Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1089: Sudden change


The head fell to the ground and blood spewed three feet high.

The eyes were wide, unwilling, shocked, and remorseful.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Ling Xian's sword not only cut off his skull, but also shook his soul. In other words, he can't die anymore.

"Haha, well killed, so deflated!"

"It's too powerful, even the Prince can be killed, so terrible!"

"The son is strong and unparalleled. This kind of sturdy combat power, I am afraid that he can stand up to those young Supremes!"

Everyone spoke, except for the excitement and excitement in their words.

You know, it's a pure-blooded mermaid, and its combat power at sea is not inferior to the seven royal families!

However, it was severely beheaded by Ling Xian. What kind of hegemony is this?

It's a complete mess!

Therefore, everyone is shocked, and at the same time as shock, more is joy.

Each of them hated the prince so much, and now seeing this man dying, he was naturally happy and shouted.

The same is true of Lingxian.

He looked at the prince's head, and the anger in his heart finally dissipated.

After that, he spewed blood violently, and a crackling sound came from his body.

Although he had recovered to his peak, the prince was too strong, and suffered a serious injury in the war. It was only when he was holding on that that he didn't show it.

Right now, the enemy is dead, and at the same time he breathes a sigh of relief, the injuries are all erupting. Makes his face pale in an instant, and he can't stand still.

This changed everyone's color, and hurriedly came to Ling Xian, trying to help him.

However, Ning Yan took the lead, and she supported Lingxian with her body, concerned, "You are all right."

"Cough, anyway."

Ling Xian coughed two blood, and laughed strongly: "Although the injury is very serious, it will not endanger life. You only need to take care of it slowly."

"That's good, thanks to you in this battle, otherwise, as long as the seventh prince appeared, we would all have to die." Ning Yan stared in worship, staring at Ling Xian with big eyes blinking.

"It should be fortunate."

Ling Xianqiang laughed and said, "Fortunately, the Hai people attacked this time just to give those princes a test, and not to be genuine. Otherwise, I can't stop one hundred."

"This is true, but there is the deterrence of the Sansheng Pavilion. Unless the sea clan has full confidence, otherwise, the most powerful men will not dare to take it easily."

Ning Yan smiled, took two pills from the storage bag, took one by herself, and gave Ling Xian one.

"The princes are tricky enough. Fortunately, they came one by one. If I went together, I wouldn't see the sun at the moment."

Ling Xian sighed softly, and was quite moved.

After four battles, no one will be easy. Especially in the last battle, it was very difficult. If he had no match in the same rank, he would not be able to stop it.

"But they have all been defeated in your hands."

Ning Yan was dazzling and sighed: "I defeated two princes and killed two princes. The prince of the mermaid clan was actually overwhelmed by you. It's incredible."

As the words fell, everyone realized how Ling Ling's move was against the sky, and the sky suddenly set off.

The mermaid clan is a maritime overlord, and each prince has improper bravery and invincible power at the same level. However, at this moment, the four princes of this generation have all lost to Ling Xian. This is tantamount to his own defeat of the younger generation of Mermaids!

This is simply against the sky!

"It's hard to imagine that this generation of Mermaids, who are known as overlords, will be defeated by one person!"

"Two defeats and two kills. These records are too tough."

"It's too perverted and unbelievable to sweep the young generation of Mermaids with one's own strength."

Everyone spoke, except for shock, sigh.

"You said that, really."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "However, this is not a good thing. It is forged with the Mermaid's Liangzi."

"Don't worry, Sanshengge will support you."

Ning Yan fainted into the forehead of the blue silk. Although she was pale and her lips were red, she did not have a charm.

"Well, I'll adjust my breath first, so I don't jump out of another prince." Ling Xian smiled slightly, then sat cross-legged, inspiring heaven and earth to nourish herself.

However, at this moment, a ray of light cut through the sky and came instantly. That chill chilled everyone's faces.

Ling Xian also changed her face and felt a deadly threat. Therefore, he moved out to the left, trying to avoid the sharp light.

However, at this moment he was seriously injured and was struggling to move. And this divine light came too suddenly, too fast, after all, was hit in the right shoulder.

Suddenly, Ling Xian's right shoulder was pierced, and blood couldn't stop flowing.

"Hahaha, what about killing the prince? What about the younger generation who swept the mermaids? It's not about to die in my hands."

Xuan Yuanhong laughed wildly, looking at Ling Xian's eyes with resentment, fun, and pleasure.

This caused everyone to be furious, and one after another angered Xuanyuanhong's shameless shame. In particular, Ning Yan was trembling with anger and could not wait to kill the person immediately.

Obviously, Xuan Yuanhong intends to kill Ling Xian while he is weak.

In this way, can everyone not feel angry?

Only Lingxian can keep calm.

Regarding Xuan Yuanhong's move, he had long anticipated, but did not expect that this person would choose to take the shot now.

This made him sigh and had to admit that this was a great opportunity.

At this moment, he has been seriously injured, and there is no second hand. With Xuan Yuanhong's strength, it is not difficult to kill him.

"I hate you for your lightness."

Xuan Yuanhong looked at Ling Xian resentfully, and said, "It's pretending to be calm when you die, and it makes people feel sick!"

Hearing that, Ling Xian sighed, which was quite tricky.

His current condition is extremely bad, and Xuan Yuanhong did not continue his shot after being bombed by the Prince for the first time. So at this moment, he retains most of his combat power.

In other words, he was simply unable to compete with Xuan Yuanhong, and so was Ning Yan and others.

"Lingxian, I really hate you."

Xuanyuan Hong's eyes were full of resentment, and he laughed wildly: "Now, I can finally kill you, let's die!"

The words fell, he instantly rushed to Ling Xian, right handed away with the power of the sky to kill!

Seeing this, Ling Xian sighed a long time, and Jiutian Shenyi ran frantically, taking him to avoid the blow.

No way, he was too injured to shake Xuanyuan Hong forward. Therefore, he had to dodge.

"Haha, I see where you hide!"

Xuan Yuanhong laughed wildly, and the majestic screamed out loud, blocking Lingzhang's hundred feet, let him avoid it!

Immediately, he came out with a horizontal stroke, breaking the void, unstoppable!

This changed Ling Xian's complexion, knowing that he was doing what he wanted to do, and only jumped into the sea. Otherwise, there is no way to live.

At the moment, he thought about it and smashed the water drop onto the sea.


Avoid water beads floating on the sea surface, drooping down and clearing, let the sea emerge a whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Xian shook her wings and jumped into the vortex. Only a plain, murderous word was left, which made Xuan Yuanhong look gloomy.

"When I return, I will take your head."

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