Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1645: violent

Demon forests are all over the mountains, ranging from high to short, thick and thin, like a labyrinth.

These peaks are without exception, all born of spiritual intelligence, and also have special abilities.

Therefore, Lingxian came along and encountered many attacks. However, when he cracked a mountain peak, he cleared a lot.

Whether it was a weird mountain or a monk in the forest, he was terrified and did not dare to hit his idea.

You know, in addition to having special abilities, the peaks of the Demon Stone Forest are also very strong. Even if the seventh realm hits with all its strength, it may not be able to smash it.

However, Ling Xian was able to shake it out of the cracks, which proves that he also possessed the seventh-strength power for the last time.

In this way, who can not be in awe? At least in the middle of the demon stone forest, he is like a god.

Therefore, no one dared to provoke, and no mountain continued to attack.

However, when Ling Xian came to the depths of the Demon Stone Forest, she was immediately attacked fiercely.

A ray of flame burst out and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. There is a great potential to burn the sky and cook the sea.

The wind was rising, the sky was wide, sharp as the sword of heaven, and the void was broken.

The ground collapses, releasing infinite suction, like a black hole, with the power to swallow the earth.

Three kinds of attacks came, each with the power of the seventh realm. Even if it was as strong as Lingxian, it was a bit moving.

However, he was not afraid. Faced with three kinds of persecution attacks, he rolled up a large sleeve, the flames of the fire were permeated, and the sea of ​​flames was broken.

The mountains and rivers are down, the sky is bright, and the ferocious wind is suppressed.

With a punch, Wupi suppressed the ten squares and cleaned the suction.

Suddenly, three screams came. On the contrary, Lingxian stood proudly and stood still.

This made the undead cat's big eyes bright, and the fear was swept away, and her small head was raised proudly.

"You little guy, how can you be so timid with the emperor?"

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, thinking that an undead cat can also be a cute pet, and expecting it to be her own help, it's just a crazy dream.

As he laughed, the attack came again.

A sword air illuminates Tianyu, and the air of Gengjin is pervasive, just like the legendary fairy sword, which has the power to open the sky and crack the earth.

That power, even as strong as Lingxian, was moved.

At the same time, a small hill crashed from above nine days, and even the void could not bear such a huge force, and was crushed and crushed.

"It's a bit interesting." Ling Xian came to the spirit, staring at the twinkling of the sword, and the sword appeared out of the world, and the sword was strong and strong.

At the same time, he raised his right hand and approached the hill with pure power.


There was a loud noise, Geng Jin's sword qi and Qi Jue sword were annihilated, Ling Xian held the hill with one hand.

Although the ground had cracked at his feet, he was blushing and panting, as if he was not holding a mountain, but a breeze.

This scene made the monks here discolored and took a breath.

"What a terrible physical power! Even if you don't reach the seventh realm, it's not too far away."

"Unbelievable, how does Xuanwu Continent have such a powerful body? How did this person cultivate?"

"Maybe it's that powerful person, where there are a group of unparalleled metamorphosis."

"It should be. In addition to that force, which other force can cultivate such a perverted body?"

The monks here have a lot of discussion, feeling the strength of Ling Xian's physical body.

Although they are also the seventh strongest, but in terms of the physical body, it is ten thousand miles behind Lingxian.

Therefore, everyone was amazed, and subconsciously regarded Ling Xian as the one who specializes in physical forces.

Because when they want to come, such a perverted body cannot be cultivated by themselves, it must be cultivated by forces. Looking at the entire Xuanwu continent, no other force has this ability.

As everyone knows, Ling Xian's achievement is entirely his personal effort.

"That power? It seems that it is famous for its flesh." Ling Xianxing's eyes brightened, secretly remembered.

The physical body is the top priority of his practice. Naturally, he will not let go of any opportunities that may improve.

However, for now, we still have to solve this trouble.

"You can't suppress me, change it even more."

With a slight smile, Ling Xianning concentrated her strength on her right hand and threw the hill out.

This left the soul of the mountain peaks in front of him and evaded.

Oyama is very heavy, plus the immense power of Lingxian, who dares to bear it?

Therefore, all the peaks evaded, leaving the hills across the sky and falling heavily on the ground.

The earth cracked, and the hill cracked, and then it disappeared.

Although its intelligence is not high, it can also be divided into strong and weak. Ling Xian has made it clear that it is not able to compete with it. Can it wait for death if it does not run?

"Interesting." Ling Xian shook her head with a smile and continued to walk forward.

However, he was stopped by a white-haired old man.

"Taoyou, please wait."

The old man said, "Demon Stone Forest is very dangerous. If you can't go, it's better not to go."

"Thank you for reminding me, can you elaborate?" Ling Xian asked.

"I don't know. I only know that the depths are extremely dangerous. There may be a mountain in the eighth state." The old man shook his head.

"Eighth Realm?" Ling Xian frowned, but did not dispel the thought of going.

He came here for the Tao fruit, if he did not explore all of them, how could he be willing?

Right now, he arched his hand towards the old man, thanking him, and then strode forward, holding his head forward.

Perhaps it was because he defeated the hill and shocked the surrounding peaks, so he was not attacked.

But a moment later, he encountered a stormy offensive.


The mountain moved, Lingxian surrounded in the middle, and then carried out endless attacks.

Attacks shook eight wilds, Rao is Lingxian's strength, and he can't help it.

However, he was not surprised.

The mountain was violent, obviously because he touched, or was about to touch, something they could not tolerate.

In other words, there should be something in front of him, even if it is not a Taoist fruit, it is also related to the birth of the mountain and the wisdom of the mountain, contrary to the five elements.

"Looks like this is the last level. Suppressing the violent peaks, I can learn the secret here."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, the immortal **** was so bright that he turned into the invincible fist seal and faced the mountains.

Boom boom!

The mountains were violent, terrifying, and any attack made them tremble in all directions.

This left the monks in the Demon Stone Forest full of fog, wondering what happened.

However, even the seventh-level monk dared not come to investigate.

Demon Stone Forest is a treasure of trials, but deep down, it is a terrible forbidden land, not who has the courage of Lingxian.


Ling Xian stopped drinking, pinching invincible fist marks, if an invincible war immortal, swallowed Liuhe Bahuang.

No matter how fierce the mountain offensive was, and could not stop his Wushuang Emperor's fist, they were shocked by cracks.

If Lingxian had n’t stayed, some of the weaker peaks would have been shaken into powder.

However, no mountain peak escaped.

Although they have no expression, the action reveals four words.

Rather die!

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