Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1606: Ninth domain

The eighth area is a mountain covered by clouds all year round.

A slender, dark-haired man stood silently.

He has a handsome face, deep star eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a strange charm.

"Ninth zone, break or not ..."

Looking into the distance, the evil charm man muttered to himself: "The ninth area is known as the edge of the land, and even if it is powerful in the seventh realm, it is somewhat reluctant."

With that said, he was lost in thought and hesitated.

It's not that you don't have confidence in yourself, but that the ninth area is too dangerous.

Countless trials have passed through the eighth area, but there are only dozens of people who have reached the ninth area and returned safely.

Although it sounds a lot, don't forget that the sacred island has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has been said that dozens of trials have been held. On average, only one person passed through the ninth zone in each trial.

You know, each trial has hundreds of thousands!

In other words, not only is there not much data, but it is pitifully small.

As for those who passed the tenth area, they counted with one hand. According to the history of the sacred island, only four people passed the tenth area!

And all four of them were no exception, and in the end they became big names with a long history.

"It should be okay to add some treasures with my ability. So many people have passed. Wouldn't it be shame if I didn't even enter?"

The mouth of the evil charm man raised his determination and made up his mind.

Not only because you want to challenge the limit, but also because the people behind are biting too close. If you don't enter the ninth zone, you will most likely pass by the champion.

"Let's go, first, I'll make a reservation."

The evil smile was hanging on the face of the man Jun. When he turned his left hand, a jade card appeared on his hand with a few lines of small print on it.

Name: Seventh Demon.

Total score: 260,000.

Ranking: First place.


The eighth area is under a thousand waterfalls.

A woman in black stood proudly, tall and charming.

She covered her face with a grimace mask, intimidating, a little less evil than the seventh demon, but a little weird.

Although it is daytime, the endless rays of light fall from the sun and shine on the earth. However, it could not dispel the cold here, let alone her weirdness.

As if she was the king who ruled the night, wherever she went, it was all night.

"Going forward is the ninth zone ..."

The woman in black looked far into the distance, her voice was low and hoarse, giving a chilling feeling.

After that, she flipped her wrist, and the jade card appeared, with a few lines of small characters engraved on it.

Name: Nether.

Total score: 259,000 457.

Ranking: Second place.

"It was so easy to be born once, but to leave a mark."

The woman in black muttered to herself, and said, "Well, I want to see if the ninth area is worthy of the name."

In a word, she disappeared and suddenly, the place returned to its former warmth.


The eighth area, in a vibrant jungle.

A man in Tsing Yi sniffed the fragrance of flowers, flowing around the rhyme of the road, matching the road, quite a bit of a return to Zigui.

Like the seventh demon and the ghost, he also looked into the distance, with helplessness flashing in his mild eyes.

He stared at it so stiffly for a long while before sighing.

"Also, always try your best, otherwise, Dad would not agree."

As the words fell, he took a trick and inserted the jade card on the domain monument back into his hand, with a few lines of small words written on it.

Name: Yaohuang.

Total score: 258,284.

Ranking: third place.


Area eight, on a clear lake.

Ling Xian held her hands behind her back, her toes were lightly tapped on the lake, without sinking and without ripples.

He looked at the small lines on the jade card, his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled slightly.

Name: Xianling.

Total score: 257,247.

Ranking: fourth place.

"The distance is only a thousand points away from the third, and the distance is almost three thousand away from the first."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, "It's not difficult to catch up, but if you want to come, all three of them will go to the ninth area."

This is an obvious thing. The four of them are not much different. If they want to lock in the victory, they have to pass the ninth zone.

Therefore, Lingxian also made a decision to go to the ninth area.

The sacred island was opened only once in a hundred years, and its cultivation was limited. This meant that he had only one chance. If it didn't win the top spot, what's the point?

"Now that you are here, fight for it."

With a slight smile, Ling Xian vibrated for nine days and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had come to a stone monument with two blood-red ancient characters engraved on it.


"Is the red font a posterity?"

Ling Xian smiled slightly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation: "I would like to see if the ninth area, which is known as the edge of the land, is not worthy of name, or it is worthless."

As the words fell, he took a big step forward, holding his head forward.

After that, he understood that the ninth area really deserves its name.

Because he hadn't taken two steps, he saw two monsters in the seventh realm, both of them mighty and dazzling.

"Only in the periphery, the seventh demon king appears, and the ninth area really deserves its name."

Ling Xian's expression was stunned, and the simplified version of the heavenly **** array was operated to completely condense the breath.

Not to mention three monsters in the seventh realm, even if there is only one, he cannot compete. Therefore, he gathered his breath and was prepared to avoid them.

It's a pity that he can't hide from the sense of spirit, but can't hide his sight.

A silver-white snow leopard saw him, and his calm eyes suddenly glowed with fierce light, and the horror momentum also erupted, breaking the void instantly.

"Looks like a battle."

Ling Xian's expression was condensed, without panic, and without fear.

He concentrated his energy on his hands, and actually shot first, making two invincible punches.


The silver leopard roared, his hair turned into a sharp sword, and his fist seal was broken. Then, he smashed forward, tearing his claws.

"No time wasted on you, get out of me!"

Lingxian yelled, clamored with Yin Leopard, and then, by fierce force, flew away.

With his current combat power, he cannot yet confront the seventh realm, and his purpose is not to kill the silver leopard.

Therefore, he urged Jiutian Shenyi with all his strength and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This made Yin Leopard tremble with anger, but also helpless.

A month later, Lingxian appeared at the end of the ninth area, only a few steps away from the domain monument in the tenth area.

At this point, his points skyrocketed by 256,000, which means that he successfully crossed the ninth zone.

"Hoo, it's not easy. It finally passed."

Looking back, Lingxian sighed, sincerely feeling hard.

He was covered in blood and pale at the moment, and it was conceivable how hard he had experienced.

"The ninth area is so difficult. I don't know how difficult it is in the tenth area?" Ling Xian sighed slightly and looked forward.

There is the tenth area.

"Just try and see?"

A laugh suddenly sounded, and the seventh demon arrived, despite his blood, but his style remained undiminished.

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