Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1601: frighten

The same is true of Lingxian.

Obviously there is only one step left, and I can leave safely, but the result is blocked up, who can change it?

But now there was no time to regret it, his eyes twinkled, chaos gusting, covering his body and face.

Although in the present situation, there is little chance that he can leave the hall, what if he can leave? Therefore, he must cover his face so as not to be found by the people of the sacred island.

Seeing him covering his face, Stealing Wangu wanted to do the same, but unfortunately, he was one step behind, and these people had recognized him.

"The presence of the pirates has really made my sacred island flourish."

The handsome man squeezed a sentence out of his teeth and stared at Stealing Elderly. As for Ling Xian, he had been ignored by him automatically.

The same is true of the four elderly people.

When they want to come, stealing eternity is the main messenger, Ling Xian is either his assistant or a follower.

"The Lord of the Little Island is very polite. I just come around and don't have to fight like this."

Stealing Van Gopi smiled and smiled, looking at the four elders behind the man, his eyes full of dignity.

"It is polite to steal the saint. If my father is not there, he will have to come out to greet him personally."

"I dare to come only when I know your father is away."

Pirate Wangu secretly slandered, saying: "Okay, you and I don't have to be yin and yang, let's say, what do you want?"

"What do I want? Do you come to my house to steal things?"

The master of the island sneered, and said, "I don't talk nonsense with you. I leave my life behind, it's okay."

"A big breath, your father dare not speak to me like this." Pirates vanished a cold hum, but deep in his eyes, full of dignity.

"I know you are strong, but you can fight with my father, but don't forget, you are just the pinnacle of the sixth realm."

The little island master smiled faintly, and said, "Don't mention the four elders. Even me, it's enough to suppress you."

Hearing that, the robbers were silent.

If before the change, in the absence of the island owner, you can definitely kill the day of birth. However, in order to land on the island, Xiu Xiu was suppressed by a special method to the peak of the sixth realm.

Ling Xian was silent.

If there is only one owner of Shaodao, he is not afraid, but the four elders are all seventh-level powers, any one is enough to kill him.

"I can suppress cultivation, and naturally I can return to the top, I don't believe it, I can try it later."

Stealing all his hands behind his back, although unkempt, he has a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers.

This caused the owner of Shaodao to frown and be stunned.

The pirates stole all over the world, the nails of the major forces, the sting of the flesh. But he still lives well.

This is enough to prove how powerful he is, otherwise, he will never escape from the encirclement and suppression of the major forces.

Therefore, several people are not sure whether he can really restore his peak strength.

"To tell you the truth, in order to hide the sky and cross the sea, I sealed the repair with a special method, and it couldn't be unlocked for a short while."

"However, I can make a blow. This blow, even your father, must be seriously injured."

"As for you, there is no other result than death."

Pirates of the Holy Eyes teased and said, "I don't know, who of you want to try?"

Hearing that, several people took a step back, and a little fear came into their eyes.

Ling Xian laughed secretly, but also had to admire the wit of stealing Saints.

If he said that he could restore his peak strength at any time, he would only need to try and know that by then, he would be exposed. But if he says that he can only strike one shot, his credibility will undoubtedly increase greatly.

The most important thing is that he had a strong blow and no one could stop him. In this way, naturally it deterred Shaodaozhu and others.

"It's true when it's fake, this old fox."

Ling Xian smiled secretly, but he had seen it for a long time. There was a seal in the cargo body, and the attack was only the peak of the sixth realm.

"Well, steal all eternity, do you think we will believe it?"

The owner of Shaodao snorted and said, "Looking at the Xuanwu continent, who knows that you are cunning like a fox?"

"I didn't want you to believe it."

Stealing all ancient costumes showed a very innocent appearance, and said, "Don't you know if you try?"


The main island of Shaoshan was furious and his lungs were exploding.

The same is true of the four elders, but no one dares to shoot first.

Although the credibility is very low, even if it is true, it can only be shot once, but who is willing to take this risk?

Stealing Wangu with a full blow, even the island owner had to be seriously injured. If you change them, you will die!

"Elder Li, come on!"

The owner of Shaodao stared at the robbers and said, "My ban on the sacred island cannot be displayed. He can land on the island, and it must pay a great price. Therefore, I don't believe he can hit the peak."

Hearing that Elder Li remained silent, as did the rest.

He knew what the island owner said, but even if it was only 1 in 10,000, he didn't want to take this risk.

The price is too high, there is only one life, who wants to take risks?

"You, you!"

The little island owner was furious, but he was helpless.

He didn't dare to take risks. Why should others risk his life to try?

"Damn, if my dad is here, a slap will suppress you!"

The master of Shaodao gritted his teeth and wished to unload the pirates forever.

"Unfortunately, your father is not here." Pirates of the ancients were full of jokes, waving Yudi and Ding Haizhu into their pockets.

Seeing this, Ling Xian also collected the subtle Qi Luo and Huang Wushu.

This scene stimulated the owner of Shaodao, making him growl and mad.

"Damn stealing eternity, put me down!"

"I stole the first rule, and the most important rule, was the thing I got, which was my own."

"That is to say, these things are no longer yours, they are all stolen!"

Stealing eternity with a smile, he said, "If you don't agree, you can take a shot. Anyway, I can only take a shot. After that, you will be slaughtered."

Hearing that Ling Xian laughed and amazed.

Stealing all kinds of people is a matter of human nature. Few people are willing to sacrifice themselves. At least, these people are unwilling.

Except for them, the rest of the monks on the island, with the repair of the sixth peak, was enough to cope with it.

This puts him in a deadlock. Those who can force him to do his best are afraid of death, and those who are not afraid of death cannot force him to do his best.

Therefore, Shaodao's main qi almost vomited blood, and he could not wait to rob the skin and cramp.

The four elders are almost the same. If their eyes could kill people, they would have died thousands of times.

It's a pity that hatred can't kill people, and their eyes can't kill them.

Stealing all kinds of people standing there is like a triumphant general, full of pride and banter.

"Haha, no one shot, I can go."

The robbers laughed heartily, took a slow step, and calmly walked outside the hall.

The same is true of Lingxian.

He freehandedly, hurriedly, like walking around in his backyard.

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