Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1633: evidence

In the cave house, Lingxian didn't stop and let the venom of terror fall on him.

This surprised the maiden, and the man and the old man were a little moved.

Especially the old man, he knew how terrible his poison was, and the void confirmed it.

If it is not strong, how can it dissolve the void?

However, in the face of such a terrible toxin, Ling Xian didn't take any measures. How could some people not be surprised?

"Interesting, confident, or arrogant."

The old man narrowed his eyes, the black water snake spit red letter, the venom dripped, and the mountain stone melted instantly.

"Of course it is self-confidence. It ’s venomous. It won't hurt me."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, the venom falling on her body disappeared silently, let alone hurt him, not even the clothes were damaged.

This made the maiden's pupils shrink, and her fear turned into shock.

How strong the venom is, she sees it. Ask yourself, if you change yourself, even if you do your best, you may not be able to resist.

However, Lingxian calmly resolved, not even the clothes corner was damaged. How powerful is this?

The man and the old man also felt a little shock, and looked at Ling Xian a little more diligently.

It's nothing to stop the venom, and it's not surprising that there is no accidental injury, but it's a little incredible that he doesn't see what method he uses.

Therefore, the two finally faced Lingxian squarely.

"Hello, it ’s a good way to quietly resolve my toxins."

The old man squinted his eyes, and the weird scream of the black water mysterious snake expressed his dissatisfaction that Lingxian was not hurt.

"Without confidence, how can you remain indifferent?"

Ling Xian glanced at the two of them lightly, and said, "If the two come in, they will kill. If I don't have enough strength, I'm afraid I'm dead."

Hearing the words, the virgin was pretty white, because a meaning was clearly expressed in his tone, and Xing teacher asked for sin.

At the moment, she hurriedly winked and motioned Lingxian not to say any more.

Unfortunately, Ling Xian didn't see it, or in other words, he didn't want to bother.

If he hadn't done so before, he might not be guilty of confession, after all, there were two seventh-world powers opposite him. But this time is different from the past. He is also the seventh strongest, so there is no need to tolerate.

"Is Xingshi guilty ... interesting young man."

The man shook his head and laughed, saying: "The shot is to test whether you are qualified, too qualified to be an elder."

"Then have you got the answer?" Ling Xian looked indifferent, and she was waiting for her.

This is to prevent the man from seeing through and suddenly shooting.

"Naturally, you are qualified to be the elder of my demon gate." The man smiled slightly, letting the sigh relieved that he recognized Lingxian.

At the moment, she smiled and said, "Senior, this is the master of my demons, and the chief elder of my demons."

"Guessed it." Ling Xian nodded slightly. Both of them are monks in the seventh peak. How can their identities be ordinary?

"No need to introduce, I haven't recognized him yet." The Lord of the Demons looked indifferent.

"Master, don't you say that seniors are qualified?" The maiden frowned slightly.

"It's just qualifications. I didn't say he was too elder."

The Lord of the Demon's eyes was deep, and he turned his eyes to Ling Xian: "I have never seen you, nor have I heard your name. Why do you say that you are the elder of the Demon?"

"Don't fool us with the reason of living abroad for a long time, even if you are sitting on the bottom of the sea, there should be a record on the magic gate roster."

The old man squinted his eyes, and the black-water snake was standing upright, with a rushing look.

"No on the roster, doesn't mean I'm not." Ling Xian's expression was calm and calm, as if he was really an elder too.

"I don't listen to explanations, just evidence."

The man's smile continued, but he hid sharply: "If you come up with evidence, I welcome it. It's not impossible to give you the sun of the day. But if you can't get it out, you should be clear."

"The essence and blood of the seventh realm, my little pet, should be very fond of it." The old man smiled, and the mysterious snake venom scorpion golden spider made a cry at the same time, making the pretty girl's face paler.

"Evidence ..."

Ling Xian's heart sank. Where can he find any evidence? The elder Tai Shang's identity was purely fabricated by him.

So he fell silent.

This made the maiden frown and looked at Ling Xian in wonder.

"It seems that you are out of evidence. In that case, you are on your way."

The man narrowed his smile, knowing that the shadows were floating in his eyes, releasing his mighty power.

The old man is also the same, especially the black water mystic snake, the heart of the snake vomiting, the venom melts the void.

"Wait a minute!"

The maiden stood in front of both of them and said, "Whether he is too elder or not, he saved my life. Would you kill my life-saving benefactor?"

"It's not false to save your life, but his purpose is not pure. How can he keep him?" The man frowned, and when he was empty, he generated electricity and walked in all directions.

That might be enough to destroy the whole mountain.

This made the maiden discolored, and Ling Xian was moved.

The situation is already clear. If he can't produce evidence, men and old people will never let him go. With the strength of these two people, he was enough to suppress him.

Therefore, while Ling Xian was dealing with the maiden, Ling Xian was thinking about how to break the situation.

"Master, can't you look in my face and let him go?" The maid urged.

"This matter has not been discussed, even if he is not a spy sent by a certain force, he is also a bad guy and cannot be let go." The man waved his hand and showed his sharpness, revealing his murderous power.

Seeing this, the maid was anxious, hoping to look at Ling Xian: "Senior, I believe in you, come up with evidence quickly."

"If he has evidence, he has already taken it out. He understands the magic words, which does not mean that he is the elder of my magic gate."

The elder sneered, and was about to say it, but was interrupted by Ling Xian.

"Who said I had no evidence?"

Ling Xian glanced at the man and said, "The reason for silence is only because the relationship is important."

I heard that the maiden and the elder frowned at the gate of the ***.

"This matter involves the secrets of Tianda. I can only say to the doorkeeper, and the rest, let it go." Ling Xian said lightly, calmly.

Just now, he has already figured out what excuses to use to prove himself. Although it may not be possible, this is the only way at present.

"Interesting, I want to see what you say."

The Lord of the Demon Gates was intrigued, and said, "Sir, elder, you two leave first."

Hearing that, the elder and the maiden nodded and turned to leave Dongfu.

Before leaving, the maiden glanced at Lingxian, worried and looking forward.

"Now you can say it."

The eyes of the Lord of the Demon's eyes narrowed, and a cold mang appeared: "There is only one chance, think clearly."

"I think very clearly, and the doorkeepers don't bother."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and she slowly said a shocking word.

"I'm from outside the region, and the people here call me the Outland Demon."

As the voice fell, the Lord of the Demon Gates stepped back subconsciously if he was struck by lightning.

He stared at Ling Xian tightly, with some doubts, some shaking, and some fear.

"Is it shocking?"

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, I can prove it."

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