Langya Dongtian, one of the six major cave days in Xuanwu mainland, is also one of the famous treasures of Xuanwu mainland.

There are no treasures here, and the aura is not strong, but there are endless traces, even more advanced ones.

Therefore, as soon as Langya Dongtian was born, he was rated as one of the six major cave days, attracting major forces to fight for it.

In the end, no one got Langya Dongtian, and the major forces reached an agreement to take charge.

This is the message Zhong Lingyue sent to Ling Xian. After reading, he fell into a deep groan.

There is no doubt that Langya Dongtian is a treasure of heaven and earth, and anyone must be tempted. The most important thing is that the cave sky is full of Dao marks, which is likely to nourish Tao Lingguo.

"Take a trip, although it may not be successful, but this is the only clue at present, always try it." Ling Xian groaned for a moment and made a decision.

Not only because of Tao Lingguo, but also because one of the forces in charge of Langya Dongtian is the one known as the flesh.

He had already inquired about Zhong Lingyue. The faction was named Ji Li Zong, a very ordinary name, but its strength was definitely second to none.

Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu continent, Ji Li Zong is a terrible existence, and few people dare to mess with it.

No way, Ji Lizong is a group of lunatics, not only powerful, but also hot-tempered, and do not agree to do anything.

Therefore, even those behemoth continents located at the tip of the pyramid of the basal continent easily dare not provoke Jiuli.

"One is the body and the other is the Tao fruit. This trip must go."

Ling Xian smiled a little, Shenyi condensed and disappeared in place.

The road was calm and calm, and there were no emergencies, but what worried him was that the magic gate had already started.

Although there was no large-scale initiation of war, the Demon Gate has been high-profile and has some small frictions with the major forces.

This means that war will break out in the near future.

By then, the entire Xuanwu continent will be plunged into deep water.

This made Ling Xian worry, but he couldn't control the situation, and the only thing he could do was to do his best.

The top priority is to let the physical body enter the seventh realm and relieve the curse in the body.

Therefore, Lingxian ran all the way and came to JiLizong ten days later.

Looking from a distance, Ji Lizong is like a giant with a blue sky above his head and a foot on the earth, giving people a sense of grandeur.

"I wish I could speak a little better ..." Ling Xian muttered, but had no hope.

Ji Li Zong is notorious for being brutal and irritable, and he does not agree with the words. It is simply unrealistic to expect such a gate to speak well.

Therefore, Ling Xian was ready to be slaughtered, but he still underestimated the strange force of Ji Li Zong.

When he made a request to the disciples to guard the disciples, the disciples spoke only three words and typed them.

This caused Ling Xian to take a moment to hesitate, and repeatedly asked, before finally determining the meaning of the three words.

This means that you do n’t need to state your identity or wait for the pass, you just have to hit the palm to teach.

The only requirement is that only pure physical force is allowed.

This made Ling Xian cried and laughed. Seeing that the teachings of other schools were all reports, it was very good that Zong was very good, and he wanted to fight. This request was too strange.

However, when he went to the countryside to follow the custom, he did not quit, and suppressed the guards with one finger.

After that, he began an alternative journey.

At the beginning, Ling Xian encountered some monks who were physically in the fifth realm, and he could suppress them without much effort.

Gradually, his opponent was replaced by a monk in the sixth realm, without exception, very powerful.

But for Ling Xian, who is physically close to the seventh realm, it is still nothing.

As a result, he passed all the way, and suppressed the blockers as much as possible.

At this moment, the entire JiLizong was lively, and some retreats went out, blocking Ling Xian.

One is to see Li Xinxi, and the other is not to let him see the teacher so easily. Otherwise, why does Jiuli Zong's face exist?

"Interesting, I haven't seen such a powerful challenger for a long time."

"I never thought that, in addition to the people I tried, there were people who had such a powerful body."

"Don't underestimate the heroes of the world, you must know that there is a sky outside, there are people outside."

"This person is really good, but that is for ordinary disciples and elders. What is he worth to the true strongman of Ji Lizong?"

Disciples of Ji Lizong have spoken with pride in their words.

However, developments have shattered the glasses.

In the face of the strongest roadblockers, Ling Xian is still going forward, and no one can stop him.

This shocked everyone in Ji Lizong. It never occurred to him that even the true strongest of Ji Lizong could not stop Ling Xian.

After that, more powerful men appeared, and in the end, even the elders of Ji Lizong were alarmed.

There is no way, Ling Xian is too strong, if you let him walk in front of the Sovereign without defeat, the face of Ji Lizong will be lost.

Therefore, the strong out of customs, the evildoers are here, and they are fully attacking Lingxian.

Unfortunately, it failed without exception.

Although they are all good, several of them have reached the height of the sixth realm. However, Lingxian is stronger!

He has the ultimate strength, even if he is facing the physical body of the same realm, he can win it!

Therefore, no one could stop him, even the strongest successor of Ji Lizong was defeated in his hands.

This time, the entire Ji Lizong fell into silence, stunned, shocked to the extreme.

In terms of the physical body alone, the strongest heir is already the peak of the Ji Zongzong. Even if he is too elder and teaches, this is the level.

However, this person was defeated by Ling Xian, which means that the entire JiLizong was defeated. Physically, no one can suppress him!

Therefore, the elders who were trying to stop were not showing up, and left slumped.

Jieli Zong is already shameless. If they even lose to Ling Xian, the last piece of shame is gone.

Therefore, several elders who left too embarrassed to leave did not dare to challenge Lingxian.

This is also true of all people. In the face of the horrifying Ling Xian, they have no courage to shoot.

"Failed, I tried to lose it to one person!"

"It's unbelievable that only a few people have done this feat in the history of Ji Lizong, and today, there is one more."

"Damn, the guards on duty today don't have long eyes, so why put in such a demon?"

"That is, if it weren't for that **** guardian disciple, would Ji Lizong lose his face?"

Everyone sighed, especially the disciples who guarded them, and they wanted to cry without tears, and they could not wait to be killed.

He also behaves according to the rules, but never thought that Ling Xian was so bad!

"Now no one should dare stop the road."

Looking back at the countless defeated men, Ling Xian smiled lightly, and calmly ascended the main peak.

Afterwards, he saw a strong man sitting cross-legged.

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