There are two ways to earn points for trial. One is to hunt monsters, but to venture into the area.

The former earns very few points, and even if he kills the demon king, he won't get much. Only the latter can earn significant points.

But this method is undoubtedly more difficult and dangerous than hunting monsters. Fortunately for the first few, the latter are full of crises, and even the candidate of the Emperor of God must be careful.

Therefore, most monks will do what they can, wandering only in the first five areas, and dare not set foot in the following areas.

However, Lingxian didn't care.

The last few areas are indeed dangerous. Not only do they lie dormant in the seventh realm, but there are many dangerous places. If they are not careful, they will die.

Just talking about Ling Xian, but it is nothing.

He now has six polar realms. Although he cannot fight beyond the ranks, the seventh realm wants to kill him, but it is also very difficult.

As a result, he arrived safely in the seventh zone, and his points skyrocketed again.

Suddenly, his ranking left the penultimate, but actually rose to 75th!

This span is not small, but it is also reasonable.

Points in the seventh area, but as high as sixty-four thousand, naturally ranked among the top one hundred!

"Sure enough, cross-domain is the big head. If I can reach the tenth area, the champion will be in the bag." Ling Xian raised his mouth, showing a look of expectant smile.

Then he released the power of the soul and looked for the fantasy forest.

In terms of fame alone, Fantasy Forest is not as good as the sword wash pond, but the effect is equally amazing.

It is located in the seventh zone, which can make people fall into an illusion and have an unusual experience. This sounds harmful and unhelpful, but the illusion is very dangerous. What if I can't get out?

But in fact, it is beneficial.

The fantasy forest is very magical. The illusion created by it can only last for half an hour. Whether it is lost or not, it will be awake when the time comes.

In other words, there is no danger of sinking, only a special experience will be obtained in vain.

This is a good thing for any soul.

Therefore, Lingxian intends to go to Fantasy Forest first and then to the eighth area.

After a moment, he felt a special wave, very weak and mysterious.

"I found it." Ling Xian smiled slightly, and several breaths had already appeared in the fantasy forest.

Just like its name, this place is really beautiful and almost dreamy. The colorful leaves dance with the wind, picturesque and beautiful.

However, before Ling Xian had time to appreciate it, she fell into a fantasy.

In this fantasy, his identity is a scholar studying hard and studying in Beijing.

Not only is there no mana, but even the memory becomes blurred. If Ling Xian is not powerful, I'm afraid he would really think that the scholar is himself.

"Do you want me to be the top student in high school?

Ling Xian smiled slightly, did not resist, and went on according to the script set by the fantasy.

After that, he was named Sun Shan, let alone a high school champion, and his fellow scholars failed to pass the exam.

This made Ling Xian shake her head and smiled, accepting it frankly, and then she reviewed her homework to prepare for the next time.

Unfortunately, he failed again.

This time, Ling Xian still accepted and smiled without any frustration.

After that, he fell into an endless failure.

Repeated reviews, repeated failures, Ling Xian's smile became less and less, and she also resisted.

Although he always remembered his true identity, the illusion was too real, which made him unconsciously substitute for the scholar's identity.

Gradually, he was somewhat depressed, and in the end, he was lost.

Too many failures, even if the heart is as strong as iron, can't carry it.

No way, this illusion is too real, and Ling Xian unconsciously substituted into the scholar's psychology, even if his heart is tough, he can't bear countless failures.

But in the end, he managed to survive it.

Although at this time, he had gray hair and old age, but this time, he passed the exam.

After that, the illusion disappeared, Ling Xian sighed, her expression a little joy.

Although the taste of failure is uncomfortable, it is worth rejoicing to break the feeling of failure.

This means that his mentality is a little firmer, and no matter how many failures he can't defeat him.

"A rare experience, a rare comprehension, this trip is not worthless."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, and the invincible heart became more complete and firmer.

Although he was cursed by Tian Yuan in his body, there is not much Shou Yuan, but after this time, he felt that the road was suddenly a little brighter.

"Looking for, solving the curse, and stepping to the top, no one can stop my footsteps."

Muttering, Ling Xian disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it had already come to the eighth area.

Suddenly, the points soared, allowing him to rush into the top ten, ranking fourth!

At this moment, everyone was stunned, except for the incredible, it was incredible.

There is no way, this thing is so amazing, from the first to the bottom, soared to fourth, whoever would change would be incredible.

"I rely on it, this product has encountered the teleportation array and was directly transmitted to the tenth area."

"Unbelievable, how can a trash that has been at the bottom of the list for a long time be ranked fourth?"

"It's just heaven and earth, it's either he happened to meet the teleportation array, or I was dazzled."

"There is no teleportation array on the trial ground, and his points have skyrocketed, that is, he has reached the last few areas by strength!"

Everyone was shocked. There is only one possibility for skyrocketing points, which is cross-domain, and it must be the last few regions.

You know, the next few areas are difficult and dangerous. Even the famous Tianjiao has no such ability.

However, at the moment, Lingxian has done it, naturally shocking everyone. Especially when he was in the last place for a long time, this shock was extremely fierce.

"From the point of view, he should have arrived in the eighth zone!"

"Inconceivable, how could he have the strength to break through the eighth zone?"

"Even the strongest descendants of a family, they may not be able to break through the eighth area. Only the candidate of the Emperor is eligible."

"Can it be done, is he a candidate for the Emperor?"

Everyone took a breath and then fell silent.

Although this is difficult to accept, the fact is in front of me. How can the points skyrocket without reaching the eighth zone? Without the strength of the Emperor's Candidate, how can he reach the eighth area?

You know, let alone the eighth area, even if it is the seventh area, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, it is undoubtedly a dead zone. However, Ling Xian broke through, which is enough to prove that he has the combat power of the candidate of God Emperor!

Therefore, everyone had to accept this fact, and then began to pay close attention.

Ling Xian is already the fourth, only ten thousand points away from the third medicine emperor, and only thirty thousand away from the seventh demon of the first place.

In other words, he is eligible for the top spot.

In this way, everyone naturally pays close attention and wants to see if he can create glory again!

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