Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1613: The turn of despair

On the coast, everyone looked at Ling Xian with a shocked look, never dreaming that he was another thief.

How bold is it to dare to steal the treasure of the sacred island? How strong is it to escape safely?

Everyone was shocked, and finally understood why Lingxian would be ranked first in the beginning, and he was stealing things!

"No wonder you can easily stop me from hitting it hard. It turned out to be you."

The master of Shaodao gritted his teeth and stared at Lingxian eagerly.

The same is true of Ling Xian, except that the person he is staring at is not the owner of Shaodao, but a saint.

He had obviously concealed the search and could safely leave the island, but he was in crisis because he stole all the words, who wouldn't be angry if he changed?

"Damn old fox, I really want to step on your face a few feet!" Ling Xian stared fiercely at stealing Wangu.

"I'm your uncle. I treat you as if you were out. I didn't expect to have a white-eyed wolf."

Pirates sighed forever, pretending to look like sorrow is greater than death, but deep in their eyes, they are full of playful smiles.

This made Ling Xian hate her teeth and said, "Pretend, you continue to pretend, I would like to see, to what extent you old fox can pretend."

"Hey, no more, although you are not my nephew, we have nothing to do with it."

"But you took Qixiang Luo, it is an indisputable fact."

"So, we are grasshoppers on the line, let's join forces to fight the enemy."

Stealing all ages with a smile on his face, it was a brilliant one.

"Old fox, you have been put together." Ling Xian's teeth were itchy, and he wanted to rob the robber forever.

"Every one another, you little fox, have you pitted me once?"

Pirates of all ages smiled and looked at Ling Xian, and said: "We are leveled, and the priority is not to settle accounts, but to think about how to escape."

Hearing that Ling Xian fell into silence and felt a headache.

It is an established fact that he took Qixiang Luo, regardless of whether it has anything to do with stealing eternal life, the sacred island will not let him go.

Leaving aside the special prohibitions on the island, and just talking about the power of the Seventh Place, it is not something he can counter. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the desperate situation, the ten deadless situation!

Just then, he suddenly thought of something that could be turned over, and could not help but smile.

"For the sake of today, only you and I have joined forces, otherwise no one can escape."

Pirates smiled and said, "Do you have a way to break the ban around the island?"

"What do you think? If I can break it, I will wait till now?" Ling Xian glanced at Pirate Saint lightly.

Because of his master-level tactics, there are few restraints that can stop him, but the restraints around the island are not a formation method, but a magic weapon.

In his perception, the entire sacred island is shrouded in a super magic weapon. Without special seals, no one can shake it.

"That said, there is no hope but to hide it first." Pirate Wangu sighed softly, intending to hide first and wait for the opportunity.

"The premise of hiding is that you can escape."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Do you think it's possible that you could escape?"

Then, he turned his eyes to the owner of the island, and said, "Will you let him out of sight?"


The owner of Shaodao glanced at Pirate Saint coldly, and then turned his eyes to Ling Xian, and said in a cold voice: "Same for you, I advise you two to be better off to avoid suffering from flesh."

"Discuss it. I'll leave a treasure of the same value as Qixiang Qiluo. How about you let me go?"

Ling Xian seriously looked at the owner of Shaodao, trying to resolve the dispute in a gentle way.


The master of the island rebuffed, sneer: "Capture you, all your treasures are mine."

"But you may not have this ability."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed and she said, "Consider my suggestion. It's good for you and me."

"I said impossible."

"I admit that you are strong. If you are one-on-one, I am not your opponent, but even if you are strong, you will not be able to stop the four seventh-best men."

"I can't stop it, but I want to go, they can't stop it." Ling Xian smiled calmly and calmly.

This made everyone feel funny and couldn't figure out where he was confident.

Passing the tenth area is indeed an act against the sky. It is no exaggeration to say that the future Lingxian can be the worst in the worst.

But that is the future. Now he is only a monk in the sixth realm. What can he do to resist the power of the seventh realm?

Not to mention four full positions, even if there is only one, he can't compete!

"This is the funniest joke I've grown so big."

"Maybe you are amazingly fast and can get rid of the seventh-level power hunting. But don't forget that there are restrictions around the island. Without special seals, you can't leave in your life.

"How can you, stuck on the island, resist the power of the seventh realm?"

The main island of Shaodao raised his mouth, and did not conceal the satire on Ling Xian.

The same was true of all the people present, although they didn't say anything, but they all showed a strong sneer.

"This child is probably scared silly."

The robber reluctantly shook his head and said, "Hide it first. If you and I join forces, we can stop them for a moment."

"I'm not interested in working with you. I might be sold by your old fox."

Ling Xian glanced at Dao Sheng lightly, and turned her eyes to the owner of Shaodao, saying, "Last time, I really don't want to solve it peacefully?"

"I certainly do."

Shaodao's eyes were ridiculous, saying: "It's just the peace I understand, it's detaining you and making you worse off!"

"That's not something to talk about."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, and she said, "Well, I wanted to compensate with treasures of equal value. Since the owner of Shaodao didn't want to, let it be."

"Your life is in my hands, how can I be qualified to negotiate with me?" Shaodaozhu dismissed a smile.

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled.

Half an hour ago, he did not have the qualifications to negotiate, but now he has it, and it was given to him by the master of the island.

"Also, I hope you don't regret it after I leave."

Ling Xian smiled a little, too lazy to talk to the owner of Shaodao, and took something out of the storage bag.

It is silver and white, the rhyme flows, and the light of the night is a rare world-breaking symbol.

The moment the sign emerged, the coast was quiet, and everyone was stunned, especially the little island owner, his eyes were about to stare out.

"What's the power of the domain break character, don't use my nonsense, everyone knows."

Ling Xianmulu teased and said, "Especially the young island owner, it should be the clearest."

It was said that Shaodao was so angry that he almost did not spit out blood. He gave Lingxian amulet to Lingxian, how could he not know the ability of a broken amulet?

Not to mention a special prohibition, even if the power of the seventh state peak blocked the space, it would not stop this sign!

In other words, Lingxian with this sign in hand is destined to leave the sacred island, and no one can stop it!

"I said, you can't stop me, and I said, you will regret it."

Ling Xian smiled at her mouth, glanced at the surprise stealing of all ages, and looked at a few crazy island masters, slowly spit out a joke.

"Goodbye two, I wish you‘ play ’.”

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