"When I return, I will take your head."

The icy words rang through the world, making Xuan Yuanhong's face gloomy and madly bombarding the sea, but it was sinking into the sea.

This made him look more gloomy, a little fear in his eyes.

The reason why he dared to shoot was entirely because Ling Xian was too injured. Otherwise, he would not dare to pretend!

For now, however, Ling Xian disappeared and did not die. This means that one day, he will be able to make a comeback. How can Xuanyuan Hong not be afraid?

Seeing Ling Xian disappear, everyone was in a sigh of relief, and their faces were filled with joy.

Especially Ning Yan, she was overjoyed. But soon, she narrowed her smile and said coldly, "Xuan Yuanhong, when I will arrive at the Sansheng Pavilion, I will tell the owner of today's affairs, and you will die."

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to go back?"

Xuan Yuanhong dismissed a smile and said, "Don't forget, I'm a descendant of Xuan Yuan's family. As long as I return to the family, Sansheng Pavilion can't treat me like that!"


Ning Yan lags behind, refusing to refute.

"What's more, here is the abyss and the sea of ​​abyss, and he was seriously injured, how could he survive?"

Xuan Yuanhong sneered, and said, "He killed the two mermaid princes and fell into the mermaid's territory. I don't believe he can come out alive!"

Hearing that everyone's face changed, and their hearts were worried.

As Xuan Yuanhong said, Ling Xian may not survive very much, especially if he is seriously injured.

"Impossible, he even killed the prince. He will survive!"

Ning Yanqiao blushed and stared at Xuan Yuanhong, saying, "If he died, I would not let you go."

"Haha, follow you."

Xuan Yuanhong laughed loudly and said, "I'm gone. If he can survive, he can let his Xuanyuan family find me. By then, I will kill him!"

After speaking, he took a deep look at the sea and turned away.


The news that Ling Xian defeated the two princes and killed the two princes is amazing, and it can even be said to be shocking.

Therefore, when the news reached the sea tribe, it caused a violent storm and swept the entire abyss of magic sea!

Especially for the mermaid royal family, it is no less than a big earthquake that shocked every mermaid.

For many years, no one dared to kill the mermaid royal family, even provoked!

At the moment, however, there is a clan who killed two princes, and one of them was a prince. What audacity?

How powerful is it?

You know, the mermaid is the overlord of the sea clan, no less than the seven royal families of the demons, and the combat power is amazing. However, the four best princes of this generation of Mermaids have all lost to one person. What is it called?

Sweeping the younger generation of mermaids!

How powerful can this be? It's just a mess, it's incredible!

Just because the facts are in front of you, even if you can't accept it anymore, you must accept it!

Therefore, while being shocked, the entire Hai clan also felt sadness. In particular, the mermaid royal family was caught in a strong mourning.

Four princes!

You are welcome to say that they are the pillars of the future of the Mermaid, the pillars of the entire abyss and the magical sea!

However, at the moment, he was defeated by Ling Xian alone. How could the Hai people not feel sad?

After that, there was anger!

In particular, the Mermaid clan is clamoring to attack the Sansheng Pavilion and kill the killer!

For a time, the word Lingxian resounded through the abyss. With the dazzling gesture of sweeping the younger generation of Mermaids, it is remembered by every Siren, and it is hard to die until death!


The deepest part of the abyss is the dark hall.

A middle-aged man in a gold robe stands proudly, his eyes are deep, the rhyme flowes, and he never has the momentum, but has his own power.

In front of him, three black furnaces stood there, surging with strange black gas, like a legendary altar.

Looking at the altar in front of him, the heroic man was full of enthusiasm, and gently stroked the black tripod with his palm, as if touching the jade body of a peerless beauty.

Just then, a respectful word came, disturbing the man's thoughts.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report!"

The Yingwu man frowned slightly and said, "Come in."

The voice fell, and a strong man wearing a suit of armor and up to nine feet walked into the hall, then kneeled in front of the man on one knee, and said, "Small, participate in your Majesty."

"Get up."

Her mermaid faintly opened her mouth, and she had deep majestic eyes. She said, "I have been instructed, do n’t come to me for something that is not important. Let ’s talk about what is important. If it is not important enough, you know the consequences . "

Hearing that the Jianshuo man trembled and carefully said: "Under the Qi, the seventh prince lost, and Enron returned. The fifth prince, the third prince, and the prince were all ..."

"What are you talking about!"

The mermaid frowned, and the invisible majesty spread out, making the man's body shake even harder.

With a crying face, he cautiously said, "Everyone was killed by one person."

The voice dropped, the Mermaid didn't open his mouth, but the face was somber as if dripping water could come out.

At the same time, the entire Abyss Demon Sea is boiling, setting off huge waves and raging in all directions!

This is the anger of Her Majesty!

When he became angry, the entire abyss demon sea had to shake!

This made the Jianshuo man even more afraid, and he was cautiously lying on the ground, not even dare to breathe.

"Who killed some of my babies?" The mermaid was sinking under the water, squeezing the anger in his heart.

"Under your Majesty, this person's identity is unknown, but it should be a person from Sansheng Pavilion, who is equal to several princes." The Jianshuo man whispered.

"Good boy, he beat my four best children in the same level, especially the prince, even he can beat him."

A ray of surprise flashed in the eyes of Mermaid, and said, "Isn't this the younger generation that swept my Mermaid family?"

Hearing that Jianshuo men did not dare to talk. Although this is a fact, it is not good to say it after all.

"Killed my three children. I have written this feud."

The mermaid's eyes were deep and his eyes flickered with murder, but he had to temporarily suppress the anger, and said, "Go on."

"Go down?"

The Jianshuo man froze, but did not expect His Majesty to say anything, so he let him go.

"Do you want me to say it a second time?"

His Majesty gave him a slight glance, making him shiver suddenly.

"No, no, no, let's step back."

The man bowed respectfully to a big gift, and withdrew from the hall with little wings, in addition to awe in his eyes, he was a little suspicious.

He knew very well that the mermaid was a man, and it was arrogant and ruthless. However, after hearing that his three sons had been killed, he had no instructions, which had to make him very surprised.

"Kill my third son, so brave, if I do n’t want to fight with Sanshengge now, I will definitely kill you!"

The mermaid sneered and looked at the altar in front of her. Her eyes were fiery, in addition to her expectations.

"Xiang Chen, wait, wait for me to complete the sacrifice, I must lead the army to break through your Sansheng Pavilion!"

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