you."

"No, you have to guard this place."

The man in white refused, saying, "The Red River Valley is also very important. You must leave a monk who knows the way to sit in the town. You are undoubtedly the best candidate."

"My ancient Buddha relic may help." Ling Xian began.

"Useless, this method has never appeared since you broke that particular method."

The man in white sighed and said, "So, you stay."

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