Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1603: Bottom of the list

Lake Soul, located in the first area, is one of the treasures of the sacred island.

Although it is not as good as other treasures, it is also very attractive. Many people come to the lake to soak up their souls.

At this moment, Ling Xian was sitting quietly in the lake, as the old monk settled in and moved.

After leaving the sacred temple, he returned to Jingsoul Lake, where the road was calm and calm, without encountering obstacles or attracting the attention of others.

Because Jingshun Lake is a treasure land, it is normal to stay here for a few days.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get the news of the magic potion."

Ling Xian opened her eyes with a bit of regret, but after thinking about it, she turned to joy.

His harvest has been big enough, not only to get the most important subtle fragrance Qi Luo, but also to get the unexpected surprise of Huang Wushu, it is a lucky invitation.

"Speaking of it, I would like to thank the old fox. If it were not for him, it would have been impossible to get Qixiang Qiluo."

Ling Xian smiled fortunately.

If it wasn't for stealing all the ancients and stepping into the hall first, the person bound by the imitation imitation rope would be him. Even if he can break the ban, it is difficult to open the light ball.

Even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, these obstacles he broke through, he could not escape the birth without stealing the eternal world to attract the attention of the owner of the island.

"I don't know, what happened to the old fox, was he caught, or escaped?"

Ling Xian sighed slightly, and was a little worried, but when he thought of the unpredictable theft, he didn't worry.

Taking the power of robbers and passersby as the old fox should be fine.

"I hope you are safe and sound, don't forget, you still owe me a clue."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and took out the subdued Qi Luo and Huang Wushu from the storage bag.

Of course, these two artifacts have been sealed by him, not only without the slightest light, but also without the slightest breath. Otherwise, how dare he take it out in front of the eyes?

"If I didn't expect it to be bad, the people on the Sacred Island would be hunting, or they would search the storage bags of every trialer."

"Although I certainly wouldn't let it be searched, it's hard to guarantee that the Sacred Island will search forcibly despite the anger."

"So it's safer to add a few more seals."

Ling Xian murmured to himself, if he changed to normal, he would not be so careful. But this time is different. His opponent is a sacred island that even the top forces are afraid of!

Although the best way is to hide it, what if the sacred island is searched at the end of the trial? In that case, he would have no chance to get back the treasure.

Therefore, he can only think of ways to change the appearance and breath of the two gods.

"You can only use psychedelic formation. Hope, you can hide the sky and cross the sea."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, while her sleeves waved, psychedelic arrays were played one after another, covering the subtle Qi Luo and Huang Wushu.

Not only these two treasures, but also the treasures such as reincarnation shards, pages of the book of creation, and the sword of asking the Excalibur, were also changed in appearance and breath.

No way, these are all amazing and anyone will be tempted. Even the owner of the sacred island will develop greed.

Therefore, Lingxian must be careful.

At the moment, he condensed several psychedelic formations in succession, covering all his treasures.

After that, his hanging heart finally let go.

Although the psychedelic formation is not an advanced formation, he has reached the top. Now he has the ability to transform decay into magic on the front, even if it is a basic law formation, he can shine in his hands.

Therefore, Ling Xian believed that the psychedelic array he had arranged, even if the island owner was present, could not see anything.

"This time, there is no problem. Even if the sacred island is searched forcibly, you don't need to worry." Ling Xian smiled slightly, completely relieved.

Then, he put the treasure into a storage bag, took out his identity jade card, and then couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Because of this, he only has one thousand points.

This still enters the first area and is automatically accumulated.

And when he passed the jade card and saw the big screen, he laughed even more.

I saw that the person at the top of the list was the seventh demon, who topped the list with a score of 13,224 points.

The second person, named Nether, is an unfamiliar name, and may also be a code name. His score was only a thousand less than that of the seventh demon, and the two bite very tight.

The score of the third place is not much different. His name is Emperor Yao, and he is a well-known candidate for the Emperor of Xuanwu Continent. Not only is the fighting force strong, Dan Dao's accomplishments are also very good, even the long-known Dan Dao master is not comparable to him.

After that, the scores are very different, at least for now, they are very different.

As for Lingxian, it is even more disparate.

He came in last, firmly occupying the top of the list with a score of 1,000, and no one could shake it.

Of course, no one wants to shake.

You must know that the lowest level of monks in this session have only the fourth level. In this case, the penultimate one is undoubtedly a shame.

Therefore, Lingxian has become a joke in this trial.

"I laughed to death. If I remember correctly, this man was overblown by an elder and said he has the ability to win the championship."

"Can it be wrong? With the strength to win, how could it be ranked last?"

"That's why I said, this is a joke. Seven days have passed since the trial began, and this man hasn't even killed a fourth-level monster.

"Indeed, this person is too weak. Compared with the seventh demon and other evils, it is really weak."

Anyone who sees Lingxian with only a thousand points is very funny, especially the person who knows that he has been exaggerated by the elder, it is even harder to conceal.

Is this what it takes to qualify?

This is the person who has the ability to come out on top?

Do not make jokes!

Undoubtedly, Ling Xian became the biggest joke of the trial, and even the elder took the joke and was laughed at by the people of the Sacred Island.

"The penultimate, interesting."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed without surprise.

He spent almost seven days back and forth, during which time, enough points. And he was busy with the dark fragrance Qi Luo, a monster was not killed, this thousand points, or the first area automatically sent.

"Want to come, I have reduced to a joke at this moment."

Ling Xian laughed and didn't feel embarrassed. He was not incapable, but was busy with other things.

"The goal of this trip has been completed. Next, it is time to participate in the trial."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, thinking of the reward of the champion, thinking of many treasures, staring in the eyes of anticipation.

Leaving aside the championship rewards, just talking about treasures such as the Sword Pond will suffice him.

Previously, due to Qixiang Qiluo, he had no intention to participate in the trial. Now that we have obtained it, naturally we will not miss this rare opportunity.

"Is it last?"

Ling Xian raised his mouth, turned his hand to take the jade card into his bag, and then flickered, disappearing in place.

Only a word of confidence was left, slowly echoing.

"It's only temporary."

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