Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1655: Mainland situation

Looking at the looming locks, the old man paused, and finally understood why Ling Xian didn't stop himself.

After that, the joy in his eyes turned into despair and bitterness.

Suo Long's battle was prepared by him to prevent Ling Xian from escaping, but it became a deadly thing that cut off his vitality. How could he not feel bitter?

At this moment, the old man was full of remorse, hating himself that he shouldn't lay down a lockup!

Where is what lock dragon? Definitely locks his life, locks his own life!

"Thanks to your reminder, otherwise, I won't take away control of this array." Ling Xian smiled slightly, a little jokingly.

And when I heard him say that, the old man almost vomited blood, and only felt like a joke, a big joke!

How ridiculous was the array that he laid down was taken away by Ling Xian and cut off his last vitality?

The old man's lungs were exploding, but he was helpless.

He could see it clearly, even if he didn't block the road, he couldn't escape.

"You won, but you remember, Da Luozong will not let you go." The old man gritted his teeth and his face was filled with resentment.

"For a dead person and against me, I think Da Luozong will not be so stupid."

Ling Xian smiled a little, even if Da Luozong really came to see him, he was not afraid.

"Let's see, soon, you will come down to accompany me!" The old man stared at Lingxian like a ghost, demanding, terrifying and terrifying.

However, it did not scare Ling Xian.

He glanced at the old man lightly, and said, "Don't be delusional, even if Da Luozong shoots, he can't help me."

After hearing the words, the old man became silent and became bitter.

Although Da Luozong is a top force, there are several seventh-level powerhouses, but how vast is the world? Ling Xianruo hid hard to find him.

"Don't worry, I'll make you live longer, and you're a bit worthwhile."

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, the immortal **** light bloomed, and in the horrified eyes of the old man, shattered his physical body.

His soul was imprisoned by Ling Xian with the formation method, and was not broken together.

"What do you want to do ?! If you want to kill, just give me a good time!" The old man panicked, afraid that Ling Xian would torture himself.

"I won't torture you, but only if you cooperate."

Ling Xian looked indifferent, and said, "If you don't cooperate, the consequences, you should be able to imagine."

"Dream, I will not cooperate with you when I die!" The old man gritted his teeth.

"Really, I believe, you will cooperate." Ling Xian narrowed her eyes, the fire path really appeared, and wrapped the old man's soul tightly.

Suddenly, the screams echoed, one louder and one louder.

The old man was so heartbroken that he couldn't hold it in just a few breaths, begging for mercy: "I cooperate, I cooperate, you can ask whatever you want."

"Agree early, why bother?"

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and she dismissed the true meaning of the Fire Road, and asked, "I want to know the situation in the Xuanwu continent in the past three years. Or, in other words, the movement of the magic gate."

"You just want to know this?" The old man froze.

"Otherwise?" Ling Xian frowned. "Come on, I have no time to waste with you."

It was said that the old man wanted to cry without tears, and angrily wanted to hit him with a head.

If he knew that Ling Xian was asking about the situation on the mainland, he wouldn't hold on to it. It wasn't a secret anyway, and he could find it by simply finding someone.

But he mistakenly thought that Ling Xian wanted to know the secrets of Da Luozong, and suffered for nothing. Who can not feel sad if he changed?

"Hurry up, otherwise, you'll experience the pain of real fire forging your soul again."

Ling Xian spoke indifferently, scaring the old man with a stun, and almost stunned.

Real fire forges the pain of the soul, and he doesn't want to try it in his life.

At present, the old man is afraid to hesitate any more to talk about the situation in the mainland over the past three years.

"Three years ago, the Taichu Holy Land brought together all the major forces to teach, saying that the Demon Gate wanted to dominate the mainland."

"After that, the magic gate returned high-profile, but did not attack aggressively, only small frictions continued."

"But just a year later, that is, two years ago, the magic gate overwhelmed a top force with the thunder, and officially declared war on the entire continent."

"The next year, there will be a lot of smoke, and the war will continue."

The old man talked about the major events that happened in the past three years, and Ling Xian frowned, unable to help but sigh.

The magic gate, after all, waged a war.

This means that the Ningwu continent will no longer have Ningri. Regardless of its success or failure, it is destined to be in flames, with blood flowing.

"What is the situation now? Which side has the advantage?" Ling Xian asked.

"In general, it is maintained in a balanced state."

"Although from the perspective of the top powerhouses, the magic gate is at a disadvantage, but the major forces are not aligned, and each has its strength."

"Therefore, the two sides remain in a balanced state, and no one has the upper hand."

The old man answered truthfully and did not dare to hide anything.

"This is the humble side of human nature." Ling Xian sighed softly and understood the actions of the major forces.

When not forced to a certain share, no force will do their best, even if they win the war, they will be greatly injured. If not, they will be robbed by other forces.

After all, the relationship between the top forces is not very harmonious, and even there is a competitive relationship.

However, Ling Xian did not agree.

Although this approach is understandable, the Momon's hegemony has been clearly revealed. Is it necessary to wait until life and death exist before giving up?

"Fortunately, at least it was maintained in a balanced state, not to the worst." Ling Xian felt, which was also a blessing in misfortune.

"It's impossible to get to the worst point, horrible demons, what's the matter?"

The old man smiled proudly: "When the major forces reach an agreement, they must be able to smash Huanglong and defeat the magic gate in one fell swoop!"

"Know what I'm thinking after I hear you?"

Ling Xian glanced at the old man for a moment. He didn't know the details of the Supreme Shadow, but he knew that this man would never fight an uncertain battle.

Even if the Supreme Shadow is crazy, it's impossible for him to go crazy with him.

"What?" The old man froze.

"I'm praying, not everyone is as stupid as you are."

"Have you heard of the word defeating the soldiers? Haven't you said anything else, just talking about arrogance will have left the Xuanwu continent behind."

"What's more, you have to be clear about one thing, but the magic gate has endured 100,000 years and is not sure, how can it launch a general attack?"

"This time, it's not a trifle in the past, it will definitely end with one side falling down!"

Ling Xian glanced at the old man lightly.

This made the old man silent and refute, but had nothing to say.

"OK, I understand the situation, let's go."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and the real fire burst out with a wave of his hands, instantly turning the old man into ashes.

Then he tore the void with his bare hands and left Langya Dongtian.

The Langya cave sky is very wonderful, it is difficult to get in, but it is easy to get out, just smash the void.

Therefore, Ling Xian left Dongtian easily, and then he was in trouble.

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