Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1657: Fighting again

"The smoke is rising, and the flames are constantly burning. I don't know when it will stop."

Ling Xian sighed, knowing that the Magic Gate was moving this time, either completely failed or dominating the mainland.

It is impossible to stop until any one result appears.

"Thank you for your predecessor's help. Saving me is in danger."

The leading man came forward and thanked him, in addition to being grateful in his eyes, he was in awe.

It took only a few moves to suppress a seventh-level power. Who can fear such a strong person?

"I ca n’t say thank you. I didn't do it to save you." Ling Xian waved his hand. If it wasn't for the magic gate that had grudges against him, he would not be involved in the storm.

"No matter what the predecessor is, the result is to save the lives of the three of us, so we should say thank you."

The man's expression was sober, he said, "This kind of gratitude is so great that if my day is useful to me, my predecessors will speak."

Hearing the words, the other two also expressed their opinions, saying that they wished to be Lingxian's brains, and did not hesitate.

"Okay, let's talk about the Red River Valley." Ling Xian shifted the subject and asked, "Where is one of the battlefields?"

"Yes, although there are battlefields everywhere today, there are only ten battlefields on the largest scale, and the Red River Valley is one of them."

"The strategic significance of this place is great, so the fighting is fierce."

"Recently, there was news that the Momen sent troops to the Red River Valley and wanted to defeat it in one fell swoop."

"When I got the news, I came to support with the teachings."

The man spoke one after another and briefly said.

"Teaching too early, only a few of you were sent?" Ling Xian frowned. All three were monks in the Sixth Level. In this top-level war, they could play a very small role.

"There are too many battlefields. Although I am too early, the Holy Land is as strong as a cloud, but it has already been sent to the top ten battlefields. There is no extra power."

The man smiled bitterly and said, "However, the palm taught me a decree, enough to withstand the attack of the strongest in the early seventh stage."

Hearing that Ling Xian moved her gaze towards the law suspended in mid-air, and the star eyes flashed with a bit of surprise.

I saw that the magic of the law was dazzling, the rhyme flowed, and a fiery red character was printed on it, Royal, Defensive Royal.

This word contains the heaven and earth road, the universe is reasonable, at the first sight of Ling Xian, she was amazed.

"It is worthy of being the Lord of the Holy Land in the beginning. From this one word, we can see how extraordinary he is."

Hearing that the men and others all smiled, as if Ling Xian boasted that they were the same.

"Except for the sacred place in the early days, haven't other forces sent reinforcements?" Ling Xian asked.

"Should also send troops, after all, the Red River Valley is very important and cannot be broken by the magic gate." The man hesitated.

"Hopefully, this war is about the entire continent." Ling Xian sighed and groaned for a moment before deciding to go with the man to the Red River Valley.

The magic gate at this moment can already be regarded as an extraterrestrial demon, and the extraterrestrial demon is the common enemy of the entire universe.

Although Ling Xian did not know exactly what the extraterrestrial demon intended to do, he knew that once the basaltic continent fell into the hands of the extraterrestrial demon, it would inevitably have extremely bad consequences.

At that time, even if he leaves the Xuanwu continent, he will not be able to survive alone.

"Also, let me contribute a little bit of power." Ling Xian sighed, her expression turned firm.

This pleased the man and said, "Senior, are you going to take a shot?"

"I have no other choice." Ling Xian chuckled, and said, "Take the way, I will go to the Red River Valley with you."


From the moment the magic gate officially declared war on the Xuanwu continent, the Red River Valley became one of the most important battlefields.

Because it is located in the extreme west of Xuanwu continent, it can attack and retreat.

In addition to its excellent geographical location, the Red River Valley also has a special toxin. If refined, it will definitely become a magic weapon for victory.

Unfortunately, no one knows the method of refining. Therefore, the Red River Valley has been left unattended.

However, according to reports from the spies lurking inside the magic gate, the magic gate has mastered the method of refining.

In other words, once it is occupied by the magic gate, it will be able to distill the poison, and then the major forces will be in danger.

Therefore, the Red River Valley became the fiercest battlefield, and the two sides continued to conquer and shed blood.

Gradually, the rivers around the area were stained with blood and became a veritable Red Valley.

At this moment, the sun hangs high and sheds endless light, but it cannot dispel the coldness and bloodiness here.

There are too many dead people. From the time the Moment declared war to the present, the major forces have sent at least 100,000 people to the Red River Valley. As a result, less than 30,000 people remain.

The death of 70,000 people made this place a real Shura hell. The bones of the stump were everywhere, and the **** and corpse rot turned into a special smell, which smelled sick.

And the **** scene is even harder to look at directly. At the first sight, ordinary people will feel their legs soft.

But for the 30,000 people who survived, this was nothing.

They have long been numb, there will always be only one expression on their faces, calm, absolute calm.

That's the habit of dying, and it's the peace that can only occur if the heart is dead.

At this moment, 30,000 people form a battle array, led by twelve seventh-strength powerhouses, standing proudly outside the Red River Valley.

In front of them, there is a towering magic power, and it is a rush to kill.

Although the number is small, there are only a few dozen people, but all of them are elite. In addition, the magic gate did not know what method was used to make them tireless and not feel the pain. They would never fall without flowing the last drop of blood.

In this way, they have become a killing machine, enough to block a thousand.

The leading elders are even more terrible. Often, two or three wise monks are required to compete with one.

This is also why the magic gate can compete with the major forces. Otherwise, even if there are many powerful magic gates, it is impossible to fight against the entire continent.

"It's time to see the blood again, and I don't know when it will end ..."

On the coalition side, a man in white sighed, Jun Xiu's face was full of sorrow.

Every time a battle with the magic gates takes place, the coalition forces have to pay a huge price. There is no way. Those people are terrible. The word monster is not too much to describe.

"I don't know how many people can survive this time." The man in white sighed.

"Don't be sentimental. If you want more people to survive, you can only fight!"

A big man in black opened his mouth and looked at some of the elders in the Momen too, yelling, "Come and die!"

When the words fell, he took the lead and killed them powerfully!

The coalition forces also succumbed to them, and they were instantly murderous, deterring Chen Huan.

The fire broke out again, and all the coalition soldiers regarded death as home and fought fiercely.

However, just after a fight, coalition forces suffered casualties.

The magic gate is too strong, not only repaired very high, but also very powerful, as if arrogant to the same level of Tianjiao.

As a result, coalition forces can only adopt human sea tactics, as do the top battlefields.

Although there are only five senior elders in the Demon Gate, they are not in the slightest.

As the two sides fought fiercely, Ling Xian quietly arrived, and when he set foot, he frowned.

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