Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1647: Too weak

In the demon stone forest, Ling Xian arched her hand toward the giant mountain and said, "Although it has withered, I still want to say thank you."

"I should be thankful."

"The Holy Fruit remains here, and there will never be a chance for resurrection. Only by leaving can there be vitality."

"Even though it's just dead, I don't want to see it wither, so I leave it to you."

Ju Shan sighed, and said, "Don't ask you to return it, just ask it to come back to life. After that, what you want to do with the Holy Fruit is your business."

Hearing that, Ling Xian nodded gently, understanding that Jushan had a special emotion for Shengguo.

He thought for a moment: "If I can bring it back to life, I will return half of it."

"If so, that would be great."

Jushan exudes joy, and groans a bit: "The holy fruit takes over the heaven and earth, and if you want to restore it to its original state, it is not enough to add vitality."

"What to do?" Ling Xian frowned slightly. He had originally planned to look for a fetish such as the water of life, but now it seems to be futile.

"I don't know, I can only speculate on the general direction." Ju Shan sighed, "I want to come, only in the treasure land of Zhong Tian Di Ling Xiu, can the Holy Fruit come back to life."

"Body? ... I wrote it down. I'll do my best no matter what."

Ling Xianzheng focused on his head. Although he clearly knew that the treasures of Taoism could be reproduced, it must be hard to find in the world. But this is ultimately a direction, a hope.

"Hopefully, you can bring the Holy Fruit back to life and keep its promise." Jushan said in a deep voice.

"Relax." Ling Xian smiled slightly and arched, "Farewell."

After speaking, he took a step and returned.

Along the way, all the peaks retreat automatically without any obstruction.

However, when he was halfway through, he was blocked by the monks here.

"You just caused the riot in the mountains." A middle-aged man spoke, greedy in his eyes.

"What is it?" Ling Xian glanced briefly at the person.

"Jiuwen Demon Stone Forest contains treasures. If you want to come, you will gain something from this trip."

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered and he said, "Give it up, otherwise, the demon stone forest will become your buried place."

"Only a few of you, also want to bury me?" Ling Xian smiled and glanced at the four or five people who surrounded her, sincerely ridiculous.

Although they were all monks in the seventh realm, they were just early days. For his invincible in the same rank, these people did not even have the qualifications for him to move his muscles.

"Suppressing you is more than enough." The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and burst his hair.

The other four were also murderous, each guarding one direction and surrounding Lingxian in the middle.

"I advise you, it's too late to return now. If you stick to it, you will die."

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, with her hands behind her back, showing the esteem of the Grand Master.

"Haha, a joke! You are really good, but after all, it's just one person. The five of us together can easily suppress you."

The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and several others laughed.

"In the face of absolute strength, quantity is just a joke."

Ling Xian glanced at a few people and said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with Seoul and want to fight, so let's go."

"If you don't see the coffin, don't cry, boy, pay for your stupidity." The middle-aged man drank coldly, raised his hand, and the traces filled.

In the seventh realm, there will be traces between raising hands and pitching, which can enhance combat effectiveness.

This is why, even if it goes against the sky, it is difficult for the sixth realm to suppress the seventh realm.

With the track mark bonus, it's not just a little bit strong, it will be a little bit powerful in all aspects.

The other four also released Dao marks, one by one swallowing mountains and rivers, imposing.

In this regard, Ling Xian did not move at all.

Even countless violent peaks can't help him. The five early monks in the seventh realm are not worth mentioning at all.

"Boy, give me death!" The man drank violently, struck the world with shock, and was shocked in all directions, terrifying.

"Unbearable, get away." Ling Xian's expression was indifferent.

This shocked everyone, and it was not difficult to suppress men, but it was a bit scary with a single crackdown.

At least it can be proved that Ling Xian is far stronger than men. The two are not comparable at all.

"Damn, show me!" The man gritted his teeth and was humiliated.

At the moment, his eyebrows glowed, and the power of Wuhun erupted, leaving him invisible.

At the same time, the other four people also released Wuhun, all of them king-level, mysterious and powerful.


This space is boiling, the five king-level martial spirits emerge from the world.

However, Ling Xian could not be moved.

The invincible emperor's imperial martial spirit, he is not afraid. What are some of the imperial martial spirits?

Even the invisibility of a man is nothing in his eyes!

"Get out of me!"

With a loud shout, Lingxian burst out of immense light, and the man suddenly coughed up blood and appeared in shape.

This made the heroes more and more shaken, especially men, even more like falling ice caves, cold all over the body.

It's terrible, and he found his trace easily. What a keen sense? What a mighty power to make him cough up blood instantly?

"It's too weak to qualify me."

Ling Xian shook her head in disappointment, raised her hand in horror and thundered, and the electric light walked around, releasing the power to destroy the world.

The next moment, a scream screamed, and several people were slashed and blackened.

This made them feel itchy, and felt thick humiliation, but more, it was fear.

The facts are already in front of them. Lingxian is definitely an invincible evildoer of the same rank. Let alone confrontation, they have no qualifications for comparison.

Therefore, a few people were embarrassed, and regretted by the dark, why did they not open their eyes so much, causing such a demon!

"It's vulnerable."

Ling Xian sighed, and was too lazy to waste time with a few people, breaking up a landslide between her hands, and blasting them all.


With clear osteogenesis, several people coughed up blood and lost the power of World War I.

Ling Xian also lost his interest in shooting. He glanced at a few people and said, "Before you start, weigh your strength first, and never overestimate yourself."

Having said that, he was too lazy to waste any more time and walked forward.

This humiliated several people to the extreme, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Ling Xian's evaluation of them was not wrong at all, it was indeed vulnerable.


After leaving the Demon Stone Forest, Ling Xian sent a message to the Lord of the Moonlight Mercenary Regiment to inquire about the spiritual treasure of Zhongtiandi.

He didn't know anyone on the Xuanwu continent, and there was only one person with high strength and status, and that was Zhong Lingyue. Therefore, he could only approach her.

After that, Ling Xian went to the mercenary union and handed over 10 million spirit stones to the mercenary who provided the information of the monster stone forest.

At this moment, the mercenary world was a sensation again, and the clues about the magic drug soared dozens of times.

Ling Xian waited patiently while sorting out the clues.

Seven days later, Zhong Lingyue sent a letter back and told him a place name.

Langya cave days.

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