Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1634: Life is like a play

"How do you prove?"

The Lord of the Demons kept his eyes firmly on Lingxian, and he disappeared calmly in the usual days, and was replaced by shock.

This fact is too amazing, even if it is his mind, his heart set off a huge wave.

"It's very simple. The reason why I came to Momen is to know that the founder of Momen is my kin, which is the extraterrestrial magic in the mouth of this world.

Ling Xian smiled lightly and lied.

This is the only way he currently has. As the most important teacher of the magic gate, the man must know this secret. And through the reaction of the maiden, it can be inferred that very few people knew about it, at least the maiden did not know.

But he knew that although this could not prove 100% that he was an extraterrestrial demon, but based on that alone, he had some credibility.

"You know this!"

The Lord of the Demons exclaimed, and wanted to do it subconsciously, but the thought of Lingxian saying that he was an extraterrestrial demon suddenly dispelled.

There are many rules of the magic gate, one of which is a secret rule that only the heads of previous generations know is to make the extraterrestrial demon as the ancestor!

If you dare to attack the demon outside the country, the curse imprinted in the blood will erupt, allowing him to fall into Huangquan in an instant.

Therefore, even if he did not believe it, he did not dare to take any action.

"I have the same roots as your founder of the Moment, how could I not know?"

Ling Xian smiled, the cloud was light, and the wind was calm.

No one could think of such a calm look, he was lying.

"I can hardly believe it with your words alone." The Lord of the Demons stared at Ling Xian tightly, and said, "That's the same sentence, don't listen to the explanation, just evidence."

"Then you kill me."

"Because of the limitation of this world, my cultivation is probably equivalent to the initial period of the seventh realm of Xuanwu continent. It is not your opponent at all."

"So you can take a shot, let alone kill you, it won't hurt you."

Ling Xian shrugged, posing like Ren Jun's shot.

This is called retreating for advancement. Obviously, no evidence can be produced, but such a gesture can make opponents beat the drums.

It turned out that his strategy was effective.

Due to Zu Xun, the Lord of the Demons did not dare to rush, but looked at Ling Xian with suspicion.

For a time, Dongfu calmed down.

Ling Xian calmly, just looked at the Lord of the Demon Gate without saying a word.

He has nothing to say. If he wants evidence, he can't get it out, and can only bet against the Lord of Demons who dare not act rashly.

"Is it true or false?"

The Lord of the Demons was hesitant and caught in a dilemma.

He didn't dare to shoot, and couldn't believe it. The feeling of being stuck in the middle almost made him die.

"If I were you, I would choose to believe."

"Not everyone knows the founder of the Demon Gate, but it's an extraterrestrial demon. Even if I learn it by chance, I won't pretend to be."

"You and I are very clear, what does the extra-terrestrial demon mean. If you publicize my identity, do I still have a way to live?"

Ling Xian smiled lightly, in order to relieve the immediate danger and to get the sun of the day, he had to say so.

Although extremely dangerous, the credibility can only be increased by putting the handle on this person.

"What you said makes some sense."

The suspense in the eyes of the Demon Lord disappeared for a minute, but the extraterrestrial demon is an enemy sworn by the basaltic continent, who would impersonate? What's the difference between finding death?

However, he still had some doubts.

If he believed Ling Xian so easily, he would be too stupid.

"Not a bit, but it makes sense."

"I admit that I am not too old, and such a poor lie cannot stand verification."

"I know this, but I am still in danger and I am calm, why?"

"Just because I know you won't hurt me. We are allies and partners on the same front."

Ling Xian followed the temptation to break through the lie of the elder Tai Shang, and at the same time he lied a huge lie.

Moreover, he made the lie so realistic that he even believed it a little.

"Everything has two sides, and you can justify on any side."

The Lord of the Demons took a deep look at Ling Xian and said, "So, I can't believe it."

"Anyway, time will prove everything." Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile. Although the Lord of the Demons still had doubts, he quietly relieved.

The premise of not being able to believe is that if you believe a few minutes, then the word 'exhaust' will be used.

"Besides time, I have a solution."

The Lord of the Demon's eyes was deep and flat, but Ling Xian heard a hint of temptation from it.

Therefore, despite his flustered heart, he remained calm and calm on the surface.

He didn't ask what method, but said with a smile: "This is the best way, lest you have doubts."

"Really, at that time, please cooperate with His Excellency."

The Lord of the Demons frowned, wondering if Lingxian had confidence or pretended to be calm.

"This is natural, and only when we dispel doubts can we cooperate well." Ling Xian nodded with a smile.

He had stood on the edge of the cliff at this moment, and there was no retreat. He could only calm down his performance, and then temporarily stabilize this person and his life.

As for the future, we can only go one step at a time.

"Cooperate ..."

The Lord of the Demon's eyes was brilliant, saying: "After you have confirmed your identity, talk about cooperation."

"By then, it will not be cooperation."

Ling Xian smiled at the corner of her mouth and teased, "It's an order."

Hearing that the Lord of the Demon Gates fell into silence.

Ling Xian is right. If he is really a demon outside the domain, then the entire magic gate must obey his command.

"The premise is that you are indeed an extraterrestrial demon."

"During this time, you are waiting here, it is best not to think about running away."

"Don't say that you can't leave, even if you can escape, I will preach that you are a demon outside the domain. By then, the Xuanwu continent will have no place for you."

The Lord of the Demons took a deep look at Ling Xian, threatening every sentence.

"I know this better than you." Ling Xian nodded with a smile. He didn't get away without receiving Da Ri Ning Grass.

"Just be clear." The Lord of the Demon's eyes narrowed, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't you give it to me?"

"That's the same sentence, confirm your identity before you speak." The Lord of the Demons loved to answer.

"Give me by then, aren't you afraid of my revenge?"

Ling Xian smiled and said, "If I were you, I would immediately prepare for both hands. Anyway, I can't leave anyway. If it weren't for the demon outside the domain, you could take it back."

Hearing that the Lord of the Demon Gates fell into silence.

Without considering the feeling of dignity, Ling Xian's words are indeed in his best interest.

Therefore, he sighed longly: "It's a sharp tooth, I can't refute it."

"Rewarded," Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Dairy Nether Grass will be delivered to you in a moment." The Lord of the Demons dropped a word and turned away.

Seeing this, Ling Xian exhaled a long spit, and her entire back was soaked.

He recalled the whole conversation, and suddenly thought of a sentence, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

"Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, so what a special thing!"

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