Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1623: Abruptly

In the tomb, Lingxian waved his sleeve, and a simplified version of the mask of the gods of heaven appeared, concentrating his breath away.

"There is a tomb as a natural cover, and together with the cover of the heavenly spirit array, even if the peak of Ming Daojing comes, you can't find me."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, looking at those fiery old monsters, staring with expectation in his eyes.

There is only one yin-yang hybrid flower, but there are more than ten people, which means that melee is inevitable.

What he has to do is wait patiently, wait for the end of the chaos, and take advantage of the fishermen.

"Hit it. The harder it gets, the better. At that time, I will be able to collect the yin and yang into the bag without any effort."

Ling Xian murmured, not paying attention to the old monsters waiting for him, looking inward at his own body.

After that, his smile grew thicker.

Because he is too much and too powerful, not only the magic power of the soul, but also the physical body that is the most difficult to ascend.

Although it is only the sixth stage, in this era of physical decline, it is simply incredible to continuously improve two small realms!

Even Lingxian, who has always broken the common sense, feels incredible, and of course more, it is undoubtedly joy.

The physical body has always been his biggest headache. It is too difficult to improve, especially in the sixth realm, even if it is only a small realm, it is quite difficult.

Right now, his physical body has jumped to the late stage of the sixth realm, eliminating the need for years of hard work, naturally making him feel happy.

"Now I can at least persist in the universe for decades."

Lingxian clenched her fists tightly and felt the power of the arrogant physical body, fortunate.

I'm glad I didn't give up, I persisted until the last minute, and I'm glad I built a tomb, otherwise, I didn't have the capital to be a fisherman.

"I have left the Ghost Gate, this grave, there is no need to exist."

After a glance at the tomb, Ling Xian took all the treasures back into the storage bag, and planned to get the Yinyang Hedao flower, then destroyed the tomb. But after thinking about it, he dispelled it.

In order to build the tomb, he took a lot of effort, if it was destroyed, it would be a pity.

"Also, keep it as a commemoration. Honghuang Tiangong and experience will not be taken away, and it will be left to someone with a fate."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and moved her gaze upwards.

I saw a lot of old monsters fighting, each of them was ridiculously strong, landslides were broken between the hands, and the quake struck.

That figure entangled endlessly, everyone took out his full strength, vowed to bombard his opponent and monopolize the yin and yang together.

The most dazzling person is the old man in black who has a holiday with Lingxian.

He resembles a human-like tyrannosaurus, is full of vitality and blood, and makes his opponents back again and again.

You know, his opponents are two old monsters, but even so, he still has the upper hand. How powerful is this?

"Very strong, should be in the middle of Ming Dao ..."

Looking at the old man with great power, Ling Xian's expression calmed, but he didn't panic.

If it is one-on-one, this person may be able to capture the yin and yang combination. But this is a scuffle, unless he is the peak of Ming Dao, otherwise, he can not overpower.

Even if he defeats everyone in the end, he will end up in a semi-disabled end.

Therefore, Ling Xian was not worried and kept silent on the situation.

"Give me away!"

The old man in black stopped drinking, and an infinite amount of divine light erupted around him, like the Supreme Awakening, shaking the two old monsters.

Blood was falling and the bones were broken. The two wise men were retreating, and there was no battle.

"It is indeed the former magic gate protection method. With one enemy and two opponents, it is so easy to win."

"It's really strong. With him, it's hard to win the flower of yin and yang."

"Yes, in my opinion, we should get rid of him first, and then fight for your life."

The crowd spoke one after another, pointing their finger at the old man.

No way, he's too powerful and the number one enemy. If he is not removed first, no one will have the chance to win the yin and yang apostle.

"Hum, are you going to join forces?" The old man snorted, secretly regretted.

Regrets that the two old monsters should not be easily defeated. This is a good thing and has become the target of criticism.

"The evil gates have long wanted to get rid of you."

An old man in Tsing Yi spoke, and the weather swept across all directions, shaking the birds and animals.

"Do you have this ability?" The old man disdain, glanced at the crowd one by one, said: "Less nonsense, wait for a fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Then you die!"

Lie shouted and shook Huanyu. The old man in Tsing Yi took the lead in the shot, and for nine days, he shone brightly.

Seeing this, the other six old monsters looked at each other and followed suit, vowing to kill the old man in black robes.

His threat is too great, and only by removing him can he maintain balance.

"A bunch of ants, only the winner! It's me!"

The old man was fierce, and the magical power of the magic gate was manifested, which made him look like a demon, fierce and mighty, swallowing the galaxy.

The endless black air rises, turning into sword awns, weird and cold, showing the peerless murderous power.

This put pressure on everyone, and at the same time, he became more and more determined to eliminate him.

With the power of one enemy and seven, who doesn't kill him?


The outbreak of the war, although the seven old monsters have spared some power to guard against others, but the power of joining forces is still powerful and outrageous.

However, it did not suppress the old man, but was suppressed by him.

On the one hand, the old man's five extreme realms add up, he already has the same level of combat power, on the other hand, he urged the magic gate taboo method, so that he temporarily has the power of the late Ming Dynasty!

Therefore, even if they joined forces, they were suppressed by him.

This caused Ling Xian to frown, but he didn't expect the old man to have such powerful strength.

However, he remained calm and unconcerned.

Even if the old man suppresses seven people, he is half disabled, not to be worried.

And it turned out, as he expected.

Two hours later, the war ended and four old monsters died. The remaining three are dragging their half-dead bodies and disappearing without trace.

The old man in black robes was also upset.

He was battered and suffocated. Although he still had the power to fight again, he could play 50% of his combat power at most. The taboo method of temporary improvement is even more powerless to use.

However, he laughed loudly, full of pleasure.

This made the first two losers grin, though they were unwilling, but they were helpless.

Both of them lost the power to fight again, that is to say, the yin and yang combined flowers are the old man in black.

"Hahaha, I waited for hundreds of years and finally waited until you were born."

Looking at the extraordinary black and white flowers, the old man laughed loudly, with joy and pride.

The former is because of the yin and yang combination flowers, and the latter is the ultimate winner because of the overwhelming power!

"Haha, I said that the ultimate winner can only be me."

The old man laughed wildly and couldn't say how proud he was, but the next moment, his laughter came to an abrupt end.

"You are the winner, but not in the end, I am the one who laughs to the last."

The joke sounded and the earth cracked.

Then, Lingxian stepped out slowly, if Tianxian came to the world, stand proud of the audience.

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