Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1656: Not arrogant

In mid-air, the two men and horses faced each other nervously, and the solemn atmosphere made the world and the sky dark.

The dark air on one side rose and the magic was dazzling. There were more than ten people, and the last time was also in the middle of the sixth realm.

The leading old man was even more powerful to the seventh state, and the power of the prestige was terrifying.

In comparison, the other side is undoubtedly a lot weaker. Not only are there only three people, but they are not the seventh strongest.

However, there was a decree suspended on the head of the leading man, such as the big sun and the sky, shining and immortal, shining for nine days.

It is precisely because of the existence of this law that the old man feels pressure and does not directly shoot.

The two sides faced each other tensely, the atmosphere was so dignified, and the void shuddered slightly.

At this moment, the void suddenly twisted, and then Ling Xian stepped out.

Suddenly, he was like the only luminous body between heaven and earth, attracting the attention of everyone on both sides of the confrontation.

"Is it you ?!" The leading old man froze slightly, and then became furious.

"You are ..." Ling Xian frowned, doubting and helpless.

Anyone with a good eye can see that the confrontation between the two sides is about to begin. If you can stay out of the situation, that's fine. If you can't, you will be caught up in the storm.

"Damn, you don't remember me!" The old man became more and more angry, and the mighty magic power came out, shaking Tianyu.

This made Ling Xian startled, and said, "Are you the elder of the magic gate?"

"Hum, boy, it's so hard for me to find you by the magic gate." The old man snorted coldly, revealing his murderous power.

For Momon, the most hated person is Ling Xian, even if the major forces together, it is not as bad as hating him alone.

But he took control of the Demon Array, and let the Demon sweep his face up and down, how can he not hate it?

"The magic gate is really a small belly chicken intestine. It's a small festival and I never forget it." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled.

"Small holiday? You dare to say it's a small holiday?" The old man stared at Lingxian, biting his teeth.

This caused the other three to hold back, suspicious and happy.

The enemy's enemies are friends, that is, no matter what identity Ling Ling is, in this case, they are all friends. In this way, naturally feel happy.

"Isn't it? Isn't it just ruining your demons and taking two treasures by the way?"

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Furthermore, these two treasures were given to me by your magic gate teacher."

Didn't it just destroy the Demon Array, and took two kinds of treasures by the way?

The old man almost vomited blood, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, do you know how important the big array is to my demons, that is one of the most important foundations of my demons!"

"Then I can only say that your Momen foundation is too bad." Ling Xian spread his hand.

What he said was the fact, without any exaggeration, but it fell into the ears of the old man, which was undoubtedly a naked shame.

He had no choice but to refute.

This matter has already been settled. It is true that in front of Ling Xian, the magic gate is very bad.

"Magic battle? One of the most powerful formations on that basaltic continent?"

The lead man froze, and the two behind him were also a little embarrassed, sincerely unthinkable.

The magic gate formation is famous all over the world, and it is one of the strongest formation methods recognized in the world. It has guarded the magic gate for 100,000 years. However, it was destroyed by Lingxian. What an incredible thing?

What's even more incredible is that Ling Xian gave a very bad evaluation to this array, but it turned out that the elders of the magic gate did not refute!

This means that what he said is the fact, and naturally it is to let a few people stay.

Afterwards, the eyes of several people looking at Ling Xian changed, and they became a little awed.

A person who destroys the magic gate, even the masters of the top powers, must be in awe of three points!

"Boy, I'm going to smash your skin and cramp your bones!" The old man drank hard, shaking with anger.

"You don't have this ability yet." Ling Xian glanced at the man slightly, and turned her eyes to the leading man, and said, "Who are you?"

"I am the elder of the primordial holy land. I was ordered to go to the Red River Valley to fight, halfway through, and met them." The lead man answered respectfully.

"So it is." Ling Xian frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, turned her gaze towards the old man, and slowly spit out a word of utter madness.

"Three of them, I'm insured, you wait to leave."

The voice fell and the audience was silent.

Everyone felt that Ling Xian was so arrogant that even the leading men and others were a little speechless.

It's too arrogant, but the old man is seventh-powerful. Who dares to talk to him like that?

"Boy, I promise you will die terribly." The old man looked somber, the killing spirit surging surging, straight to Xiaohan.

"It seems that if you don't plan to leave, let me contribute to the demon removal."

Ling Xian chuckled, and immediately converged to smile, turning cold.

The next instant, he tore the void with his bare hands, and smashed a punch in front of the old man!

This fist has no dynamic force nor normal power, but the purest physical force. But it was such a simple punch that made the old man change color.

Too strong and too fierce, just like a wild beast. If you hit it at will, you will have great power!

Therefore, the old man changed color. He squeezed Baoyin in his hand, turned the evil dragon into a monster, shook it up, and shook the **** fist!

As a result, it was instantly smashed.

Lingxian Shenquan shocked the sky, powerfully destroyed the black dragon, and then banged on the shoulder of the old man.

Blood flowers bloomed, bones shattered, and the old man was smashed into the ground, coughing for blood.

This scene stunned everyone present, all eyes widened, full of shock.

That ’s the power of the seventh realm. It was actually suppressed by Lingxian's punch, which is incredible.

"Ah, **** it, **** it!" The old man snarled in the air, blackened the demon, and broke his hands with his hands.

"Break me!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes flickered with cold electricity, and she shook the devil with the power of pure flesh. It was only three strokes and she was broken.

This shocked everyone and made the old man desperate.

The demon ghost is his strongest method, but in Lingxian's hands, he just insisted on three moves. How can he not feel despair?

"Too fierce, too powerful."

"That's the power of the seventh realm. It was unbelievable that he was defeated by two moves."

"This is the strong, the real strong!"

The crowd exclaimed, and finally realized that Ling Xian was not arrogant, but confident!

Even if he is arrogant, he has this capital!

"Go, hurry!"

The old man shouted, realizing that he wasn't Ling Xian's opponent, and Cangjie turned toward the rear.

"Come here, why bother to leave?"

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, the law phase turned across the sky, covering the hands of the sky and the sun, covering the demons.

The next moment, the blood flowers bloomed, even the most powerful old man was pinched by the sky.

This made the leading men and other people's legs soft and awesome.

"It's over, but it's started."

Ling Xian sighed, the meaning of this battle seemed to be nothing, except that he killed several demons. But in the deepest sense, he formally participated in the war between Xuanwu Continent and Momen.

However, Mormon and him are endless, and even if he does not kill the person, he cannot survive alone.

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