Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1637: Nearly perfect control

Ling Xian was eager to think of how he realized the peak of the Three Thousand Avenues.

But soon, he realized that it was unrealistic, and if he could do it, it would be difficult.

The pages of the Genesis book are too hard to find. It is quite difficult for him to get to four pages. Although he knew the whereabouts of more than a thousand pages, he could not shake the stone monument in the tomb.

What's more, due to some unknown reason, nearly half of the pages of the book have lost their avenue. In other words, it is impossible for him to collect three thousand pages.

"Don't expect anything more, let's be practical."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and moved her eyes to the page of Li Dao, her eyes filled with fiery.

Looking at the Three Thousand Avenues, one of the forces is undoubtedly the greatest help to him. Although even if he realizes the peak, the physical body can't be raised much, but if he integrates one of the powers, his control of the physical power will definitely be astonishing!

Therefore, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, detonating the pages of Li Dao.

Suddenly, the true meaning of Li was pervaded, and the whole world was exploded.

Boom boom!

With the deafening explosion, mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, and the stars collapsed together, and even space became nothingness.

No way, the complete avenue of power is terrible, it is absolutely God blocking God, Buddha blocking God!

Therefore, Ling Xian was shocked to bleed, her bones were broken, and her standing was unstable.

"It's terrible. It's a complete road to power."

Lingxian was shocked, but he didn't panic.

With the precedent of merging the avenue of fire, he believes that even if the avenue of force is strong, he can't compete with himself in this world.

And it turned out to be true.

After a while, Lingxian successfully absorbed the Avenue of Power, just like the Avenue of Fire, and approached its peak.

At the same time, he also approached the seventh realm physically, and only had an opportunity to sit on an equal footing with Xiu Wei.

It sounds a bit unbelievable. The understanding of the power has reached its peak. How can the physical body strengthen a small realm? But in fact, this is already very good.

The way of understanding power is to strengthen the control of power, not power.

Therefore, for a long time, Lingxian did not rely on the pages of the book to strengthen how much physical power.

If the way of strength can greatly enhance the physical body, how can he have a headache due to the physical body? The physical realm has long exceeded mana.

Therefore, Ling Xian was very satisfied to be able to strengthen to the seventh level, especially when she realized that she is now almost in an abnormal state of control, and she couldn't help laughing.

But don't underestimate control, and find it useless. In fact, it is a very important part of practice and it is very helpful in combat.

For example, a person suddenly gains huge power, and in the absence of control, his attack will not hit anyone.

And if you have enough control, it will not only be extremely accurate, but you will not waste a little bit of power.

At this moment, Lingxian's control of the physical body has reached an appalling level.

Although the strength of power has not yet reached its peak, even if his physical body has been enhanced to the eighth level or even higher, there is no need to worry about controlling power.

"Nearly perfect control, you can fully mobilize each muscle ..."

Ling Xian clenched her fists with both hands and felt the power of every inch of her body, she couldn't help but be intoxicated.

At the same time, it also showed satisfaction.

The gains this time are too great. Both firepower have reached the level of approaching the peak. Such achievements are difficult for ordinary people to achieve in their lifetimes.

You must know that the avenue is difficult to comprehend. Even a demon with a high sense of understanding cannot be in the seventh realm and will realize a avenue close to the peak.

And more importantly, Lingxian found a shortcut, without any sequelae!

As long as he can get the pages of the creation book, he can realize a certain avenue to approach the peak in a short time!

"Fortunately, I whim, I remember planting the Phoenix tree, otherwise, there is no such great harvest."

Ling Xian was satisfied, and felt a new inner world, even more satisfied.

Although only two avenues are merged, this world has undergone tremendous changes. At least it is no longer so false and a little more real.

Of course, the distance to become a real world is still ten thousand miles away.

The real world is more than just a road.

"It's a long way to go." Ling Xian sighed, not frustrated, some just looked forward.

Imagine if he played a real world against the enemy, who can resist it?

Even the invincible God Emperor Gaidai couldn't stop the blow!

"I'm really looking forward to it. By then, I will be invincible."

Ling Xian raised his mouth, then sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Looking up at the stars is fine, but you have to be down-to-earth and you have to go step by step if you want to be invincible.

Therefore, Lingxian abandons miscellaneous thoughts while practicing, while waiting for the sacrifice to come.

The top of the magic gate is waiting, or looking forward.

Especially the Lord of the Demons, he was looking forward to that moment, not only because he could declare war on the entire continent, but also because he could determine the identity of Lingxian.

These days, the more he thinks, the more wrong he is, but Ling Xian never moves and makes him feel believable.

These two contradictory ideas were entangled repeatedly, leaving him in a state of extreme entanglement. If he had not been tough, he would have been crazy.

"Wait a second, and soon, I will know your identity. If you are sure that you are lying, I will smash you to death and frustrate you!"

The main face of the magic gate is sinking in water, and he is paying full attention to Lingxian.

It's not just him, most people do.

Ling Xian's external identity is Elder Monarch. And several elders are too familiar, and the people in the magic gate are very familiar. Suddenly, one appeared, which naturally caused everyone's curiosity.

Therefore, these days, everyone is talking about Lingxian.

Unfortunately, there is too little information about him, the most interesting of which is that he said that the Momen Mountain Guard is not very strong.

That day, when Ling Xian was talking with the maiden, someone happened to be not far away and heard the conversation between them.

Therefore, the news spread its wings and spread throughout the magic gate.

At the beginning, the original words were retained, not too strong. But with word of mouth, not very strong evaluation, became okay, and that's it.

In the end, it turned out to be worthless!

At this moment, the magic gate is not willing to go up and down.

The guarding the mountain array is one of the most powerful details of the magic gate. Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu continent, there are not a few arrays that can match it.

However, when it came to Lingxian's mouth, it became worthless to mention, how could people in the magic gate not be angry?

For a time, there were ridiculous Lingxian words everywhere. I don't know what the sky is, what arrogance, it is not good words anyway.

Ling Xian knew nothing about this.

He was immersed in cultivation, his real ears turned a blind eye to the window, until two years later, the maiden came to the door.

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