Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1641: Black moon

"How high is this person's frontier realm? It is incredible that he can completely modify the frontier in a moment."

"Abnormal, this array is one of the most powerful formations on the Xuanwu continent. It was built by a master of Daodao. This person can use it for use, does not it mean that he has the mastery of Daodao? "

"It's unbelievable how old he is. He is already a master of the front, which is too wicked."

Everyone was horrified, their eyes widened, full of wonder.

"It turned out that he was the Grand Master of the formation. It turned out that the formation of the magic that caused me to be proud, in front of him, was really vulnerable ..."

The maiden muttered, thinking of her sarcasm, she could not wait to find a place to dig into it.

It's the same for everyone, I just feel that this face has been swollen.

"Damn boy, don't think you can escape from birth if you control this array. Today, even if Da Luo Jinxian descends, he can't save you!"

The Lord's lungs were blown up with anger, and the black robe danced without wind.

The elders and so on are all the same, staring at Ling Xian one by one, can't wait for his skin to be cramped and frustrated.

"Now you are not qualified to kill me."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "I not only modified the control of this array, but also increased the power of this array by 30%, enough to trap you for half an hour."

"Hmm, it's impossible. As long as you preside over the big team, you can trap up to three seventh-level monks."

The Lord of the Demons sneered, and said, "We shot together, and we could easily break this up."

It was said that everyone was in spirit, and his face was proud again.

"Really, you can try it to see if it breaks up, but you still can't shake it." Ling Xian smiled slightly, confidently brightening Tianyu.

The Lord of the Demon Gate is right. Only one person can host a large array and can trap up to three monks of the same rank. But don't forget, he is the Grand Master of the Front.

He presided over the large array, which can be used to the extreme, without the purpose of hurting the enemy, enough to trap everyone for half an hour.

"Well, the elders followed me and blasted away!"

The Lord of the Demon drank, and the endless black light poured out, condensing into a giant axe. In a hurry, the void burst and the world was sad.

At the same time, many elders also showed their abilities, and the waves swept away, shaking the earth and terrifying.

The next moment, there was a big explosion in this space, and the endless divine light spread, drowning everything in sight.

After a few breaths of time, the Divine Light dissipated, the void was broken and ragged with holes.

However, the large array was not damaged at all, and Ling Xian was unharmed.

This made the Lord of the Demons look gloomy, and his eyes were full of shock.

Nearly thirty seventh-strength powerhouses, it is no exaggeration to say that these people joined forces to strike a sufficient force to destroy a top force!

However, it is impossible to shake this array. How amazing is this?

"I said, you can't shake it, and you're not qualified to kill me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, without irony, but in the eyes of everyone, it was undoubtedly a big irony.

There is no doubt that this is another loud slap, which was severely drawn on everyone's face.

Everyone clenched their fists, feeling humiliated and shocked.

"Impossible, this array can only trap three strong men of the same rank. How can we block the attack of nearly thirty of us?" The Lord of the Demons roared and asked everyone's questions.

"Say that you are still stupid. This array is made up of thousands of small arrays, divided into three categories."

"Attack, defense, and imprisonment. When you urge, you only use the part of imprisonment. The two types of arrays, attack and defense, have not moved at all."

"So you can only trap three monks of the same rank."

"But I have transformed the two types of arrays of attack and defense into captivity, and the power has naturally increased several times."

Ling Xian glanced at everyone and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to understand. In your hands, naturally, you can only trap three monks of the same rank, but in my hands, Wei Neng can Soared tenfold. "

It was said that everyone was angry and wanted to unload Lingxian.

Because what he said was obviously saying that they were inferior to him, naturally making everyone angry.

No one can refute it.

The facts are right in front of them. They are really not as good as Ling Xian. At least they are not qualified for comparison!

"Be honest, after half an hour, this array will collapse."

Ling Xian faintly opened his mouth, and the wings of the sky appeared, setting him up like a **** of heaven, and arrogant to all beings.

"Dammit, come back to me!" The Lord of the Demons screamed angrily, a round of black moon appeared behind him, the light locked on Lingxian, releasing infinite suction.

This caused Ling Xian to frown, and the staring eyes flashed with a dignified color.

This method is very strong, only stronger than the Supreme Supernatural Power he has encountered since his debut!

Therefore, he felt the pressure, and at the same time, he was also interested.

"This is the magical power that the Lord of the Lord gave me, boy, once the black moon comes out, you have nowhere to look!"

"The law of extraterrestrial magic?" Ling Xian became more interested.

Due to his stand, he and the demon in the outer world are in the same position, and are destined to be the enemy of life and death. Right now, it's rare to have the opportunity to see the magic of the demon outside the region, and he naturally came to be interested.

At the moment, he is running Xeon Tianyan, and the black and white divine light is flowing, trying to understand the essence and divine power of this method.

It is a pity that he could not detect anything except the infinite suction.

"Don't waste your energy, can you understand the law of the Lord?"

The demon disdain, the printing method changed, the dark moon and the evil light exaggerated, and the suction suddenly became pressure.

As if the 100,000 mountains fell down, Lingxian's mouth was bleeding and unable to compete.

One is that the Lord of the Demons is too strong, and the other is that this method is too strong, which is not what he can currently fight.

However, he has no fear.

During this time, no matter how strong the Lord of the Demons is and how strong the Black Moon is, it will not threaten him!

"Too lazy to waste time with you, go away."

Ling Xianmu's eyes fluttered with cold electricity, and with a few thoughts, thousands of small arrays turned into attacks, bombarding the strong men.

"Boom boom boom ..."

A series of roars changed the color of the sun and the moon, and the sadness of the world.

The heroes also screamed. In addition to shock, they were panic.

The power is really too strong, even with their strength, they were shocked.

In particular, the Lord of the Demons, which Lingxian focused on, was scaly and bruised, and he had become a downright blood man.

As for that round of mysterious black moon, as long as thousands of attack formations were started, it was already broken.

This method is indeed very strong. It is absolutely supernatural power, but no matter how strong it is, it cannot compare with this formation method.

After all, this is one of the most powerful formations on the Xuanwu continent. Especially in the hands of the great master of the Lingxian formation, the power has soared tenfold!

"Want to kill me, next life."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, thousands of formations were converted into captivity, and the heroes were firmly sealed.

Then he opened his wings and disappeared into the sky with a sunny laugh.

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