Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1638: It's you

In the cave house, Ling Xian opened her eyes, and she was full of light and soul.

This made the maiden bow her head and did not dare to look at him.

"The maiden is here, but the sacrifice is about to begin?" Ling Xian looked calm, but her eyes were full of dignity.

The start of the sacrifice meant that he would go through a severe test, and success would call for the magic gate, and defeat would lose his life.

"That's right. After half an hour, the sacrifice started, and the host asked me to take you seniors." The maiden smiled.

"Let's go then." Ling Xian smiled slightly and got up.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is heading for the ghost gate, but he has no choice.

At this moment, the eyes of most of the seventh-strength powerhouses in the magic gate gathered on him, and there was no chance to escape. The only thing that can be done is to go to the place of sacrifice and gamble.

If he knew his identity, he would wait for the opportunity to escape.

"Senior please follow me." The maiden stretched her arms flat and stepped away from Dongfu.

"I hope everything goes well." Ling Xian sighed secretly and followed.

Along the way, Momon disciples whispered from time to time, all of which were mocking, mocking Lingxian.

Although these people's voices were all inaudible, they could not hide Ling Xian's ears.

This made him laugh, and he did not expect that his evaluation was not very strong, and it turned out to be vulnerable.

"The power of rumors." Ling Xian sighed.

"I'm sorry, although it wasn't from me, but it has something to do with me after all." The pretty girl blushed slightly, and she didn't expect that it would not be a very strong evaluation, and it would be vulnerable.

This difference is huge, and it directly turns dissatisfaction into hostility.

"It's okay, you can't be beaten without a hit, and it's not wrong." Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile. In his eyes, not a very strong formation, it's just a blow.

When I heard this, the maiden was a little displeased, and I did not expect Ling Xian to be so arrogant.

That's one of the most powerful formations on the Xuanwu continent. Who dares to say that it is vulnerable?

In the hearts of the demons, this formation is their patron saint, which naturally makes the saints unhappy.

However, she said nothing and led the way.

Ling Xian didn't speak again, except for the dignity in his eyes, he was looking forward.

He wanted to see if the sacrifice to the magic gate was as good as he guessed.

A moment later, he and the maiden landed in a valley.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, and surrounded by white mist, the lines are hidden, releasing the heart-wrenching power.

However, Ling Xian was indifferent.

When it comes to the formation method, in the eyes of his master, he is nothing.

What moved him was the altar on the ground, and the weird evil pattern.

The magic is rising, the evil atmosphere is permeating, and the altar releases mysterious power, like a dormant demon lying on the ground, which makes people shudder.

Even as strong as Lingxian, she felt chills all over her, as if she was being stared at by ancient fierce beasts.

"A familiar altar ..."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, looking at the strangely shaped altar, I always felt that I had seen it.

It was only a moment, but I couldn't remember.

"Elder Ling is here, everyone will see you as I see it." The Lord of the Demons opened his mouth and gave Ling Xian a deep look.

"Is he the new elder elder? Even without osteoscopy, he can see that he is very young."

"Such a young seventh-level powerhouse, this one, has terrible talent."

"Well, this person is too arrogant. One of the most powerful details of my magic gate, he was said to be vulnerable."

Many Taishang elders have spoken. Some people admire and admire others.

"It is indeed a magic gate that has been entrenched for 100,000 years, so amazing strength."

Looking at nearly thirty seventh-strength powers, Ling Xian's pupils shrank and shook quite.

You know, monks in the seventh realm are rare. It is good for a top power to have three. However, there are thirty magic gates. Isn't that equivalent to ten top forces?

This kind of strength is no wonder that it can be brilliant for 100,000 years. Even if it is destroyed again and again, it can still make a comeback!

"How, my strength of the Demon Gate is still in the eyes of Elder Ling." The Demon Lord's eyes were deep, his tone implied proudly, and implied warnings.

"It's really good, no wonder it dared to fight against the entire Xuanwu continent." Ling Xian nodded slightly, hearing the warning of the Lord of the Demons, and couldn't help laughing.

"My demon gate is not just the 30th seventh-level power."

The Lord of the Demons took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "Soon, you will see the true strength of my Demons."

"Really, I'm honored." Ling Xian smiled, calmly.

This made the Lord of the Demons beat the drum again. It is really impossible to guess whether Lingxian is really energetic or pretending to be calm.

If it is the latter, it would be too acting.

The Lord of the Demons was helpless, too lazy to say, anyway, soon, I can know the answer.

"It's almost time, let the elders begin."

The Lord of the Demon's expression turned serious, and many elders were also dignified.

Then, with the exception of Lingxian, everyone forced a drop of purest apical blood.

Xiaguang blooms, the divine power is diffused, a drop of essence blood is suspended in the air, releasing extremely amazing fluctuations.

This surprised Ling Xianmulu, and she said she was really willing.

The essence of blood is the essence of the soul. Losing a drop, there are no years, don't even try to make it up.

After the essence was forced out, everyone looked pale, but their eyes were frantic.

"Let me wait with the most sincere heart to summon the great Lord!"

The Lord of the Demon drank, and pinched the singular seal.

The same was true of the crowd, injecting blood into the altar.

As if the fierce beast opened its mouth of blood, the altar swallowed up all the blood, but it was calm and untouched.

This made everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly. Although it had been expected, it was still a bit bitter.

"Well, calling the Lord is really difficult."

The Lord of the Demons sighed and turned his eyes to the crowd, saying, "Dear everyone, let's make another drop of blood."

It was said that although everyone was reluctant, they had no choice but to force a drop of blood again.

This time, there was movement in the altar, endless magic was pouring out, and a strange and evil atmosphere came.

The next moment, a world of shadows condensed and formed, which was an indescribable power and unspeakable terror.

Really like Gai Daizun came, swallowed for nine days and ten places, majestic eight wastes and six combinations!

"Here comes, my Lord finally comes!"

"This is the ultimate power. It is truly ancient and modern, and invincible!"

"Haha, there is a demon leader to lead us, my demon gate must be able to sweep the Xuanwu continent, dominate the world!"

The Lord of the Demon Doors and others showed enthusiasm, and fell to their knees without saying a word, showing how much respect they have for this demon shadow.

Only Ling Xian didn't kneel, he felt the familiar atmosphere, his brows gradually frowned.

Like the altar, he always felt where he had felt the breath.

And just as he wondered, the Lord's will finally came, and after that, the Supreme Being was stunned.

The next moment, the mighty demon mighty, with the words of anger, approached Lingxian!

"It's you!"

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