Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1604: Wash sword

The trial of the Sacred Island is a feast expected by the world, especially the souls below the seventh realm.

There are three reasons for this. First, there are too many sacred island treasures, such as the Fantasy Forest of Sword Wash Pond, etc., which are all valuable treasures for monks.

Secondly, if you are in the top 100, you will get rich rewards, especially for the top players. The rewards are even more eye-catching.

Third, after the trial is over, the sacred island will take out some valuable treasures for the tester to exchange.

You must know that those treasures are not ordinary goods, and everything is rare and rare.

And these three benefits, in addition to the first, the latter two require points.

Therefore, every tester is desperately earning points, the strong person concentrates on cross-domain, and the weak person hunts monsters crazy.

In a word, everyone seems to have beaten chicken blood and got crazy points.

Therefore, the big screen keeps refreshing, and each refresh will increase everyone's points.

The only exception is Lingxian.

His points have not changed at all, and they are still a thousand points that can be obtained after entering the trial. As for the ranking, it is even more impossible to change.

As a result, all triallers smiled when they saw his name, with irony and disdain.

There was only one person who didn't laugh, that was the second-to-last person. He didn't laugh at Ling Xian at all, and some were just grateful.

If Ling Xian hadn't taken the lead, he would be the one who was being ridiculed at the moment, naturally he would be grateful.

But that day, his gratitude disappeared.

Originally, this product was going to take a look at Ling Xian's name, give yourself some motivation, and give yourself some comfort. However, when he turned on the big screen through the jade card, he found that the last one became himself!

This puzzled the person, and then searched the list for the word 'xianling', and when he found it, he fell into a dull state.

Because of this, the name Xianling actually appeared in the 245th place.

Although this is not a very high ranking, it is very powerful when put in a large base. You know, this trial has attracted hundreds of thousands of people, and it is not easy to reach the top 300 in such a huge base.

It is even more incredible to put it on Lingxian, who was in the bottom of the list!

As a result, the person fell into stagnation and fell into shock.

Not only him, but the vast majority of testers.

On this day, everyone who has browsed the list feels shocked and a bit unaccustomed.

For two months, the first thing that testers have been used to to open the list is to take a look at Lingxian who is at the bottom of the list. Because of this, they can find fun, especially those who are behind, and they can find comfort.

But on this day, he scored in the top three hundred, how could they not shock them? How can you get used to it?

Everyone was shocked, watching the word "Xian Ling" closely, and wanted to see if he was a flash in the pan, or if he was really capable.

Ten days later, everyone was relieved, because instead of continuing to rise, he began to decline.

"Haha, I knew he was a flash in the pan, and I guess it was good luck, and somewhere he went inexplicably."

"It must be so. With his strength, he only deserves to stay in the bottom."

"Haha, Xianling is still Xianling, it's still our pleasure!"

The testers were relieved, no longer panicked, still full of sarcasm and disdain.

Two months later, Lingxian's ranking fell back to the bottom. At this moment, the world became more and more unscrupulous, and he could laugh at him anytime, anywhere.

"You're back at the bottom ..."

In the sixth area, a faint sigh came from the clear water.

The speaker sat on the bluestone in the pool, and Ren Qianzhang Waterfall poured down, still calm and calm. It seemed that the huge power of the waterfall had no effect on him.

His white clothes were like snow, his black hair was scattered, and a pair of star eyes were as bright as paint, deep and vast.

That extraordinary temperamental temperament, like a ridiculous fairy, is beyond the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

It is Lingxian.

Since he intends to participate in the trial, he has successively crossed domains and his points have soared in multiples. During this period, he also killed several monsters without eyes, without exception, the monster king who can get double points.

It's not that he only killed the demon king, but an ordinary monster that didn't dare to provoke him.

Therefore, Lingxian points skyrocketed, and their rankings soared to the top 300.

Originally, he intended to continue to cross-domain and win the top spot. But when he came here, he had to stop.

Because of this, this is the famous sword washing pond.

The water in this pool is very magical, especially for the sword, it has all kinds of magical effects. Not only can you repair swords, strengthen swords, you can even conceive sword spirits.

This is why Lingxian stays here, and the stop is two months.

His sword didn't need to be repaired, nor was it enhanced by the pool of water, but he wanted to give birth to the sword spirit.

Although it was extremely difficult, he didn't want to give up as long as there was hope.

Therefore, Ling Xian stopped at Xijianchi, and for a while, it was two months.

During that period, the questioning fairy sword kept soaking in the pond, and there was no change in the beginning. But just three days ago, an unusual wave came out, and it was only a few minutes later that it went silent again.

"If the sword spirit can be born, I will recognize it even if I ranked last."

Ling Xian sighed faintly, moving her gaze to the three-colored magic sword in the pool, her eyes a little helpless.

Since the mysterious wave came out three days ago, Ask Daojian has returned to normal, and has been suspended in the pool quietly without any change.

If it wasn't for him to be certain, the fluctuation would be a precursor to the birth of the sword spirit, and he would have gone.

"The sword-washing pond is indeed magical. Although the sword spirit has not yet been born, compared to the previous questioning sword, it is indeed one point stronger and has a touch of spirituality."

"Unfortunately, I don't know when it will be able to truly produce the sword spirit."

"If you fail to be born before the end of the trial, you will lose money."

Ling Xian sighed softly. It was almost seven months before the end of the trial. In other words, he is likely to fetch a basket.

"Just wait another month, if you still don't have a sword spirit, it's a chance, and I should make a decision."

Ling Xian murmured, then closed her eyes and waited.

In this way, time gradually passed.

A month later, when asked about the fairy sword glowing, another mysterious wave came out.

This made Ling Xian suddenly open her eyes, the light was bright, like a big day.

But then, when asked about the sword, the light of the sword dimmed, and his star eyes followed in silence.

"Sure enough, chances are yet to come, but it is enough."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and asked Xian Xian to take back the storage bag.

Although not as expected, asking about Xianjian has revealed the signs of the birth of the sword spirit, which is already a lot of gains.

"It's time to leave."

Ling Xian smiled and stood up.

Since no sword spirit could be born, there was no need for him to waste time here.

At the moment, he stretched out and embarked on the journey to earn points again.

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