Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1620: Build a tomb

At the intersection of night and dawn, the sun and the moon shine on the same day, gorgeous and dazzling, like a dream.

By the lake of ice and fire, the black and white bicolor flowers are condensed, and the rhyme flow is mysterious.

This excites Ling Xian, staring at the yin and yang apostle flowers without blinking, full of hope.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

After a moment, the moon disappeared, and there was only one round of rising sun shining through the sky.

The next moment, the Shenguang disappeared, Daoyun dissipated, and the yin and yang combined Tao flowers withered completely.

This made Ling Xian froze, and unwillingness appeared in her eyes, after which she turned to bitterness.

"The Pirate Saint is right, even if the sun and the moon appear on the same day, it may not be possible to give birth to a yin and yang flower."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, and looked at the withered black and white flowers, as if she had seen herself with few days, and was about to wither.

It has been a year here, that is to say, he has only a year and a half left to live, and there is not much time left.

It just happened, he couldn't break through again, who can change without feeling bitter?

"Now it's not a question of yin and yang blending flowers. Even if I can get it, I don't have time to find the other four magic drugs."

Ling Xian sighed softly, her expression gradually turning firm.

There is still a year and a half, not considered desperate!

"I knew you came from the yin and yang to combine flowers, but unfortunately, you will only get disappointed again and again." The old man appeared, mockingly.

"Aren't you the same? You must have stayed here longer than me, and you must be more disappointed than me." Ling Xian glanced at the old man lightly.

"Hum, kid with sharp teeth and sharp mouth." The old man snorted coldly but refuted.

He has been here for hundreds of years, but he has never got a yin and yang combination flower. The disappointment over and over again almost made him crazy.

"If I'm not wrong, your Shouyuan is coming to an end." The old man smiled, full of irony.

"So what? Let me not say if I will die, even if I die, you will not get my storage bag." Ling Xian said indifferently, without accident.

Anyway, the old man is also in the seventh level of power, and it is normal to see that his life is about to run out.

"It's uncomfortable to wait for the taste of death, and it makes me rejoice to see you taste for death."

The old man smiled and said, "I said, this is a comedy that will make me feel happy."

"Until the end, everything is unknown."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and he didn't bother to care about the old man anymore, and turned back to Dongfu.

After that, he didn't think about yin and yang flowers, and he sought breakthrough.

Now, he has been forced to a dead end, even if he gets a yin and yang flower, it will not help. The only way is to break through.

Therefore, Lingxian let go of the hollow **** and focused on enlightenment.

Although he had no clue whatsoever, this was the last and only way. Even if he had died, he had to break through.

Unfortunately, this is not something that can be done desperately. Even if Ling Xian racks his brains, he will still be a bit behind.

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles. At the blink of an eye, one year and five months have passed.

In other words, Lingxian has only one month of life left.

During this period, the sun and the moon appeared again on the same day, but unfortunately the results were no different from the last time, they were born instantly and withered for a moment.

Ling Xian's cultivation behavior has not changed. He is still infinitely close to the seventh realm, but after all, he is so far behind.

This line is like a **** of nature, cut off life and death, cut off hope.

"With only one month left, it seems that it is doomed."

Ling Xian sighed for a long time, either unwillingly or bitterly, but without fear.

This is not the first time that he is welcoming death. Although this time is undoubtedly more desperate than in the past, he can still regard it calmly.

Not to mention, just to say that this courage to face death will make the world self-defeating.

"This place is covered in silver and covered with frost. It can be called a picturesque scenery."

Ling Xian looked at the snow in the sky and smiled arrogantly: "It's not bad to be buried here."

"You think beautifully, but unfortunately, I don't allow you to be buried here."

"Do I need your permission?" Ling Xian glanced briefly at the man.

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that after you die, I may dig a grave." The old man was entertaining, and his words were extremely vicious.

Everyone is dead, no matter how much bitterness there is in life, you should not dig a grave.

However, the old man has to do this. How can Ling Xian not be angry?

He looked cold and said, "Don't forget, I'm a mortal person. Before I die, I can do everything."

"Are you a threat?" The old man narrowed his eyes, and Hanmang illuminated the sky like a sword.

"So what?"

Ling Xian stood up, like an emperor with a straight backbone, swallowing mountains and rivers, and arrogantly.

He stared coldly at the old man and said, "I can't suppress you, but if you work hard enough, you will be hit hard enough. By then, I believe your life will not be easy."

On hearing that, the old man fell silent.

He kept Lingxian until now because he knew that once he started the war, he could not please him.

Especially in the case of Ling Xian's imminent death, if he started, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die!

Therefore, the old man resigned and said, "I don't have to worry about a dying person."

"To put it plainly, aren't you still afraid?" Ling Xian sneered, tearing the old man's shame relentlessly.


The old man was angry, his eyes were like sharp swords, and the snow was suddenly violent.

"What am I? Have the courage to come and fight!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes were cold, white hair danced wildly, and if she fought against the lower bounds of the fairy, she had a deterrent power.

This made the old man irritated, but resigned, but it became richer.

If Lingxian is just an ordinary monk in the sixth realm, then that's all. You can suppress it with a wave of your hand. But his combat power is enough to threaten the power of the seventh realm. In addition, he is a mortal person, and if anyone is changed, he will retreat.

Therefore, the old man let off his momentum, and said coldly, "I'm watching here, watching you step by step towards death."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled, and did not hide her ridicule.

This caused the old man's lungs to explode, but he did not dare to take the shot and turned and disappeared.

Seeing this, Ling Xian did not persecute, and he wanted to use the last time to build a grave for himself.

"Build a grave for myself. I'm a Kulai only."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, but it was inevitable that it would be a bit bitter.

He had imagined many ways of death. He might have died in battle on Dengxian Road or he might have died in the forbidden area. I never thought that I would die in the hands of the curse, and it would be the hardest to wait for death.

"It's a foregone conclusion. It's difficult to change. I'll take the last minute to build a grave."

Ling Xian sighed, took out many materials from the storage bag, and then operated the machine to print the tombstone.

After the tombstone was built, he began to arrange.

Among them, there are 36 attack formations and 72 defense formations. This 108 formations complement each other.

After that, Lingxian looked at Jiuxiantu and was worried, not knowing how to face several true immortals.

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