"Damn **** it!"

Seeing the robbers and Lingxian walking in peace, the owner of Shaodao was furious.

So did the four elders.

Obviously stealing treasures, but walked out of the hall in a grand manner, if this is passed out, where is the face of the sacred island?

"Damn, you can bear it, I can't bear it!"

The owner of the little island growled in the sky, and said, "Think of my father. If he knows that you will let Pirates leave, what will happen to you!"

When the words fell, he ignored the elders who had been struck by lightning, raised his hand and struck thunder, and blasted to the thief.


The wind raged, the thunder roared, and the master of the Shaodao was the evil spirit who was brought up by the five great realms. This hit immediately changed the color of the thieves.

If he was fearless during his heyday, he could suppress it with a wave of his hand. However, at this moment, he will suppress Xiu Wei to the sixth level, naturally it is difficult to compete with the invincible young island master of the same rank.

"Don't panic, I'll come."

Ling Xian's secret transmission was likewise blasted out with no glare and no thunder and lightning, but it broke the offensive of the island master.

This shocked a few people present.

Although the owner of Shaodao is not well-known, he is the heir of this sacred island. He is a deserving candidate for the emperor. However, he was furious, but was smashed by Ling Xian. How amazing is this?

"Haha, I don't need an old man to deal with you, my followers are enough to suppress you."

The pirates laughed loudly, and shamelessly described Ling Xian as his follower.

This made Ling Xian speechless, but said nothing, because it was also good for him.

If he confesses that he and Piwangu are not the same person, it will surely be wanted by the sacred island. If he does not explain, the sight of the sacred island will only be on Piwangu.

Therefore, Lingxian did not explain it, it was considered the default.

"You can smash me with a full blow ..."

As soon as the main pupil of Shaodao shrank, the anger dissipated a bit, and he replaced it with fear.

He is not a fool, and he was blown up with a blow of his own. At least it can prove that the opposite is a strong man of the same level!

"The little island master is not panic, even if I die, I will never let him take away the holy relic!"

An old man in a white robe was angry and drunk, with white hair dancing, like a furious lion king, swallowing all kinds of evils.

The same was true of the other three elders, with expressions on their faces.

A word from the little island master woke them up. Admittedly, if they do n’t take any action, there will be absolutely no danger, but when the island owner returns?

Knowing how many of them are afraid of fighting, letting thieves go away with the relics will surely unload them!

As a result, several elders have been cut out, one by one showing their momentum, shaking the earth!

"I can't deal with them. I leave it to you."

As soon as Ling Xian's heart sank, she crossed over and stole all eternity, and then summoned Jiutian Divine Wing, galloping away.

The seventh level of power has decided to take action, which means that pirates can no longer play, now do not escape, when do you wait?

He is not familiar with pirates, so there is no need to care about morality. Therefore, he exerted all his strength to display the nine-day **** wing. If the meteor cuts through the sky, it will be incredible.

"I rely, you are a little bitch!"

Seeing Ling Xian fleeing fast like an arrow off the string, staring at the beard that stole eternity, but helpless.

Later, he stepped into a mysterious footwork, turned into a shadow, and gradually dissipated.

But the next moment, he was shaken out of shape.

The white-haired old man made a strong shot and shook the world with a single blow.

"Hahaha, I knew you were pretending!" The owner of Shaodao laughed loudly, showing his heart.

However, the white-haired old man and others couldn't laugh.

Gradually, the owner of Shaodao couldn't laugh.

They can all be called big men, but they have been stolen for so long, and this is a shame!

Shaodao's face was so gloomy that he gritted his teeth and said, "Elders, I want to make this life worse than death!"

"Stop the islander, rest assured, I will catch him!"

The white-haired old man stared at the thief eternally, saying: "Stealing Saint, obediently arrest, so as not to suffer from flesh!"

"I said, that kid is gone, why don't you chase?"

Pirates of ancient times rolled their eyes, did not expect that this old fox, even made a little fox shield.

"Caught you, why don't you catch him?"

The lord of the little island sneered, and said, "I can accompany you to steal from my sacred island. It must be your confidant. He wants to come, he will not care about your life."

"Who said he was my confidant?"

Stealing all ages, he couldn't cry or laugh, but no wonder anyone. It was because he wanted to support his face that Ling Xian was his follower.

"Isn't it?" Shoshima sneered.

"No, I don't even know his name, but just happened to be in the hall." Pirates Wangu laughed bitterly.

After hearing that, the owner of the little island and others laughed.

With the lessons learned, they will never believe what the old fox said.

"Let the ghost go, do you think I will still believe what you say?" The owner of the little island dismissed a smile and said, "If that person is not your apprentice, it is definitely your confidant!"

Hey, your uncle!

Why don't I know him?

Pirates of eternal desire to cry without tears, said: "I really have nothing to do with him, you go and chase it, otherwise, Hongxiang Qiluo can't chase back."

"It's strange to believe you. You just want to disperse our power and run away!"

The little island master sneered, and said, "Do you really think I'm a liar?"

"Yes, you old fox, don't want to lie to us for the second time!"

"We're not fools. I caught you. Don't worry about the kid not giving me ****!"

"That is, there is no need to waste energy on catching him."

Several elders opened their mouths, but they wiped their sweat secretly.

Because Ling Xian's speed is too fast, he has disappeared for a long time, and he can't feel his breath.

Thanks to the robbers, everyone's attention was focused on him. There was no time to chase Lingxian, otherwise, he would never escape.

"I depend, you idiots!"

Pirates are full of grief and indignation. I didn't expect to tell the truth, but no one believed it.

"Stealing all eternity, you realize!"

The little island master drank sturdyly, the monstrous divine power struck, and even the void shattered for it.

"It's not easy to make me realize."

Pirate Mangu exhaled a long sigh of sigh and suppressed the sorrow and indignation. Then, with a mysterious treasure seal in his hands.

When he died, the blood was shining, forming a strange array, covering the island master and others.

"Anyway, I am also a robber, even if you repair the seal to the sixth level, it is not something you can capture."

Pirates of all ages have pale faces. Obviously, this is a costly prohibition. But the power is also quite powerful.

At this moment, the owner of Shao Island collapsed to the ground. Even the powers of the seventh realm trembled, and it was difficult to move by this mysterious power.

"Well, less than a last resort, I don't want to use this technique."

Stealing Wangu sighed softly and walked away, leaving only a word slowly echoing back.

"The name of the pirate is not blown out. Thank you to the sacred island for adding another record."

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