"That's ... the legendary chaser!"

"No wonder he has no fear, he has a chasing wind."

"It is indeed a thief who stole all over the world, even such treasures."

Looking at the divine symbol, the crowd exclaimed, and then looked at the owner of the island together, showing their sympathy.

This time, the owner of Shaodao didn't feel humiliated, he felt really pathetic.

Originally seeing Ling Xian refused to bring robbers, he was still fortunate that at least he could take back the two treasures of invitation moon flute and Ding Haizhu.

But at this moment, he knew that he was going to be tragedy again. Stealing eternity with chasing after the wind, like Lingxian, couldn't stop it!

Because the chase wind can lock anyone and anything, as long as it is locked, you can catch up instantly.

For example, suppose that the wind chaser locked a mountain in the distance, and those who urged the rune can appear next to the mountain in an instant. Ignore all formations, and ignore any obstacles.

Right now, the chasing wind locks Lingxian, which means that stealing vanguard can also leave the sacred island.

Therefore, the owner of Shaodao felt very poor, and was about to cry without tears.

The same was true of the four elders, who were filled with grief and indignation, but could not help.

The situation is very clear, the wind chaser has locked the target, as long as they can't stop Lingxian, they can't stop stealing eternity!

And Lingxian, who urged the break of the realm, is far away now, how can they stop?

"Damn domain break!"

An elder roared, but the next moment he realized that he had made a mistake.

The domain break character was handed over to Ling Xian by the owner of Shaodao. Isn't this insulting Shaodao?

"It's my fault all to blame me." The owner of the little island grinned.

If there is no break amulet, Lingxian would not be able to escape at all.

Therefore, in the final analysis, it is the fault of the young island owner.

"Anyway, you guys on the sacred island may blame you, but both the boy and I have to thank you."

Pirates of all ages looked at the owner of Shaodao with a smile, and seriously salted his wound.

This caused the main island of Shaodao to explode with anger, and anxious to steal the holy corpse.

It's a pity, just think about it, let alone him, even if the owner of the island is in person, he can't stop the thief who used the chase.

"Speaking of that little fox, it really makes people hate their teeth." Pirates sighed with sigh, looking at the strange sign in front of him, his heart was bleeding.

The Wind Rune is an extremely rare treasure, as precious as the Breaking Rune, and is a one-time item. In this way, can he not feel distressed?

"He didn't give up the magic drug clues, but instead assumed that I had a way to leave. The reason he refused was to make me bleeding."

Stealing all ancient eyes is unwilling, originally he didn't have to waste the chase, as long as Lingxian took him, he could break the space together.

If you change someone, you will definitely agree. After all, he has precious hope in his hands. But Ling Xian was too clever, guessing his intentions, forcing him to use the extremely precious chasing wind.

In this way, how can we be willing to steal eternity? However, he was helpless.

In front of his life, the wind chaser is nothing but precious.

At the moment, Pirate Saint no longer hesitates, chasing the wind and running into the sky, and disappearing with him.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Ling Xian.

"You really have a backhand."

Seeing the sudden emergence of Pirate Saint, Ling Xian frowned, his eyes flashing with unexpected colors.

He expected this person to have a hole card, but did not expect that he would appear next to him. But that's fine, he can just ask for clues.

Therefore, Ling Xian smiled and smiled brilliantly.

"If I didn't have a backhand, wouldn't you have been pitted to death?" Pirates Wan Gu rolled his eyes.

"Who pits who? Trouble you to figure it out first. You pit me first."

Ling Xian glanced at Pirate Saint, and was too lazy to argue with this person about these meaningless things: "Let's talk nonsense, tell me the magic medicine news."

"Dream your spring and autumn dreams."

Pirate saints skeptically said, "You have lost a precious rune of wind, and you still want clues. You are too naive."

"Following the wind rune? No wonder you suddenly appeared next to me, it turned out to lock me."

There was a hint of surprise in Ling Xianxing's eyes. As a man in Fudao, he naturally heard the name of the chasing wind rune, and knew how precious this rune was.

And his purpose is to make pirates bleeding.

Therefore, Ling Xian smiled brilliantly and said, "Yes, my purpose has been achieved."

"Abominable boy." Pirate Wangu hated his teeth, but didn't dare to do it.

Ling Xian, however, passed the evil in the tenth area. As he has not yet recovered from the peak of cultivation, it is no different from seeking death.

"Everyone with each other, now we are even."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, remembered the clue of magic medicine, and changed her mouth: "No, you still owe me news of magic medicine."

"Dream, if it was before, I would definitely tell you, but now, hehe." Pirates of the ancient drama laughed and made it clear that he did not want to say.

In this regard, Ling Xian was not surprised or troubled, he had a way to deal with this old fox.

"Don't forget, you have made a vow of heaven, aren't you afraid of being hacked?"

"I did make a vow of heaven, but I didn't say, when will I tell you."

"As long as I tell you before I die, even if I have fulfilled my promise, judging from my birthday, there is no problem in living for hundreds of years."

"It's you, I'm afraid I won't die."

The pirates of ancient pirate drama are even stronger, proudly saying, "Boy, fight with me and be tender."

"I did ignore this, but it doesn't mean that I can't let you tell the clues about magic medicine." Ling Xian smiled slightly, still not flustered.

He watched with pride in stealing eternity, and the whole person revived like an ancient beast.

Suddenly the wind thundered, the sky was dark, and the void shivered endlessly.

Then, a joke-filled word came slowly from his mouth.

"No, I'll call you."

Hearing that, the pirates' eternity looked gloomy, and said, "Are you sure you can beat me, not me? You don't forget, I am the world's seventh strongest man."

"That was the past, now you, it's just the sixth state."

Ling Xian held her hands behind her back and gazed at the Pirate Saint: "I know that you are a robber, and the means are endless, but because of cultivation, you can only play a limited role. Besides, I have many means."

Hearing that, Pirate Saint frowned, and there was a slight flash of confusion in the depths of his eyes.

If it was before he changed, he could be in a haunting situation and imprison Lingxian. However, in order to get rid of the four seventh-place powers, he has used a large array of blood, and is unable to perform the method of this forbidden land.

The other methods, based on the cultivation he has not yet recovered, cannot be performed at all.

"Come and fight. I wanted to hit you a long time ago."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, her voice had not fallen, and people had appeared above the thief.

This caused Pirates to subconsciously raise his head, and then he saw a big foot.

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