Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3356: Sight in the channel

Chapter 3356 Views in the passage

"Four holy beasts have been integrated into your mysterious jade, and become the lifeblood of your life." Di Mo Xuan sees the clear face of the night and calms down, raises his hand and covers her forehead.

Slender fingers wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The night cleared and nodded: "I thought, I have to be promoted again."

"You have combined the power of the artifact before, so that the body has been excessively depleted of energy. If you are promoted at this time, it is not a good thing for you." Di Mo Xuan Chao hooked her lips.

At night, I fell up and looked up: "So, after I contracted Xuangui, I quickly stopped touching the barrier. Did you stop me?"

Emperor Xu Xuan smashed her blue silk: "The power of Xuangui, I have sealed it in your mysterious jade, and when the right time, your body can withstand the scope, this force will be released again. of."

The night is clear.

This was the beginning of the time, Emperor Xu Xuan spent a lot of energy, only to the power of Xuangui, sealed in her mysterious heart.

She hooked her lips and circled his neck: "I will try to grow up quickly, so that my relatives, Axuan, will go home."

Emperor Mo Xuan tightened her waist: "Don't sway, here is the way to the upper three worlds. If you accidentally touch something, you will be involved in other unknown planes."

The night fell and the eyes widened.

In front, Ghost Wu, Zou Mo and the glass cat are suspended there.

The night falls and looks around.

In all directions, they are all vast, blueprints of the universe.

There is a bit of it... I used to be in a godless formation, the feeling of the battle plane.

Emperor Mo Xuan explained on the side: "This passage looks spectacular and beautiful, but every inch of space represents a plane, or an unknown space."

The night cleared up and seemed to understand and looked up: "Here... is there so much space?"

"Of course." Emperor Mo Xuan nodded. "Like the dark forces of the past, it is a small plane that belongs to the nirvana and the upper three sides."

This point has been heard by the night.

But she always thought that this place, that is, the nirvana, and the four major planes of the Upper Three Realms.

The other forces can only be regarded as the forces scattered throughout the country.

Unexpectedly, it really belongs to a plane of power that is independent.

"Then how can we go to the upper three circles?" asked the night.

Emperor Mo Xuan Xiu’s fingers, point to her Xuan Xinyu: “Using the power of the Holy Beast to open the channel, meditation on the Three Realms, the power of the Four Holy Beasts will send us to the exit of the Upper Three Realms.”

In the night, according to the emperor Xu Xuan, began to meditate.

A ray of light blooms from the chest that clears the night.

The night fell and suddenly felt a strong suction.

In the ear, the man’s low voice gives her unlimited security: “Hold me, don’t let go.”

"call out--"

The dazzling light shrouded everyone.

The night was cleared by this light, and closed his eyes.

Then, she and the body of the emperor Xuan Xuan, a sloshing.

The dazzling light in front of him gradually dissipated.

That suction has also disappeared.

In the ear is a glass cat with a panic of panic, and Zou Mo gently pacified the sound.

In the daytime, the night fell to the top and looked at the man: "A Xuan, are we here?"

"Come." Di Mo Xuan took up her hand and interlocked with her fingers. "I will take you out."

The night was cleared because of the suction, and it has not slowed down.


I came back late today, and I didn’t get home until 10:20 in the evening. Now I am working on the code. If the babies are waiting for trouble, you can come back tomorrow morning~

(End of this chapter)

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