Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1659: Salute the hero

Looking at Ling Xian while teasing the undead cat while watching the drama, the man couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't know what to say.

The same is true of all coalition forces, but no one will blame anything.

Ling Xian is the biggest contributor to this battle, not to mention leisurely watching a theater, even if you cheer for the magic gate, no one dares to blame it!

Of course, Lingxian couldn't cheer up the magic gate. The reason why you watch the show leisurely is because there is no suspense in the battle.

Without the blessing of that particular method, the magic gate is no different from ordinary people, not to mention that it is difficult to stop at one thousand and two at first.

The same is true of those elders who have lost their qualifications to fight against the twelve wise men.

Therefore, the war situation showed a one-sided trend. In a few breaths, the magic gate was dead. Not only did no one die on the coalition side, not even minor injuries.

The battlefield above is also similar. Although the five elders who fought hard all died, it was difficult to compete with the twelve wise men.

A moment later, the death of five elder elders meant that the battle had come to an end.

Suddenly, there was a huge cheer in the whole battlefield, everyone was dancing and excited and couldn't help themselves.

"Win, we win!"

"This is the biggest victory in two years and the perfect victory!"

"Thanks to this boy, if he didn't break that special method, even if he could win, he would have to pay a huge price."

Everyone was cheering, trembling with excitement, and burst into tears.

In the past two years, although the coalition forces have defended the Red River Valley, they have been filled out with human lives. Without sacrificing more than 70,000 people, it would be impossible to block the magic gate.

Therefore, it can be said that the coalition forces did not win once, and now they finally win. The enemy was wiped out at a very small price. This can be said to be a great victory. How can we not let them get excited?

And all this is given by Lingxian.

Therefore, everyone looked at him with respect, as if looking at a Supreme Deity.

Then they will kneel on one knee, lower their heads, and pay the most sincere respect to Ling Xian.

There was no eye contact and no word agreement. Nearly 30,000 people saluted, all from the heart.

Even the twelve seventh-level powers bent down and bowed deeply at Ling Xian.

They are paying tribute to the heroes and thanking the benefactors!

I have to say that this is a very shocking and moving picture. Without respect to a certain degree, it would never have happened.

Therefore, Ling Xian was moved, somehow sour.

Immediately, he rose up and bowed deeply at 30,000 people.

This made everyone panic, one by one.

Ling Xian was not only the biggest contributor to this battle, but also the seventh-highest power in the high place, which naturally made them feel panic.

"I'm not a hero, I just did what I should do."

"The real heroes are you, those who died!"

"You may be humble or ordinary, but you who are sacrificing your life for the continent are worthy heroes!"

Ling Xian was so calm, her words were stern and powerful, and she spoke loudly.

Suddenly everyone cried. This time it was not the tears of joy, but the feeling of being understood and recognized!

For two years, they have been holding on to the first front, throwing their heads for the continent, shed their blood, and set aside life and death.

However, no one ever gave them comfort, let alone praise.

Right now, Ling Xian said, a hero made them burst into tears!

"Hero? Mother, have you heard me, your son I am a hero!"

"It's worth it, brother, your blood doesn't flow in vain!"

"Brother, your spirit in heaven can rest. In this world, somebody will finally recognize us!"

Everyone cried. They didn't ask for glory or praise, all they wanted was an approval.

However, they waited for two full years without waiting for a comfort.

Right now, Ling Xian gave the word hero, which is the best comfort and the greatest recognition for them!

"Perhaps, Qing Shi will not bear the names of each of you, but in the hearts of the world, you are all indelible marks."

"At least, I will remember you, remember the Red River Valley 100,000 soldiers, 100,000 heroes!"

Looking at the tearful face, Ling Xian's eyes were wet, and he once again bowed deeply towards the crowd, for nothing else, just to pay tribute.

Tribute to the hero!

The world will always remember the biggest heroes, such as Ling Xian, mentioning the Red River Valley, he is definitely the most dazzling existence.

But in his opinion, the unknown hero is even more memorable and worthy of respect!

For example, 100,000 soldiers in the Red River Valley. Although they are as humble as dust, in order to protect the continent, they have no complaints and no regrets, and they give their lives.

And watching Ling Xian bow again, 30,000 people cried louder, and looked more respectfully at him.

The mighty seventh realm bowed to them twice, and this move undoubtedly reached its peak. The same is true of his respect.

It is no exaggeration to say that if anyone now accuses Ling Xian, even if it is the eighth level of power, they dare to go up and desperately!

"We all ignored their feelings and their merits."

Looking at the crying 30,000 soldiers, the man in white sighed, full of guilt.

The same goes for the rest.

They are leading figures, and they should have recognized them. But they are all high powers in the seventh realm. How can they care about the life and death of ants?

Right now, they looked at the crying faces and finally realized the mistake.

One hundred thousand soldiers is indeed humble, but everyone deserves respect!

Lingxian is even more respectable!

He not only looked down on these people, but bowed towards them twice, paying his most sincere respect. With that in mind, he deserves respect from everyone.

"Well, we are leaders, but we are accepted by an outsider. It is a failure."

The man in white sighed and fell in front of Ling Xian, his eyes were very complicated.

The same is true of the rest, especially the black man, which is extremely complicated.

Because he was the elder of Jielizong, witnessed Lingxian alone, and went through the whole Jielizong.

"I don't know which force your friend came from?" The man in white said, feeling Ling Xian very strange.

"I am a casual repairer, and I don't belong to any force." Ling Xian smiled lightly.

"So it is." The man in white smiled. "I will tell you the truth and ask him to give me a reward."

"No need, I shot for the mainland, not for reward." Ling Xian waved.

This made the man in white froze, then apologized and said, "I made a mistake, and I ask your friend to forgive me."

"Anyway, give me a place to live. The Momen is bound to make a comeback. During this time, I will stay." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Okay, please follow me."

The man in white was full of joy, and Ling Xian was there, and the special method of the magic gate was not a concern, naturally it made him feel happy.

Then he flew forward.

Ling Xian followed closely behind.

Everyone's eyes followed him closely, until he disappeared and did not take back.

The look was full of respect and gratitude.

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