Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1616: Yin Yang He Da Hua

In the air, Lingxian fell down like a mountain like a mountain.

Of course, he was not an enemy with Pirates of the Ancients, so he only used 70% of his power.

But even so, it's still the same thing.

Ling Xian is now the six polar realms, in the sixth realm, he is the invincible true immortal.

If you change the candidate of the seventh emperor and other emperor candidates, you may be able to block this foot.

Therefore, even if he has tried his best, he has not been able to block this foot, and a blood-red shoe mark suddenly appeared on his face.

This is still in the case of Lingxian dissipating all the power, otherwise, the sufficient foot will stole the head of stolen eternity.

"Yes, that goal has finally been achieved."

Looking down at the footprints on Pied Saint's face, Ling Xian smiled, very satisfied.

This made Pitou Gu hate his teeth, but he was helpless.

Although it was only a showdown, the situation was very clear. Even ten of them were not Ling Xian's opponent!

"Tell me some clues, or I will flatten you out." Lingxian's mouth was raised, bright and kind like a rising sun.

It just falls in the eyes of Pirates of Ancient Times, and it is undoubtedly the smile of the devil, which is disgusting and intimidating.

He did not doubt Ling Ling's words at all, because that foot has proved that Ling Xian has the determination and strength to beat him.

Therefore, Pirates of Ancient Times chose to submit: "You won, I admit it."

"Are you a little boned, okay? I succumbed so soon, I can't beat you anymore." Ling Xianmulu regretted.

This caused the thieves to explode, and stared fiercely at Ling Xian: "Boy, you don't have to go in. If you haven't blocked Xiuwei with a special method, you will be happy!"

"That's why I have to flatten your meal while you are weak, or I won't have a chance when you resume cultivation."

Ling Xian squeezed her hands together, and her bones ‘clicked’, and matched with her joking smile, she scared the thief back.

He knew Lingxian didn't kill himself, but it wasn't fun to be beaten up!

He stole all over the world, even the top forces, he still jealous of him. If it was really a meal by Ling Xian, would this face be gone?

"Haha, just kidding. As for being scared like this?"

Ling Xian smiled brightly, and finally the evil spirit of stolen eternal calculations disappeared.

"It's unlucky for me to meet a little fox like you." Thief sighed helplessly, very sad.

He has been traversing the basalt continent for hundreds of years. Although he can't be said to have never suffered a loss, the number of losses has come in absolute slaps. However, he was planted one after another in Lingxian's hands, which naturally made him feel a lot of emotion.

"Every one another, haven't you pitted me once?" Ling Xian looked at Pirates with a smile, unspeakable and comfortable.

"You said that, I pitted you once, but what about you? I pitted me three times!"

"The first time was in the sacred temple. You left me and ran away alone. Let me attract firepower for you."

"The second time you saw through my intentions and caused me to lose a valuable chase."

"The third time you stepped on my foot, although this is not a pit for me, but bullying finally got it?"

Robbery is full of grief and indignation, accusing Ling Xian of guilt.

"Ahem, let's be equal, so big people, is it interesting to care about these?"

Ling Xian coughed twice, shifting the topic and said, "Not much nonsense, tell me the news of the magic drug. After that, you go down your sunshine road and I cross my single wooden bridge."

"Just what I want, I don't want to be involved with you little fox anymore." Pirate Saint Lengheng snorted.

"I don't even want to have a relationship with you old fox." Ling Xian smiled lightly, "Don't waste time, let's talk."

Hearing that, Pirate Saint reluctantly said: "The clue I know is about the flowers of Yin and Yang."

"Exactly one of the magic drugs I need." Ling Xianxing's eyes lit up, flashing with eagerness.

The flowers of yin and yang combined are the fifth potion on the scroll. In other words, this flower is much more rare than Qixiang Qiluo. Even if the first four kinds of magic drugs are added together, this flower may not be rare.

Right now, I heard that the clue of Pirate Saint was about the flowering of yin and yang, which naturally made him hot.

"The yin and yang flower is extremely mysterious and extremely rare, because the conditions for its formation are too harsh."

"One is the place where ice and fire blend together, and the other is the moment when the sun and the moon alternate."

"Only in the ice and fire, the moment when the sun and the moon alternate, can the yin and yang combine flowers be born."

"But a moment's effort is not enough to make this flower grow, so the moment it is born, the flower will wither."

"So theoretically, this flower cannot be born."

Stealing Wangu faintly opened his mouth, and Ling Xian frowned.

He guessed that the conditions for the formation of yin and yang apostles were harsh, but he never dreamed that they would be so harsh. This can no longer be described as difficult, but impossible!

It's easy to say that the place where the ice and fire are fused is not difficult, but the sun and the moon alternate, which is undoubtedly as difficult as ever.

Although the yin and yang hybrid flower can be born in an instant, it can't grow up. After an instant, it will wither. This means that even if Lingxian got this flower in the right place at the right time, it would only be withered and useless.

However, Lingxian is not disappointed, because if this flower cannot be born, there will be no legend of this flower in the world.

At the moment, he chuckled: "Don't sell off, if it is impossible to be born, you don't need to waste your saliva."

"Nature is amazing. In the extreme south of Xuanwu continent, the sun and the moon can be maintained for a long time."

"Or rather, the sun and the moon are on the same day, not alternately."

"And there happens to be a place where water and fire blend together."

Stealing all ages and sighing, feeling the magic of nature.

"The land of the extreme south? This is too broad, is there a more accurate place name?" Ling Xian frowned slightly.

"The place in the extreme south is an accurate place name. The temperature there is too low, no less than the vast snowy mountains, and it has always been inaccessible."

Piao Wangu shrugged and said, "Its area is very large, so it is collectively referred to as the far south."

Hearing that Ling Xian's eyebrows stretched out and replaced with fiery.

Stealing all the ancients has shown him the clear path, the next thing to do is to go to extremely difficult places and pick the flowers of the yin and yang.

"Don't be too happy, if you can get the yin and yang flower together in such a simple way, the extremely difficult place will be inaccessible."

"First of all, not every day of the sun and the moon can be maintained for a long time, and one day in a year is good."

"And even if the sun and the moon appear on the same day, it may not be possible to give birth to a yin and yang flower."

"The ghost knows how long this thing will take before it can fully grow."

Pirates of all ages rolled their eyes and poured cold water relentlessly.

This made Ling Xian's fiery heat fade away, and her brows frowned again.

The meaning of stealing all kinds of things has been clearly expressed. In short, it is uncertain.

However, even if the hope is slim, he will do his best to fight for it.

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