Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1617: White hair

In the air, Lingxian stood against her hand, her expression gradually turning firm.

Regardless of whether the Antarctic South can produce a yin and yang hybrid flower, this is his only hope, there is no choice.

"Thanks a lot. Although the hope is slim, it is always a clue."

Ling Xian arched his hand towards Pirates and smiled, "Now, we are leveled."

"I advise you not to hope. I have been there for ten years and met eight times on the same day, but as a result, a yin-yang hybrid flower has not been obtained."

Stealing Wangu sighed softly, except for helplessness.

"Anyway, if it were easy to get, the far south would be inaccessible."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Is there anything else you need to pay attention to?"

"Although there is no master in the extremely difficult place, there are several old monsters that cannot be seen in the world, especially the place where the fire and ice are fused. Old monsters are often there."

"After all, the temptation of yin and yang to combine Tao flowers is too great. It is said that the temptation to perceive and obey is irresistible to any soul."

"Therefore, even if it is difficult to be born, there are people who stand firm there."

Stealing all the ancient expressions, he said, "You are not in the seventh realm. If you go, be very careful."

"There are competitors ..." Ling Xian shook her head with a wry smile, which was tricky.

The yin and yang combination flower is difficult to be born, coupled with competitors, it is undoubtedly difficult.

But even if it's tricky, he has to go!

"Work hard, little fox, I hope, you can get the yin and yang flower."

The robber smiled and looked at Ling Xian and said, "However, I hope you don't get it, and then die."

"You can't look forward to me?" Ling Xian glanced at stealing Sheng, and said, "Are there any other clues about the magic medicine?"

"No, I won't tell you if you have it." Thief rolled his eyes.

"You're forcing me to punch you."

Ling Xian laughed and said, "The feeling of violent pirates and pirates should be very good."

Hearing that, Pirate Saint retreated to the rear without saying anything, for fear that Ling Xian would give him another kick.

Although I know that Lingxian will not be seriously injured, but this is too shameful. It was passed on. Where does he put this old face?

"Is it useful to step back? Now you have neither the power to resist nor the ability to escape."

Ling Xian smiled at the corner of his mouth, appeared ghostly behind the thief, and clasped his throat with his right hand.

This made Pirates helpless and sighed: "You won, I will help you pay attention to the news of several other magic drugs."

"Very good." Ling Xian smiled with satisfaction and let go of her slender palm.

"It's unlucky for me to meet a little fox like you."

Pirates groaned and said, "You're just staying in the far south, I'll find you when I have news."

"Okay." Ling Xian nodded slightly, grateful in her eyes.

Thanks to stealing eternal life, otherwise, he would not be able to get Qixiang Qiluo, let alone the news of Yinyangyangdaodaohua.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. If you really appreciate me, pit me a few times less." Pirates Wan Gu rolled his eyes.

"I remember, the next time I meet, I will definitely not pit you." Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, planning to leave for the far south.

But at this moment, his hair suddenly turned white, and at the same time, he spit out blood.

The blood was red and black, and it gave a shudder.

This changed the appearance of Pirates and said, "A curse in you?"

"It is indeed a thief who is famous all over the world, and his eyesight is really extraordinary." Ling Xian sighed softly, a bit bitter in the eyes.

After absorbing a hundred steps down, the Tianyuan curse became a little stronger, speeding up his Shouyuan. It was just before a critical point that the hair turned white automatically.

Fortunately, he had no other signs of aging except his hair turned gray and had no effect on his combat effectiveness.

"Good bullying curse, no wonder you want to accomplish that task."

Pirates of all ages had a solemn face, and his fingers touched Ling Xian several times in an attempt to suppress the curse.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

The Tianyuan curse is too overbearing. Even the invincible **** emperor has nothing to do. How can it be suppressed by stealing eternity?

"No need to waste any effort, I can't die for the time being." Ling Xianqiang laughed, and according to his estimation, he had three years to live.

This number is undoubtedly cruel, meaning that from now on, he is really running out of time.

"How long is it temporarily? One or two years?" Pirates Wangu glanced at Ling Xian.

"Aren't you expecting me to die?" Ling Xian smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I have three years left."

"Three years?" Stealing eternal silence, said, "Boy, do you know what three years means to a practitioner?"

"It means a hurry." Ling Xian sighed softly.

The three-year period is too short, let alone to gather seven kinds of magic drugs, even if it is only a combination of yin and yang flowers, it may not be available.

Therefore, Ling Xian intends to try to break through while waiting.

Only by breaking through to the seventh realm and letting Shou Yuan soar can he temporarily lift the crisis.

"At this time, you can't even get Yin Yang to spend together, let alone to complete the task."

Stealing all ages, he sighed, took out a fiery red Ganoderma lucidum from his arms, and said, "Serve it, you can increase your life by five years."

"Useless, the moment it enters my body, its medicinal power will be swallowed up by the curse, and the five-day longevity will not increase."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly. If it was the first time, he could still devour the fetish of Shou Yuan by swallowing and delay his life.

But after devouring a hundred steps, the curse of Tianyuan became more powerful, and any medicinal power would be completely consumed by it. To put it simply, everything that prolongs life is useless to him.

There are only two ways to survive, either to lift the curse or to break into the seventh realm.

"So overbearing?"

Pirates exclaimed, suddenly remembered something, and said, "I rely on, it will not be Tianyuan curse in your kid."

"That's right, it's the curse of Tianyuan." Ling Xian shrugged.

"I rely, you cow!"

Stealing the hearts of the ancient world, looking at Ling Xian's eyes is like looking at a monster.

Although he was cursed by Tian Yuan, it is quite incredible that he can return from Tian Yuan alive. Naturally, he was shocked by the theft.

"If it is really powerful, it won't fail." Ling Xian smiled bitterly, her eyes filled with anxiety.

Seeing this, Pirates Vancous comforted: "Sorrow is useless. Since the drug is useless, you can only break through."

"That's what I planned." Ling Xian sighed softly. Compared with the seventh realm, which is extremely difficult to break through, three years is undoubtedly very short.

Short enough to have no confidence.

"I can't help it, I can only rely on myself." Pirates vanquished a long sigh.

"You've helped me enough, the next way,"

Ling Xian smiled and arched her hand toward the Pirate Holy Arch, saying: "Farewell, rest assured, I am not so easy to die."

After that, he no longer hesitated, and Xueyi showed off and disappeared into place.

"You little fox, don't die."

Looking at the south, he sighed and stole away.

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