Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1622: Dao Yun Gai Baili

In the tomb, Lingxian's gods walked around the body, Dao Yun added himself, and fell into a wonderful state of realizing Tao.

Just before he arrived, he reached the merging Binghuo Lake without any comments, and then he seemed to be a gigantic initiation and realized a few miles.

Real enlightenment, not the truth spoken out.

Regarding the interpretation of the avenue, anyone with a little knowledge can say it, but that's just saying, not really enlightenment.

Right now, Ling Xian is the real enlightenment. Although this feeling was mysterious and inexplicable, he was sure that he was saved.

As long as you can break through to the seventh realm, then Shou Yuan will skyrocket, temporarily expelling death!

Therefore, Lingxian is immersed in heart and mind, greedily understands heaven and earth, and hopes that he can break through to the seventh realm.

However, the result was disappointing.

Although Binghuo Lake is mysterious, after integration, it can help students inspire and enlighten, but it is ultimately limited.

Therefore, Lingxian is still a little worse.

This trace was as difficult as it was to cross, making him change from hope to despair, from heaven to hell.

It is no exaggeration to say that this blow will sufficiently break one's beliefs, and even give birth to suicidal thoughts.

But for Lingxian, it was nothing.

He has long been used to disappointment, and although this time it is stronger than ever, he can still look at it calmly.

"Let me see the yin and yang blending flowers before they die. Is this comforting or ironic?"

Looking at the ever-growing two-color strange flowers, looking at the greedy old man in black, Lingxian's mouth raised, revealing a smile of self-deprecation.

When he has a lot of time, even if the yin and yang combine flowers appear, they will wither instantly. Now that he is dying, but the yin and yang flowers are about to mature, how ironic is this?

Ling Xian laughed and looked at the figures except the old man in black robes, and suddenly came to interest.

Obviously, the yin and yang hybrid flowers are about to mature. Although the possibility of failure is not ruled out, the current maturity rate is as high as 99%.

In other words, a scuffle is about to take place.

The flowers of yin and yang are the sacred items in the magic medicine. Legend has it that the yin and yang avenue can be inspired by life. It is an invaluable treasure.

Who wants to give up such treasures? Definitely have to fight!

Therefore, Ling Xian was interested and wanted to enjoy a duel between old monsters in the seventh realm before he died.

"Hopefully, you can fight in an hour."

Looking at the maturing yin and yang flowers, Ling Xian murmured to himself, her eyes lightened a little.

In his current state, he insists on one hour at most. Once the time is up, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he cannot be saved.

At this moment, the flowers of yin and yang combined suddenly burst into bloom, and the two colors of black and white were so pervading that even the brightness of the sun and the moon were suppressed.

At the same time, Daoyun flows and condenses into Daoism, covering a hundred miles.

It was an indescribable dazzling, and an indescribable mystery. It can only be said that at the moment of emergence, everyone present was in a state of realization.

Dao Yun is too rich, let alone an old monster who has cultivated to the seventh realm. Even a pig can understand it.

Therefore, within a radius of 100 miles, all creatures are intoxicated and flirtatious.

It's a pity that Daoyun disappeared just after maintaining the three breaths.

This has greatly disappointed all beings. The time is too short, even if the understanding is amazing, it is difficult to understand what.

Only Ling Xian was caught in ecstasy.

Because he was only one line behind, he was able to enlighten the avenue and land in the seventh realm. And the yin and yang combination flowers just make up for this line!

Therefore, Lingxian fully understood that in the aspect of the avenue, he had reached the seventh level.

After that, things are much simpler.

His mana has already reached the limit of the sixth realm, but it is only because of the bottleneck that it cannot be converted into the seventh realm. Right now, Lingxian Mingwu Avenue, the bottleneck is not self-defeating, and Mana has suddenly turned upside down!

His momentum increased rapidly, as if an ancient beast awakened, and there was a kind of energy to swallow the power of nine days.

However, under the circumstances of Ling Xian's deliberate suppression, the momentum did not penetrate the ground, and was noticed by the elderly in black and others.

Since then, his body has undergone unbelievable, yet logical changes.

I saw that his dry and wrinkled skin quickly restored, his white hair turned black, and in just a few breaths, he recovered his former glory and brilliance.

Breaking through to the seventh realm, life expectancy can skyrocket by a thousand years. Even if there is a curse from Tianyuan to make a stalk, Ling Xian has increased his life span by at least five hundred years. As a result, he returned to what he was when he was twenty.

In addition to the appearance change, his combat power has soared twenty-fold!

Ling Xian can be clear how powerful she is at the moment. It is no exaggeration to say that even just waving at will is enough to suppress the monk in the sixth realm!

In addition, he can also move the Tiandi Avenue. Although there is no power at present, when the understanding of the Avenue is getting deeper, he can raise the hands to consolidate the Tao!

Although it is said to be no different from the magical powers, it is the evolution of the Tao, but it is the form closest to the Tao. In other words, it can maximize the power of Tao!

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a peak, Liu Anhuaming ..."

Feeling the vigorous vitality and powerful attacking force in his body, Ling Xian felt happy in his heart, and felt in the dream at the same time.

Originally, he thought he would die. However, after three breaths, he landed in the seventh realm and temporarily expelled death, which was like dreaming.

However, Lingxian is absolutely certain that this is not a dream. Under the magical effect of the yin and yang amalgamation flower, she really landed in the seventh realm!

"Fortunately, I choose to fight to the end with death, otherwise, I can't wait for the yin and yang flowers to mature."

Looking at the black and white flowers swaying in the wind, Ling Xian was fortunate.

Waiting for death is a very painful thing, so he thought of suicide more than once. Fortunately, his arrogance does not allow him to escape, even if the opponent is a death, he must persist to the end.

"The crisis has been lifted, and now it's time to **** the yin and yang flowers." Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed hot.

Although he expelled death for a while, the curse stayed for a day, and a knife hung around his neck.

Only by finding all seven divine medicines in exchange for the magic formula can it be possible to completely eradicate the curse of Tianyuan!

However, Ling Xian did not **** immediately.

The flowers of Yin-Yang-Dao Road were too busy, and the old monsters with a radius of hundreds of miles were attracted. Doing it now is no different from finding death. Even if he breaks through the seventh realm, it is difficult to parry more than ten old monsters.

Therefore, Ling Xian intends to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight, and when they fight almost, they reappear.

If it is normal, it is naturally not a show, it is all old monsters in the seventh realm, and it is difficult to hide their perception. But at this moment, there is a great chance of success.

Don't forget, Lingxian is in the tomb. Who can think that there are living people in the tomb?

With the natural cover of the tomb, plus the simplified version of the heavenly **** array, he is fully qualified as a fisherman!

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