Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1646: withered

In the demon stone forest, the mountain riots were cracked on the surface by Ling Xianzhen, but they showed their determination to die.

At the same time, the offensive became more and more fierce.

However, not only was Lingxian not flustered, she was more and more joyful.

The more deadly battles on the mountain peaks, the more important the things they guard. It is very likely that the mountain peaks possess the divine power and violate the secrets of the Five Elements.

Therefore, Lingxian shot even more fiercely, shaking with tremor and shaking mountains.

However, he did not kill him. The mountain peak had already given birth to his wisdom, and there was no resentment against him. There was no need to kill him.

"Get out of me!"

Ling Xian drank and twitched her hands, the air of the avenue pervaded, and she was strong against the mountains.

With a loud noise, the mountains were beaten one after the other and it was difficult to compete. In the end, even the encirclement could not be maintained.

Lingxian is too strong, really like the war immortal underworld, a brave mess.

However, Gunsan has vowed to die, even if it is already full of cracks, it is still unrequited.

This caused Ling Xianmu to suffer from cold electricity and shouted, "If you wait, don't blame me, let me blame me!"

Hearing the words, no one responded, the offensive in the mountains became more and more fierce, and his heart was expressed by action.

"It's difficult." Lingxian frowned, and the pattern of her hands emerged, turning into an imprisonment array, and a mountain peak was suppressed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, more mountains were sealed by him, stuck in place and unable to move.

However, there are too many peaks in Yao Shilin, which is endless, countless.

They succeeded and succeeded, although they were not rivals to Lingxian, they never moved forward, putting life and death aside.

This makes Ling Xian feel helpless. Although he is not afraid of the sea tactics, he can only take a seal if he does not want to kill them.

But there are too many mountain peaks here. Even if he died exhaustingly, he could not seal them all.


The mountain peaks were violent, and they followed suit, with an endless determination, vow to repel Lingxian.

Unfortunately, although they are endless, their combat power is not high and their means are relatively simple.

Even the mountain in the seventh realm is not a threat to Lingxian.

"It's not a way to fight like this, you have to solve it all at once ..."

Ling Xian frowned, and the seven days of change surrounded her body, shining for nine days, swallowing the mountains and rivers.

Even if the mountain peaks are fierce and endless, it is difficult to get close to them.

This was the case when he deliberately kept his hands, otherwise, he would have been shattered.

"Stop it and let him come over."

A sigh of sigh came and made the mountains stop.

Ling Xian also dissipated her momentum, looking into the depths of the stone forest, staring with surprise in his eyes.

His spirit has reached the seventh level. With his full release, no wind blows within a hundred miles, don't even try to hide his perception. However, he could not feel the breath of the speaker, and there were only two possibilities.

One is that the speaker uses special methods, and the other is strength, which far exceeds Lingxian.

The former is okay to say, if the latter, it will be troublesome.

"Stay back and let me talk to this person."

A sigh came again, and although Gunsan was reluctant, he did not dare to disobey, and obediently gave way.

Seeing this, Ling Xian took a big step forward, holding her head forward.

This made the undead cat scream softly, and the fleshy little claws held his shirt, not wanting him to enter.

"Anyway." Ling Xian smiled slightly, never stopping.

One is that he must enter the dense forest, and the other is that he believes that the speaker cannot threaten himself.

Perhaps the speaker's cultivation is far better than him, but if he can make a shot, he has already done it to him, there is no need to let him in.

Therefore, Ling Xian stepped calmly and eventually saw an unusually majestic mountain peak.

Standing proudly on the ground, it stands tall and magnificent, with a magnificent atmosphere, just like the emperor in the mountains, arrogant to the mountains.

And its momentum is even more like a sea than a sea, even if Ling Xian came to investigate in person, he could not detect the truth.

However, he can confirm two points. One is that his cultivation is far superior to himself. The other is that it has been so badly injured that it cannot operate.

"Is that what you want me to come in for a while?" Ling Xian asked, and the soul looked around carefully, and found no special breath.

"That's right, I'm the king of this place." Ju Shan said, "Humans, I don't want to make a big deal, you go back."

"The purpose has not been achieved and cannot be returned." Ling Xian shook her head.

"Explain your intention. If you can, I don't mind taking a step back." Ju Shan sighed.

"I want Tao fruit." Ling Xian said in a deep voice, with hope in her eyes.

"It really came for the holy fruit ..." Ju Shan sighed softly, helpless.

This made Ling Xianmu reveal her essence, hoping to turn into fiery.

He wasn't sure if Taoist Fruits existed in Yaoling Mountain, but the words of Jushan clearly told him that Taoist Fruits existed here.

"Human, you are lucky and unfortunate."

"If I switched to three years ago, I would ruthlessly bombard you, or even kill you."

"But now, I am willing to give you the Holy Fruit."

Jushan sighed, in addition to helplessness, also showed a bit of sorrow.

This caused Ling Xian to frown, and said, "Is something wrong with Tao Linguo?"

"Yes, a thousand years ago, the demon Shilin was obscured and did not bear the demon character, just the most ordinary stone forest."

"It was the appearance of the Holy Fruit that gave the mountain peaks a sense of wisdom and divine power."

"But just three years ago, the holy fruit withered, and I tried everything I could, and even transferred the sperm to it, it would not help."

Ju Shan sighed, no one could hear its sadness and helplessness.

"That is to say, the Tao fruit of the Tao is dead."

Ling Xian's brow froze, she never expected that it would be the result.

"Yes, the reason why I am so weak is because I have been sending sperm to the Holy Fruit, but it has been three years, and the Holy Fruit has not improved at all." Giant Mountain opened his mouth, showing deep fatigue.

"No wonder you are willing to give it to me, but what is the use of the dead Taoist fruit?" Ling Xian smiled bitterly.

"Maybe useless, maybe useful."

"Because of restrictions, I can't leave Yaoshilin, but you can."

"Maybe you can find a way to regenerate the Holy Fruit."

The giant mountain spoke openly, implying hope.

In the eyes of others, the Taoist Spirit Fruit is dead and cannot have feelings. But for these rocks, Taoist fruit is the parent.

Without it, they would not possess savvy.

"I see. Give Tao Lingguo."

Ling Xian sighed, whether or not the spirit fruit withered is a hope, he must take it away.

"Hope, you can find a way to bring it back to life."

The giant mountain opened, and the bottom cracked, revealing a dull, wrinkled fruit.

It has no vitality, even no moisture, and apparently has completely withered.

This surprised Ling Xianmulu, because the knowledge of Baicao Danxin gave this message.

Tao Lingguo, can be turned into mountains, stones and plants, giving strange abilities, is the first magic medicine under the immortal elixir.

A simple sentence has fully explained the contradiction of this result, and naturally surprised Ling Xian quite.

At the same time, he also smiled bitterly, wondering whether it should be happy or worried.

Obtaining the Holy Fruit is a joy, but it has withered, and it is useless.

However, this is a hope after all.

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