Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3357: Sudden hurricane

Chapter 3357 A sudden hurricane

She just followed the emperor's body behind him.

I did not notice the moment when she and Di Mo Xuan turned their hands.

A thin crack slowly spreads out.

In front, Zou Mo and Ghost Wu and others have already stepped out of the channel exit and disappeared into this vast sky.

The night falls and the emperor Xuan is closely followed.

at this time……

There was a loud rumbling sound behind him.

Then, the whole vastness of the sky began to gather together like a spiral of hurricanes.

"Ah, A Xuan!"

This violent hurricane made the night clear and distressed, and quickly grasped the wrist of Emperor Xu Xuan.

This sudden hurricane made her completely unaware of what happened.

Emperor Xu Xuan took her hand and was about to stretch her arms and let the night fall into her arms.

However, the hand just lifted up.

The line of sight touched the night after the night fell.

His face changed dramatically.

On the forehead, the blue veins exploded.

"Small, hold me, don't let go!" He muttered and screamed.

In the ear, the hurricane of the mad tyrant, she whispered, she did not quite understand the voice of Emperor Xu Xuan.

I only think that the hurricane is getting closer and closer to her.

But from the look of Emperor Xu Xuan.

This hurricane is dangerous!



A few bursts of noise came.

The night fell and I only felt my ears humming.

In the meantime, she saw that Di Mo Xuan wanted to reach out to her.

But between the two, it seems that what is blocked by the general.

She only grasped the hand that was interlocked with the emperor's ten fingers.

In this unknown place.

Everything around you is unknown and awkward.

She didn't even know what was happening.

The hurricane is closer.

Accompanied by the wind driven by the hurricane, her body was boasted.

Seems to want to get her into the hurricane.


Huge energy burst in this vast sky.

The night clears the hand that is interlocked with the emperor's black and white fingers, as if it was tied up.

It hurts to clear the eyebrows at night.

Then, it was a feeling of being shocked, and it began to spread from the hands of the two.

This electricity.

The hands that clasped the two men were slightly loosened.

It’s like watching the emperor’s mouth open and seeing something with her.

But the hurricane was too strong, she could not hear.

In the explosion energy, everything in front of you is blurred.

She could not see the mouth shape of Emperor Xu Xuan.

She only knows that Di Mo Xuan looks very anxious and very flustered.

Talking to her while she was talking.

We wrestle with what we are with.

But after all, attention is focused on her.

In addition, the touch of the electric shock is gradually becoming fierce.

At this moment, a huge pulling force slammed from the night after falling.

The night falls and the future is worth the return.

The hand that was held with Emperor Mo Xuan slipped out of the big palm of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Her body was light and she was forced out.

Then, the front is black.

She lost all consciousness.


"Small, falling, children!"

Emperor Xu Xuan is very big and his eyes are full of enthusiasm and temper.

Looking at the place where the night disappeared, the voice screamed out loud and shouted out the name of the night.

He clasped his hands, red eyes, sharply squinting at the front, the cracked gap, the vortex of the roll.

"Dark Palace!"

He licked these three words between his teeth.

He jerked and rushed toward the cracked gap.

However, the crack, the time disappeared into the vastness of the sky.


[Today, I will not make up for it, I will go out for a day tomorrow, May Day should be able to continue to give you more at home~ What?]

(End of this chapter)

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