Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1639: Kill the enemy

"It's you!"

The word of anger resounded throughout the world, the Supreme Demon blasted, and Gai Shiwei was approaching Lingxian.

It was an indescribable power, terrifying, cold, and shocked everyone.

At the same time, there was some doubt.

At this tone, it seems that the Lord is hostile to this person?

The people were horrified, the Lord of the Demon was determined instantly, Lingxian was lying, it was not an extraterrestrial demon!

This made him irritated, but the shadow was here, and he didn't dare to make a noise.

"I said how it was a little familiar. It turned out to be you." Ling Xian narrowed her eyes and finally understood why she felt familiar.

In the past, he entered the imperial palace of the abyss to save the mushrooms.

The mysterious creature summoned by the abyss dominates this supernatural shadow in front of him.

"It really is an extraterrestrial demon. My guess is correct."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, confirming her guess, and also solved many years of doubt.

At that time, he wanted to know what the mysterious creature was, and now he finally knew it, it turned out to be an extraterrestrial demon.

"It's not that the enemies don't gather their heads. It's nice to meet you here." Gai Shiying opened his mouth, his spirit was surging, and his murderous power was revealed.

"It's really good, at least, to solve my doubts." Ling Xian smiled slightly, although in danger, she was in danger.

He has dealt with the shadow twice, knowing that this person is too strong, but the projection method is not very strong.

"Yeah, let you be an understanding ghost." The magic shadow was so angry that his eyes were like sharp swords, and he had the power to crack the sky.

"You may not be able to kill me, the mushroom, it will be here soon." Lingxian's mouth was raised, his eyes giggled.

This is of course a falsehood. Since the Abyss Demon Sea left, he has never seen that little girl again. How could he come to the Xuanwu continent with him?

"The aftermath of the Poseidon ?!" The Moying seemed unwavering, but in his tone, there was a hint of fear.

"Yes, do you still think you can kill me now?" Ling Xian smiled slightly, her heart shaking.

He mentioned the mushrooms just to make a funny shadow, to remind the person of that humiliating memory, without thinking of deterring the person. However, the performance of the magic shadow was obviously shocked.

This surprised Ling Xian, and said to his heart what kind of race the sea gods were, they could deter the powerful shadow.

"Well, even if she comes, she won't save your life."

The magic shadow snorted and said, "Boy, you have done bad things for me three or two times. Today, I will definitely crush you!"

"It depends on you, see you slaves, do you have this ability?" Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Minions?" The Lord of the Demons was angry, and so were the others.

"Devil Lord, please give this person to me, within three strokes, take his head!" Lord of the Demon Gates, please.

"Very well, go and kill this person, I will help you break into the eighth realm!" Mo Ying said, like a demon looking down at all beings.

"Eighth Realm!" The eyes of the Demon's Master revealed their radiance, and in addition to the fierce look at Ling Xian, it was killing.

Immediately, he applauded the situation in all directions and shot like a tiger down the mountain.

The void is broken, the ground is shaking, and this powerful outrageous palm, even if it is ten Lingxian, cannot be stopped.

The realm gap is too big, even if his six polar states come together, they are not comparable.

However, he did not move at all.

At the time of the sacrifice, he had already modified the formation method of this place and made it into use.

Therefore, Ling Xian stood out, waved his hand to start a large array, blocking this palm.

This scene stunned everyone, even if it was a shadow, there were a few distributions.

Obviously it is a magic gate formation, how can it help the enemy?

"Without any skill, how dare I come here?"

Ling Xian glanced at the stunned crowd and turned her eyes to the shadow: "I won't play with you, and I'll take your fate when I see you next time."

The voice dropped, and two avatars sprang out of him. After dislocation, one flew to the left and one ran back.

The three figures have the same appearance and the same breath. There is no special method, and it is impossible to see which one is the real Lingxian.

This made everyone stunned, staring at the three figures blankly, wondering which one to chase.

"Stupid, chase separately!" Mo Ying angered, trying to chase, but unable to leave.

He just projected and was confined to the altar and could not leave at all.

"Don't worry, I will cut off his head!"

The Lord of the Demon vowed, his body flickered, and he blocked ten parties with a blast of magic, stopping three Lingxian.

"Just a trail, want to stop me too?"

Ling Xianmu's eyes flickered with cold electricity, controlling the two avatars to shoot together, and powerfully smashed the magic.

Then, nine heavenly **** wings emerged, and six wings opened up to the sky.

"Fast speed, what exactly is this person?"

"Can't escape anymore, this is our place!"

"Yes, he can't escape if there is a mountain guard!"

The crowd spoke one after another, attacking the three Lingxian.

It's a pity that his speed is too fast, pulling everyone a lot, and most people's attacks can't hit him.

However, the Lord of the Demons and the Elder can.

Both of them exist at the pinnacle of the seventh realm. Not only can they attack him, but they are powerful and shocked Lingxian.

The body is okay to say that the avatar can be miserable. If it was not limited by the distance, the attack power of the two would be greatly reduced, and his avatar would have been destroyed.

"Ning me!"

Ling Xian drank, injecting mana into the clone, allowing it to last longer, attracting firepower for itself.

At the same time, he swipes his hands, and a rune emerges, hindering the pursuit.

"Damn boy, he's so proficient at Rune Run!" The Lord of the Demons burned in anger, and at the same time, there was a little shock.

"Launch the mountain guard, otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up with him." The elder narrowed his eyes and shot coldly.

"Elders obey orders, stand up and kill the enemy!"

When the Lord of the Demon drank, the moment the Baoyin was formed, the cave sky vibrated violently.

The next moment, the endless array rose, forming a magical formation, and released the earth-shattering power.

At the same time, many elders entered the battle, each holding one place, allowing this array of power to skyrocket!

Instantly, Ling Xian was locked by the power of the formation, but instead of panic, he smiled lightly.

He did not give a very strong evaluation, not because of arrogance, but because of fact.

In the eyes of his grand master, this array is indeed not very strong and can be easily broken.

However, he didn't want to break it, because it didn't help him much, and he still couldn't get rid of the pursuit.

Therefore, Lingxian didn't break the line, but played the lines and altered the ownership of this line.

Once successful, this array will be used by him!

"Boy, I see where you can run!"

The Lord of the Demons smiled, raising his hand was a seal of law, banging on the three Lingxian.


The avatar collapsed, the cloud of smoky clouds dissipated, the body sprayed blood madly, and his complexion instantly became pale.

This made everyone proud and sneered.

"I've heard that the evaluation you gave to this team is unbeatable. Now, do you dare to say this?"

The Lord of Demons made a mockery, and the winning ticket was already in his hands.

The elders also spoke one after another, with sarcasm in their words.

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