Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1640: Ridiculous

"It's ridiculous, but dare to say that I'm not worth mentioning, it's foolish."

"Haha, you are locked up by the unremarkable formation in your mouth. What is it like?"

"If it's worth mentioning that I'm a devil, how do you evaluate the trapped you?"

"Waste in waste, this title is very suitable for you."

Everyone started talking, and their words were full of sarcasm and a little happily.

In the hearts of all the people in Momen, the guarding the mountain array is an insult that cannot be insulted, but Lingxian gave a not very strong evaluation, naturally it is the people in the Momen that are unhappy.

Right now, he was imprisoned in a large array, how could everyone not feel happy? Saying no irony?

"Waste in waste?"

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. Although pale and weak, he didn't panic.

There are five eyes in the Momen Mountain Front, and he has tampered with three, only two, and this large front will be used by him.

"Isn't it? I admit that you are excellent, and you just need to be good at it. You are also proficient in Rune Runs."

"Unfortunately, falling into my battlefield of the Momen Mountain Guards, no matter how good your skills are, it will not help."

"This large array is one of the most powerful details of my magic gate. Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu continent, there are few arrays that can match this array."

The Lord of the Demons is smiling, relaxed and proud.

"Unfortunately in my eyes, this time, it really is not worth mentioning." Ling Xian smiled, as if not trapped.

In fact, it is indeed the case, if he wants to break this array, a few breaths will be enough. The reason why he was trapped was that he wanted to use this array.

The Lord of the Demons is too powerful, and he has no power to counter it. The only way is to control the array.

"Ha ha, die hard and die, you know how ridiculous this sentence is."

"You have been trapped, but you say that the formation that traps you is not worth mentioning. I really don't know how to describe you."

The Lord of the Demons laughed loudly and looked at Ling Xian's gaze, as if looking at a complete idiot.

The same is true of everyone, one by one laughing, tears almost shed.

"Idiot? You will soon know who the idiot is."

Ling Xian shook her head with a smile, and modified another array of eyes. Now he can mobilize 80% of this array of forces.

However, it is not enough. Only by taking full control of this array can we trap the Lord of the Demons and others.

"Master, stop talking nonsense with him, take off the head and give it to the Lord Lord."

The elder's eyes were hot and he said, "At that time, Lord Lord will reward me for waiting."

"Haha, it's exciting to think about it." The Lord of the Demons laughed loudly, taking a leisurely step towards Lingxian.

When he wanted to come, Ling Xian had no resistance, so his pace was easy and slow, showing a strong sense of teasing.

This made the virgin pretty white, and fell into a dilemma.

Ling Xian saved her life, but he was also the enemy of Lord Demon Lord's order to kill, naturally embarrassing her.

But in the end, she still stood up and begged: "Master, can you let him go?"

"No discussion, do you want to disobey Lord Lord's order?"

The Lord of the Demons frowned, and said, "Back down, I can treat you as if you haven't said that. If you dare to say more, the position of the Virgin is someone else."

Upon hearing that, the virgin Jiao shuddered and smiled bitterly.

"You step back, I'm relieved to be able to stand out in this situation."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Relax, he can't kill me."

"Can't kill you?" The Lord of Demons smiled. "You're an idiot. You can't even move a bit. What ability is there to resist me?"

Hearing that everyone in the audience laughed, and were too lazy to make sarcastic remarks.

Because Lingxian at this moment is a clown in their hearts, so funny that they have no qualification to make them ridicule.

"Who said I was imprisoned? Stare your eyes wide and see clearly. Am I really imprisoned?"

Ling Xian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the last eye was tampered with. Then he waved at everyone.

A normal wave, no light, no strength, but it was a silent but loud slap, and it was drawn **** everyone's faces!

Everyone was stunned, and their faces were filled with wonder.

Even more incredible things are still to come.

Ling Xian's thoughts moved wildly, releasing extremely terrifying imprisonment power that enveloped everyone present.

Suddenly, everyone looked pale, such as carrying a 100,000 mountain, and could not help bending down.

Even the Lord of the Demon had to lower his head.

This made everyone's eyes stare out, and they took a breath.

"What happened? Why was he able to restore his freedom while I was imprisoned?"

"Did he say that he can control my Demon Array? It's impossible!"

"Illusion, must be illusion!"

The crowd was shocked and refused to believe what they saw. They urged the Royal Formation to make a decision and tried to regain control.

Everyone is full of confidence and firmly believes that when they urge the decision, they will be able to regain control. But in the end, they gave them a good shot.

Useless! Useless! All useless!

Even if the Lord of the Demon urges it, it won't help, let alone a big battle, even a little ripple can't be splashed.

"How is this possible ... the Royal Array decision, how could it not work ?!"

Everyone lost their souls, and even the Lord of the Demon Gates fell into a state of loss of mind, repeating the words 'impossible'.

"I have modified the formation of this array, to put it plainly, it is this large array that belongs to me. How can your defense strategy be effective?"

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "A bunch of idiots. The reason why I am holding a large array of prisoners and letting you insult me ​​in any way is to use this array as useful."

"This is impossible. This array is one of the most powerful formations on the Xuanwu continent. How can you say you change it?"

The Lord of the Demons is angry. From the start of the large array to the present, there is not even a moment. How can it be possible to modify the array of eyes in such a short time?

"It can't be for others, for me, what's the matter?"

Ling Xian smiled and said, "I have already said that this array is very vulnerable in my eyes. Is it difficult to modify a vulnerable array?"


The Lord of the Mormons gritted his teeth and his lungs exploded.

But he couldn't refute, no one could refute.

The facts are right in front of him. In front of Ling Xian, his magical method of pride is really unbeatable and can be modified at will!

"It turned out that he was not arrogant or an idiot. This time, he was really vulnerable ..."

Everyone laughed, a face, completely swollen by Ling Xian.

At this moment, they finally understood who the idiot is and who is the clown.

"It's so funny, it's ridiculous."

Everyone was ashamed and ashamed.

Modifying this array is truly shocking. Modifying it in less than a moment is even harder to imagine!

At least in their perception, this kind of thing is simply unheard of!

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