Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1614: Before and after sad

"Goodbye two, I wish you‘ play ’.”

Ling Xian's mouth smiled, the broken rune bloomed in silver, the rhyme flowed, and mysterious.

This made everyone in the room silent, only felt the hot pain on his face, as if being slaped hard.

Just now, they laughed at Ling Xian's arrogance and could not leave the sacred island. However, at the moment, he has come up with a break symbol that cannot be stopped by the peak power of the seventh realm, that is, his departure is nailed down.

There was no doubt that a loud slap was drawn on everyone's face.

And if it is said that the audience is the most uncomfortable, it is undoubtedly the pirate saint and the young island owner.

The moment before, pirates of eternity were overjoyed, even a little bit proud. Because he put Lingxian together, reducing the pressure by half.

The same goes for the young island owner.

He finally found another treasure thief, and determined that Ling Xian could not escape, and naturally felt happy and proud.

But at this moment, both of them want to cry without tears, especially the young island owner, and they are extremely sad.

Because he gave Lingxian the break symbol, in other words, he gave Lingxian the opportunity to escape!

This kind of taste is so uncomfortable that anyone who changes it has to cry without tears.

"If I haven't betrayed him, I can definitely leave with him at this moment." Pirates of ancient times were annoyed, their intestines were almost regretful.

The lesser island master is even more so.

He can't wait to slap himself a few slaps and ask himself, what is bad to send, why do you have to send a break symbol!

This time is good, not only can not catch Ling Xian, but has become the culprit who sent him away!

"The treasures of the sacred island are endless. What is bad is not good. You have to send a break symbol."

"Well, this is stupid, it's just stupid home."

"It is estimated that the intestines of Shaodao are about to regret it. This taste of sending the enemy away by himself is unbearable to anyone."

Everyone spoke, half ridiculed, half mercy.

This made the owner of Shaodao feel the strange shame and shame, and stared at Lingxian as if he could spit fire.

"Don't look at me with this kind of gaze, the domain break character, didn't you give it to me yourself? Blame it, and you should blame it."

Ling Xian's mouth smiled, and the break symbol was suspended above her head.

It was a spatial fluctuation, which meant that he could break through the space at any time and leave safely.

"Damn asshole!"

The little island owner was furious, and at the same time, he felt like a joke.

Ling Xian is his enemy, an endless enemy. However, how much ridicule does he give the enemy a chance to escape?

The owner of the little island was extremely sorrowful. When he thought of handing over the domain-breaker to Lingxian, he had an urge to commit suicide.

The four elders and guards also wanted to cry without tears. If they had not identified the identity of the young island owner, I am afraid they would have suspected that he was a traitor.

Otherwise, why do n’t you send something else?

"Thank you very much, and handed me the opportunity to escape." Ling Xian smiled slightly, feeling foolish.

The little island owner could not help him, but could only say that it was a coincidence. No one could have imagined that he would be another thief at the top of this list.

"Xiangge, take me for a while, anyway, we can be regarded as robes." Pirate Wangu licked his face, full of charm.

"Gao Ze? Thanks for your exit."

Ling Xian glanced at Pirate Saint, and said, "Pharaoh bastard, why didn't you think about the robe when you betrayed me?"

"Hey, didn't you forget that you had a break symbol?" Pirates Vanguard smiled, don't say guilt, I'm not ashamed at all.

This made Ling Xian speechless, and said, "You old fox, your skin is too thick."

"If you don't have a thick skin, you won't be able to keep your life." Pirates smiled and said, "Xiangge, take me, for you, it's just a hand.

"Dream you." Ling Xian glanced briefly at Pirate Saint, and said, "I think it's better to stay and feed the sharks."

"It doesn't matter if I feed the sharks, but it's a pity that the news of the magic drug entered the belly of the fish?"

Stealing Wangu blinked, showing a bit of jokes, and a few wins in hand.

"Are you threatening me?" Ling Xian frowned, with some difficulty.

The news of the magic drug, which is related to his life, naturally puts him in a dilemma.

"It's not a threat, it's a transaction." Pirates looked at Ling Xian with a smile and said, "You take me away, I'll tell you the news, it's good for each other."

"The news of the magic medicine, you promised me long ago, and don't forget, you made a vow of heaven." Ling Xian's eyes narrowed.

"Indeed, as long as I live, I must fulfill my promise."

Pirates of eternity smiled and said, "But if you don't take me away, I will die without doubt. Dead people, do you care about the oath of heaven?"

"Aren't you afraid that Tianjie broke your grave?" Ling Xian glanced at Pirate Saint, knowing that the old fox had spotted his weakness.

"Uncle you! Falling to their hands, I can't keep the whole body, how can there be a grave?"

Pirates of ancient times rolled their eyes, and the winning ticket was holding, "In a word, take me away?"

"No, I won't even take you away if I don't want to."

Ling Xian refused, and the staring eyes flashed with playfulness.

This made Piao Wangu's smile froze on his face, but he did not expect Ling Xian to refuse.

He has already guessed that Ling Xian is the person who posted the reward task. Although he did not think of the Tianyuan curse, it is certain that he must be terminally ill.

And a person who is terminally ill has turned down hope, so how can he not be surprised by stealing eternal life?

But the next moment, the smile returned to his face, and said, "It doesn't matter if you refuse, as long as you urge the break symbol, I can leave with it."

"I guess you still have a second hand." Ling Xian smiled lightly without surprise.

Although stealing the saint is a mixed character, no one can deny that he is very capable.

As a burglar, he stole all over the Xuanwu continent. His methods are endless.

Therefore, Ling Xian had long guessed that this man had a back-hander. The reason why he rejected the proposal of stealing the saints was to let him some blood.

"You guessed it?"

Pirates of the Saint, said: "Since I guess I will leave with you, why should you reject my proposal? Anyway, you can not change the facts."

Then, he suddenly closed his mouth, faintly guessing.

"Looks like you guessed it." Ling Xian grinned.

"Your purpose is to let me bleed a little bit of blood?" Thief frowned.

"Smart, don't let you bleed a little bit of blood. How can you betray your betrayal?"

Ling Xianmulu said playfully, "Although you are not a person who wants a face, but if you can use that method easily, you won't lick your face and ask me. So I guess that you must pay for that unknown method Great price. "

"Good boy, you are so smart."

Stealing Wangu with a sigh, he said, "I didn't expect to be counted again by you."


Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Let's stop talking nonsense. I'm leaving. If you don't follow, you decide."

As the words fell, he no longer hesitated, and the silver light disappeared into place.

Seeing this, despite the unwillingness of stealing Wangu, in the face of death threats, he could only choose to submit.

At the moment, a divine charm arose, locking the breath of Lingxian.

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