Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1636: Empower Avenue

Phoenix tree, one of the heaven and earth **** tree, can attract the favor of true phoenix and produce the nirvana **** fruit.

This fruit possesses the power of Nirvana. After taking it, it is equivalent to having a life. After death, Nirvana can be born again and undergo transformation.

It can be said that the value of this fruit is inestimable, and any soul will be tempted.

However, this result is difficult to produce, and it must meet two premises. It attracted Zhenhuang to say, but it is difficult to want Huangwushu.

In the process of growth, if the tree is a little careless, the phoenix tree will wither.

Therefore, Lingxian chose to plant the saplings in the heavens and earth, and always cultivated with the essence of blood. Only then will it be possible for it to mature.

"Hope, you can grow into a towering tree and attract real phoenixes."

Ling Xian planted flaming saplings on the ground, staring in anticipation.

However, he also knew that this was bound to be a long process. Without thirty-five years, Huangwushu would never mature.

Therefore, instead of thinking about it, he put his mind on this heaven and earth.

Although it looks beautiful, the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, and everything, but in fact, this world is extremely desolate.

There is no avenue, no aura, nothing, and it is not a world at all.

"To make it truly a world, you must let it have a avenue and aura. These two points are the most basic."

Ling Xian frowned, thinking about how to make her world have its own avenue.

Unfortunately, he couldn't think of the slightest thought after thinking about it.

At this moment, he is still in the realm of enlightenment avenue, and even the state of control is ten thousand miles away, how can he create an avenue out of nothing?

"You can't create things out of nothing, you can only do it through the media, etc., the media ..."

Ling Xian groaned, and suddenly thought of something, star eyes burst into a bright light.

There is nothing wrong with letting this world have a avenue through the media. And the media, he happens to have.

Creation Book!

This treasure has a total of three thousand pages, corresponding to three thousand avenues. In legend, it is this treasure that gave birth to the avenues of heaven and earth!

Therefore, Ling Xianxing's eyes lit up, thinking that since the ancients could use it to give Tiandi Avenue, why can't they?

At the moment, he thought, and four pages of Genesis appeared.

When the time passed, Daoyun flowed, Shenguang washed the night.

Among the four pages, there are two hidden roads, namely the way of power and the way of fire, and the remaining two pages are blank.

"This world contains too many secrets. Why is there a blank page in the Book of Creation? Why is there a page in the Book of Tombs?"

Thinking of the mysterious Daling Mausoleum, the corresponding Immortal Palace of Immortal Palace and other places, Ling Xian sighed, and was full of doubts about this universe.

But it is clear that these secrets are not what he is currently qualified to explore.

Therefore, Lingxian converged and returned to the origin, that is, endowed with the inner heaven and earth road.

"You can't try it with strength. If the pages of the strength disappear, it will be miserable."

Ling Xian murmured, intending to use the pages of the Fire Road book to try.

He needs to force the pages of the book to strengthen his flesh and not to lose anything. The pages of the Fire Road book were basically useless to him.

At the moment, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, detonating the pages of the Fire Road book.

Suddenly, the mighty fire was permeated, and the whole world was enveloped in a blink of an eye.

There is no flame, not even a trace of fire, but to Lingxian, this world is already a sea of ​​fire.

The true meaning of the fiery, fierce, and endless fire permeated, instantly evaporating the water in Lingxian's body.

Immediately afterwards, his skin became dry and cracked, and his breathing became difficult.

It's too hot, countless times more horrible than Sun Island, and even the flame of Zhu Rong, the emperor of fire, cannot match it.

No way, the page of the Genesis book contains the avenue, which points directly to the avenue of the peak. In the form of book pages, naturally there is no power, but once it explodes, it releases the full power of the road!

Therefore, Lingxian changed color, and hurriedly took out the refuge beads to protect herself.

However, it was only for a moment that the fire avoidance shattered and was devoured by relentless fire.

"Would you be so fierce!"

Ling Xian was stunned, avoiding the fireball to accompany him to go north and south, even if Zhu Rong true fire, failed to break it. However, in the face of endless fire, it is impossible to hold on for a while. How incredible is this?

"Is this the power of the complete avenue? It's terrible."

Lingxian's mind and drama shook, and he receded to the rear without saying a word, but the whole world was filled with fire, and where could he escape?

Even if he leaves the inner world, it will not help.

This is his world, connected to his life, no matter what he does, he cannot avoid the attack of the fire path.

"There is no other way but to merge the fire path with the heavens and the earth. Only then can we survive!"

Lingxian gritted her teeth, resisted the pain of being burned, and merged the fire path with her own will.

He is the master of this heaven and earth, and his will is the meaning of heaven and earth, and he controls everything between heaven and earth.

Therefore, even if his strength is 108,000 miles away, he can still compete with the complete fire course, and cannibalize a little bit.

Just so, he was destined to suffer.

Burning pain wasn't a joke, it hurt his face and twisted his teeth and grinned. In the end, even with his will, he couldn't help wailing loudly.

Fortunately, this pain did not last long, and the complete flame was finally absorbed by him.

After all, in this world, Lingxian is the only master, and the true dragon has to be locked up!

After the fusion of the fire path, this heaven and earth suddenly filled with the breath of the Tao, although it was very faint, but after all existed.

This means that his thinking is feasible, as long as there are pages of the Genesis book as a medium, it can really give this avenue of heaven and earth!

"It's just a pity that the pages of the Genesis book."

Feeling the complete disappearance of the pages of the Fire Road book, Ling Xian felt a bit sorry, but the next moment, the sadness turned to ecstasy.

Because, he found that his perception of the fire path was approaching the peak!

You know, any kind of avenue is extremely difficult to comprehend. Take Ling Xian, for example, he often sees the pages of the book of the fire, but so far, he has only realized the realm of Xiaocheng.

However, at the moment, it is approaching the peak, which is simply incredible!

"I see. The integration of the pages of the Fire Road with my world is equivalent to me."

"That's why my accomplishments on the Avenue of Fire have skyrocketed."

"If it weren't for my lack of realm, I'm afraid I have fully understood the Avenue of Fire at this moment!"

In Ling Xianxing's eyes, the light is bright, besides ecstasy, it is fiery.

If it is said that the pages of the creation book are shortcuts to the avenue of understanding, then integrating the pages of the creation book into the inner world is the shortcut in the shortcut!

In a short time, he accomplished something on the Avenue of Fire and approached the peak from a young age. Is there a faster way?

Ling Xian was excited, her eyes were green, and she could not wait to find the page of the creation book immediately!

With such a fast method, if you collect another 3,000 creation pages, you can definitely realize the peak of 3,000 Avenues in a short time!

This feat is absolutely unprecedented!

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