Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1635: dilemma

Life depends on acting skills, this sentence is not right.

In this world, you always rely on strength, but as in today's situation, you rely on acting skills.

If Ling Xian is not too realistic, let alone get the day sun ghost grass, life may be lost.

"Hoo ... it's not easy."

Ling Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, and her whole body was soaked, as if she had just taken it out of the water.

There is no way, the pressure is too great. If you are not careful, you will end up in nowhere.

Therefore, Rao is also a cold sweat in his mind.

Fortunately, his performance was perfect and he successfully stabilized the Lord of the Demons.

It's just that the crisis has not ended.

Ling Xian has to face a test. If he passes, he will be subject to submission from up and down the magic gate, but if he is torn down, he will have no choice but to die.

The possibility of the latter is undoubtedly greater than that of the former. As long as the Lord of the Demons really has a way, he can't resist this fake extraterrestrial demon.

Therefore, Ling Xian frowned, thinking about whether she would run away.

In the end, he decided to stay, not greedy, but unable to leave.

It is conceivable that the Lord of the Demons must have sent heavy soldiers to surround this peak, and even this person may be under personal surveillance.

In this case, even if Ling Xian is strong, it is difficult to leave.

Moreover, even if he can escape, he cannot lift the crisis. As long as the Lord of the Demons preached that he was an extraterrestrial demon, there would be no place for him in the entire Xuanwu continent.

"There is a dilemma, you can only go one step at a time." Ling Xian sighed slightly, a bit bitter.

In order to stabilize the Lord of the Demons, he sacrificed too much, and it can be said that he was trapped in a life of nine deaths.

However, when the maiden came with the sun dreary grass and the ancient Buddha relic, all the sacrifices were worth it.

Ling Xian smiled and looked at the half-gold and half-black **** grass, and the star eyes were full of fiery.

The conditions for the birth of Da Ri You Mu Grass are extremely harsh, which is worse than that of the yin and yang flowers. Even if the Xuanwu continent is turned upside down, it may not be available.

Right now, how can he not feel happy to get this medicine by acting?

Besides, in addition to the big sun, there are ancient Buddha relics of inestimable value!

"It's worth it, even though it's in danger, but you can't get Da Ri Ning Grass, and you're about to die."

Ling Xian whispered in secret, stepped forward, and smiled: "Thank you maiden."

"My predecessor made me feel ashamed."

The maiden was embarrassed and said, "I didn't help anything, but put my predecessor in danger. Fortunately, you proved your identity."

Speaking of this, she was curious and stared at Ling Xian without blinking.

The Lord of the Demons did not elaborate with her, only to say that she was identified as Lingxian, and asked her to send the day sun ghost grass and ancient Buddha relics.

"You can't blame you, you don't have to blame yourself."

Ling Xian waved her hand, waving her big sleeves, and the big sun and ancient Buddha relics rose into the sky, all of them were dazzling and the rhyme flowed.

Especially the latter, which releases the energy of calmness, if you practice in this state, it will undoubtedly increase the efficiency several times.

Therefore, Ling Xian is sincerely happy and deeply aware of this trip.

"The conditions for the birth of Da Ri Ning Grass are extremely harsh. If it wasn't for one of my elder monks who was too lucky to get a three-legged Jinwu, this medicine would not be born." The sigh sighed.

"Three-legged Jinwu? That's it." Ling Xian understood.

The three-footed Jinwu is an ancient beast, no less inferior to the true phoenix. Among them, the outstanding one is even more transformable.

Want to come, the Elder Monmen let the three-legged Jinwu incarnate into a big day, shining on the abyss for a thousand years, and this gave birth to the big day nether grass.

"By the way, the host asked me to tell you that after two years, I would like you to participate in the sacrifice together." The maiden smiled.

"Sacrifice?" Ling Xian's heart sank, guessing that this should be the test method in the main mouth of the magic gate.

"That's right." The maiden nodded slightly without elaborating.

This made Ling Xian frown and lost her thoughts.

Obviously, this is the way that the Lord of the Mormons said, that is, he has only two years left.

"Don't disturb the seniors, if the seniors need it, just go to the Everest Peak to find me." The maiden Yingying worshiped and turned away.

"What kind of sacrifice is, can I test whether I am an extraterrestrial demon, can it be said ..." Ling Xian thought of it, and her complexion could not help changing.

If it is as he guessed, then he stays, and he will die.

At the moment, Ling Xian's eyebrow glowed, and his spirits swarmed for hundreds of miles. After that, his face was gloomy.

Sure enough, what he expected was a guard of all corners, and this peak was completely leaking.

In addition to the guards, there are also several breaths of the Seventh Strongest, who are monitoring the place firmly.

This means that Lingxian has only two ways to go, either wait or make a fortune.

The former is likely to fall, so is the latter, and the chance of falling is much greater than the former.

There are too many powerful demons, let alone others, and it is by no means that Lingxian can compete.

"Looks like I can only sit still."

Ling Xian's brow froze, and she felt a little curious while feeling the pressure.

He wanted to see if the magic gate really sacrificed it, as he had guessed.

Although this is tantamount to playing with fire and accidentally burning himself, he has no other way but to take a step at a time.

"Also, let's just do this. There is always no way out. There will always be a turnaround."

Ling Xian sighed, no longer thinking about the matter, but put her mind on the sun of the day.

Counting this medicine, he already has four kinds, only the gods and demons bury flowers and the last two, and he can complete the task that no one has completed for 500 years.

"The remaining three are more difficult." Ling Xian sighed, her eyes gradually turning firm.

Even if it is difficult, he will not give up!

"Be patient, two years later, everything will be clear."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, then sat cross-legged and fell into the realm of enlightenment.

To be precise, it is to enter his independent world.

In the past, he opened up the world and established his own world.

Now that he has broken through to the seventh realm, the internal world has undergone tremendous changes.

Sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, everything becomes more real. However, this world is still just a prototype, missing too much.

The most important thing is Reiki. Without Reiki, it is impossible to give birth to living things.

Without living things, it would not be possible to become the real world.

However, Ling Xian is still proud.

Looking at the universe, looking at ancient and modern times, how many people can open up the world and make their own world?

One hand over!

And he is one of them. This is a great achievement and a great glory!

"This is my world, my place."

Ling Xian looked at the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers, besides being proud of her heart, she also made up her mind.

One day sooner or later, he will develop this world into a real world!

By then, he will be the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and truly dominate all beings!

But that day, it is destined to be far away.

"Put the phoenix sapling here first, and when it matures, find a place to plant it to attract the true phoenix."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and took out the Huangwu sapling.

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