Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1091: blue eyes

In the depths of the abyss and the magical sea, countless fish swim through, with different shapes and colorful.

Looking out, a colorful coral reef, bright colors, eye-catching.

But the most eye-catching thing was a turquoise bead.

It was suspended in the sea water, hanging down and clear, enveloping a person who had lost consciousness, wandering along the sea water aimlessly.

It is Lingxian.

After he jumped into the sea, Xuan Yuanhong's attack still hit him, which made Ben Ben's injured even worse, and fell into a coma.

Fortunately, avoiding water beads is a heaven and earth miracle, which can avoid all the waters of the world. He did not encounter a Kraken along the way, which saved his life.

However, at this moment he was already in a severe coma, and he could only float along the sea water to an unknown distance.

I don't know how long it took, Ling Xian's head hit a coral reef, and the pain caused him to groan and opened his eyes.

Those eyes were dim and dull, no longer bright and deep. It can be seen how many injuries he suffered.

"Am I ... alive?"

Ling Xian murmured to himself, after confirming that he survived, he looked at the surrounding fantasy for the first time.

"The abyss magic sea, unexpectedly, actually ran to the mermaid's territory. If this was discovered by the mermaid, it would be miserable."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled bitterly. For the moment, she ignored her environment and looked inward at her body. Immediately, the bitterness on his face grew stronger.

Because, at this moment, his body was really bad, most of the bones were broken, and even the meridians were broken.

This is not the worst, the worst is that his soul has been hit badly, Yuan Ying villain is extremely weak. Without heaven and earth, there is no way to recover.

It seems that Tianzun's ancient blood was in a deep sleep and could not heal him. In order to meet the prince soon, he shattered the blood beads again.

In other words, at this moment, he has no method of healing.

This situation is definitely the most difficult situation he has encountered since his debut!

"It's terrible. It's not too much to describe it with scaly wounds."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly and couldn't think of any way to make him heal quickly.

It's not that he hasn't thought about firing alchemy, but that he is struggling even now, how can he be able to cook alchemy?

Therefore, Ling Xian is helpless, and can only absorb the heaven and earth aura, and slowly heal his injuries.

However, relying only on the heaven and earth reiki and the body's self-healing ability, it will take less than three or five years to fully heal.

This was a waste of time and put him in a very dangerous situation.

Don't forget, this is the abyss demon sea. Not to mention that he killed two princes, even if they didn't, they would be chased and killed by sea monsters as other people!

It can be said that at this moment he is in an extremely dangerous situation. If you are not quick to heal, it is likely that the next moment, you will be killed by the passing monsters.

Therefore, Ling Xian is quite tricky, knowing that there are only two ways to go.

The first is rapid recovery and self-protection. The second is to find an absolutely safe illusion and slowly heal the wound.

The former can be ignored. At this moment, he has no way at all. The latter is also almost impossible, but here is the abyss demon sea, there are sea monsters everywhere, how can there be absolutely safe place?

"The situation is critical but helpless."

Ling Xian sighed and said, "You can only let it go. It's up to you."

Then, he allowed the flowing sea to float forward with him.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Ling Xian wandered along with the water, and at the same time attracted heaven and earth aura, and nourished her body. I don't know how long after that, a small house made of coral reef suddenly appeared in my sight.

The house is mushroom-shaped, colorful and gorgeous. Around the house, there was a faint ray of light, which was transformed by Fuyu.

However, this is only the lowest-level rune, which can be arranged by any junior rune.

"Having a house means having someone live, check it out."

Ling Xian's eyes brightened, holding back the severe pain, urging to avoid water drops. Suddenly, the bead exudes a soft halo, opening a passage, and taking him to the front of the house.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door opened, and a girl of about sixteen or seventeen wearing a purple skirt walked out.

She has a beautiful face, bright and charming, just like a porcelain doll, beautiful and not ridiculous. The most eye-catching thing is the blue eyes like the sky, which is crystal clear and makes people look attracted.

This frowned Ling Xian, with a little suspicion.

When she saw a stranger in front of her house, the girl was startled, and retracted into the house like a frightened little white rabbit.

I dare to lie on the crack of the door, revealing a pair of blue eyes, secretly looking at Ling Xian, the little looks very cute.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

Seeing the girl scared, Ling Xian tried to speak with the softest voice of her life, and said, "I'm seriously injured. Can I borrow you here for a few days?"

"You ... are humans?"

The girl spoke hard, and although her voice was as pleasant as natural sounds, her pronunciation was not standard and fluent, giving people a laborious feeling.

This made Ling Xian understand that the girl was a Hai nationality and didn't know where to learn the human language, so she couldn't pronounce it correctly and couldn't pronounce it clearly.

"Yes, I am a pure human race." Ling Xian smiled gently and admitted frankly.

On the one hand, I did not have the heart to deceive the little girl; on the other hand, the girl was too low to cultivate, and there was only a gas-refining period, which did not constitute a threat.

And when his voice landed, the girl's blue eyes suddenly burst into surprise, and said in a lame human language: "I ... my master is also a human."

"Your Master?"

Ling Xian froze and smiled: "Then I belong to the same people as him, I wonder if you can let me in first?"

"of course can."

The girl smiled, opened the door without alert, and signaled Ling Xian to come in.

This made Ling Xian look very happy, he has no ability to protect himself at this moment, and it is obviously not a good way to continue to float. Right now, being able to have a foothold naturally made him quite happy.

And he also knew that he had been drenched in the light of a girl master. Because of that man's existence, this woman has a good opinion of the human race, which will allow him to come in.

"Thanks a friend who has never met before."

With a slight smile, Ling Xian took the water beads into her bag and walked into the girl's house.

As soon as he entered, he saw a lot of humanity.

"Sure enough, there is a personal tribal master."

Ling Xian smiled mildly and said, "How about helping me arrange a room?"

On hearing that, the girl pointed at the roof, and there was a rope hanging there, a little embarrassed, "I only have a house here, and you only sleep on the rope."

"Anyway, there is a place to stay, and I'll be content."

Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile, forcibly pressed the injury, and jumped onto the rope.

But at this moment, his soul came with a sharp pain, as if he was about to be torn, causing him to sweat coldly.

This stunned the girl, whispering softly, "You ... but the soul was badly hit?"

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