On the snow, Lingxian thought of the Nine Immortals, a little bit more guilt between Meiyu.

When he first got this picture, he was just pure joy. Later, through the words of several immortals, he gradually understood the meaning of the nine immortals.

It is not just an anti-treasure, it is also a heavy responsibility. Whoever gets it must take it.

Although it is not known what kind of responsibility it is, it is not difficult to imagine that it must be of great importance.

At the moment, Ling Xian is dying, and she is guilty of being unable to complete it.

The thought of the immortal eyes of several immortals made him bitter, and he lost his face to see them for the last time.

"It hurts you. I hope that after my death, Jiuxiantu will automatically leave the body and not die with me."

Ling Xian sighed softly, without resentment, he was the real end of the road, leaving only a lot of helplessness.

After that, he smashed into the snow with a punch, and the earth cracked suddenly, and the sky was snowy.

After the wind and snow subsided, a large rectangular pit emerged, just to accommodate Lingxian. Obviously, this is the grave he prepared for himself.

Then, Ling Xian wielded his sleeves, and 108 formations went deep into the ground, keeping the tomb in the center.

If someone wants to dig a grave, they must first break through 108 formations, and this is not an easy task.

Ling Xian is the great master of the formation. The 108 formations complement each other constantly. Not to mention an ordinary grave robber, even if the master of the Dao and the seventh-level power came together, he never wanted to touch his tomb!

Of course, if the Grand Master came in person, he would be okay.

However, this is basically impossible. The Grand Master of the Front is a rare existence in the world. Looking at the entire Xuanwu continent, it is good to have two or three. Who has the leisure to steal his tomb?

"The tombstone has been built and the tomb has been repaired. Next, it is time to leave the heritage."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled bitterly, but she did not expect that she would have a day to inherit.

Leaving the lineage is not deadly rules, but based on human nature, naturally thoughts, even the demon giant who extinct humanity will leave the lineage.

From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as the continuation of life and the continuation of spirit.

Although most of the Lingxian's methods are derived from several true immortals, Honghuang Tiangong is not, and the experience of the Taoist practice so far is not.

Therefore, he intends to sort this out and leave it to the destined.

"It's funny to say, so far, I haven't created magical magic, even the most basic magic."

"The method you learn is either from your predecessors or from your blood. It's sad to think about it."

"Unfortunately, don't treat me constantly, otherwise I must create my own magical power."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and imprinted Honghuang Tiangong and his experience on the slate, and he didn't write a word of the rest.

Whether it is the suppression of the everlasting peace and immortality, or the danzhenqifufu, they belong to several true immortals. He has no right to pass on to outsiders.

Therefore, he only left Honghuangtiangong and his experience, which sounded not much, but the value was inestimable.

The value of Honghuang Tiangong is self-evident. Even the top forces in the universe must be tempted.

Although his experience is not as good as Honghuangtiangong, it is definitely a good thing that makes the world crazy.

Don't forget, Ling Xian is the six evil spirits who add to the extreme realm. His experience and insights also introduced in detail his method of breaking through the extreme realm.

If you get it, there is a great possibility that he will be like the six polar realms!

This value is too great. In addition, even the top powers have been insane. The inheritance left by Ling Xian can definitely be described as inestimable.

And this is only part of it.

Everything is dead, everything is useless to Ling Xian, so he divided the treasure in the storage bag into two parts.

Half are beloved things, buried in the tomb. Half of them are ordinary treasures, put together with slate, reserved for the fate.

If this scene is seen, I am afraid that my eyes are glared. I have seen those who have funeral products, but have never seen such rich ones!

Genesis book pages, reincarnation fragments, inquiries about the fairy sword ... and other treasures lie quietly in the tomb. Anything is a treasure that can cause havoc!

"It's almost there, ready for death."

Ling Xian sighed, fell on her back, and fell into the tomb.

Then, the ground was closed, the tombstone was standing, and 108 formations were activated silently.

"I've buried myself, I'm a Kulai only."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, remembering that he was passing by in his mind at a rapid speed, which made him mixed with feelings, and it was difficult to understand.

Emotions of joy, sadness, anger, etc. entangled in him, but in the end, they all turned into peace.

Ling Xian looked up at the sky. Although the earth was closed, he couldn't isolate his sight. He could clearly see the floating white clouds.

He stared at it so sternly, welcoming death with a calm heart.

Time passes, bit by bit.

As death approached, Lingxian was getting older, not only wrinkles appeared, but her white hair was about to fall out.

That old look, how can there be a little bit of the old heroic force, chic and extraordinary?

"The hateful Abyss curse, can't I sue others in a good image?"

Ling Xian laughed and laughed, not as if facing death, but as if she had stepped into the fairy realm.

If anyone is here, he will certainly admire it.

For a conscious living body, death is the greatest fear, let alone ridiculing death like him, even if it is calmly viewed, it is quite difficult.

"Last day, my life is coming to an end."

Looking at the rising sun, Ling Xian smiled lightly and relaxed.

The reason why he did not commit suicide was not to hope for hope, or to be attached to the world, but to try to wait for death.

In other words, it is the last fight with death.

Right now, his life has come to the last day, and the struggle has ended, naturally making him feel relaxed.

"It is really uncomfortable to wait for death, but after all, it is the last minute, and there is no regret for death."

Sighing softly, Ling Xian closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

This time he was truly dead, so from the moment he built the cemetery, there was no hope.

And just as the setting sun fell and the bright moon emptied, the sun and moon remained in the air at the same time, recreating the wonders of nature.

At the same time, the yin and yang hedao flower was born on the south side of Binghuohu Lake, and was vigorous and thriving. Between a few breaths, it has matured seven or eight minutes.

This opened Ling Xian's eyes, but it was a peace.

If it were two years ago, the yin and yang combination flower might mature, which will undoubtedly make him fall into ecstasy. But now, his life is only two hours at most, even if he got the yin and yang flower, it will not help.

Therefore, Ling Xian has no interest at all.

However, when he planned to close his eyes, he suddenly found that the clear water and magma of the longitude and latitude actually merged together.

Suddenly, heaven and earth emerged in Lingxian's mind, making him suddenly aware.

Enlightenment on the avenue.

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