Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1618: Ice fire

The far south is cold and frosty, and when you look away, it is pure white.

Compared to the vast mountains, this place is undoubtedly much wider, and the temperature is three minutes colder. Without a special method, even the strongest in the sixth realm cannot survive long-term here.

Therefore, the far south is scarcely visited, and ordinary monks are afraid to get involved.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in the snow.

His white hair is like snow, and his white clothes are like snow. It blends into the surrounding scenery, and it is difficult to tell without looking closely.

This person is Ling Xian.

The far south is not hard to find, you just need to head south all the way, but the journey is far away.

Even with the speed of Jiutian Divine Wing, it took half a year to finally step into the extremely difficult area.

"It's snowy and frosty, so cold."

Ling Xian squinted her eyes, feeling the bitter cold wind, and sent a heartfelt emotion.

It's too cold, even with his mighty body, he feels bitterly cold. However, it is cold and naturally cannot threaten him.

At the moment, he released the power of the soul, looking for a place where the fire and ice in the mouth of the pirate fused.

Just as he swept the far south with his soul, three momentums suddenly appeared, as if the real dragon was awake, and there was a great momentum to swallow the mountains and rivers.

Immediately, three indifferent words sounded one after another, all without warning.

"The Daxue Mountain is a place for the husband to clean up. Do n’t bother with anything. Do n’t bother with something.”

"Yunlongtan is my retreat. If you dare to come, you will die."

"Like them, the snow forest is a hundred miles away and you are not allowed to set foot. Otherwise, don't blame the old man."

Hearing this, Ling Xian frowned, but unexpectedly, when she set foot, she received a warning.

"Sure enough, as the pirates say, there are several old monsters hidden in this place, but I don't know if the place where the ice and the fire are fused has already been occupied."

Ling Xian narrowed her eyes, then shook her head and laughed, laughing at her stupidity.

Let ’s not talk about the yin and yang flowers that may be born, but the combination of ice and fire is a rare treasure. It is of great use for understanding the two fires.

How can such treasures be left unoccupied? Thinking with my toes, I also know that someone must have been boarded first.

Therefore, Ling Xian smiled and felt a headache.

It can be seen from the three powerful momentums that all the old monsters living in the seventh realm live here, that is to say, the creatures occupying the place where the ice and fire blend together must be the seventh realm.

This is undoubtedly a big trouble for Ling Xian who has only the sixth realm.

But first, he had to find a place where ice and fire blended, otherwise he wouldn't even be eligible for a headache.

At the moment, Lingxian is immersed in mind, and is looking for a place where fire and ice blend.

A moment later, the scent of flames appeared in his perception, making him smile.

The extreme south is freezing, and the only place where flames can occur is undoubtedly the place where ice and fire blend.

Therefore, Ling Xian opened her nine-day **** wing and flew in the direction of the flame.

This made the three old monsters who spoke warnings somewhat unpleasant.

When they wanted to come, even if Ling Xian talked, he should see courtesy, but he said nothing at all, naturally the three were unhappy.

Ling Xian didn't know this. Even if he knew it, he would laugh it off.

In the eyes of an ordinary monk, the power of the seventh realm is like the supreme true god, and he should salute, but he is not an ordinary monk.

At present, although he is unable to face up to the seventh realm, but the seventh realm should not bully him!

"It's close, right ahead."

Perceived that the breath of flames was getting stronger and stronger, Ling Xian's mouth raised, a smile of expectation appeared. At the same time, there was some vigilance.

The place where the ice and the fire are fused must have been occupied. If the occupant has a bad temper, it is likely to be shot directly.

Therefore, while looking forward, Ling Xian is also running the flower of the road to protect herself firmly.

A moment later, a red and blue lake appeared in his sight.

I saw that blue is water and red is flame. The two are distinct, as if the enemy and ours are opposing each other, and no one has crossed the line.

"It really is a place where ice and fire coexist, but it has not yet blended."

Ling Xianxing's eyes lit up, looking forward to joy, and at the same time, there was a bit of regret.

The reason is that the water and fire in the lake have not really merged together. Although this does not affect the birth of the yin-yang amalgamation flower, the clear water and fire can't make the soul understand.

Only when they are fused together can souls realize the method of blending. If the understanding is sufficient, it is entirely possible to fuse the water and fire spells.

Don't even think about magical powers, that's something you can't even do!

"It's a pity, but it doesn't matter. It is enough to have a yin and yang flower."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, gathered and covered the snow wings, and fell to the ground.

After that, he was attacked fiercely.


A sword light came roaring, the murderous spirit was shocking, and the sharp edge was shining.

This sword is sharp and unparalleled, just like the legendary Wuxian Divine Sword.

Even if it is as strong as Lingxian, it will change its color.

However, he didn't panic. He swung his hands and set off a mighty wind, forcibly changing the trajectory of the sword.

Although it only made Jianguang stray from the three inches, he succeeded in achieving it, not only without injury, but also looks extraordinary.

Because he did not dodge or back away, he still stood upright, such as the Supreme Dust, and arrogance to the Eight Desolates.

You know, this sword was issued by an old monster in the seventh realm, and it was powerful and outrageous. Even the strong players of the same level will be taken by the momentum, unconsciously stepping back or dodging.

However, Ling Xian did not retreat and did not hide, nothing else, just to say this courage is extraordinary. What's more, he also successfully changed the trajectory of this sword without any damage!

"It's interesting. The monk in the sixth realm can change the trajectory of my sword."

A sentence sounded with amazement, and then an old man in black came on the snow.

His face was cold and thin, but his blood was extraordinarily strong, like an ancient beast.

This caused Ling Xian's brows to frown slightly. No matter from the appearance or the sword, the old man was not an easy-going generation.

"Binghuo Lake is my place for self-cultivation. I think it ’s not easy for you to practice. Leave." The old man glanced at Ling Xian a little, and issued the order of expulsion.

"I have no malicious intentions, I just want to practice here, and also ask my predecessors to do something convenient."

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly. He couldn't go anyway, and he couldn't do it in the face of a seventh-level power.

Therefore, he can only talk well.

"How can my cleanup place be touched by others?"

The old man looked cold and said, "Don't talk nonsense, and quickly disappear into my sight, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk."

Hearing that Ling Xian was helpless, and after a few moments of groaning, he took out a good magic weapon from the storage bag.

This is a dagger made of precious gods. It not only has a strong attack power, but also has a special divine power.

Seeing this, the old man's eyes lit up, then he looked at Ling Xian and slowly spit out two words.

"not enough."

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