Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3358: What is this ghost place?

Chapter 3358 What is this ghost place?

When the night is clear and confused, when you open your eyes, the ears are noisy and noisy.

"Where is this, I am afraid to stop the rainy princess!"

"What are you still doing? Just throw this little cockroach away and don't smear the face of the rain princess!"


A noise like this pierces her ear.

Then someone caught her arm.

She frowned and wanted to struggle.

But before they moved, they were pushed by the arms of both sides, and the force was pressed on the ground.

Mom, a chicken!

What is this ghost situation?

The severe pain in the arms also makes the consciousness of the night clearing come back.

In front of you, it is a winding street.

On both sides of the street, there are various stalls.

At this time, all the people on the street were around her side, pointing at her.

In front of him, a young woman dressed in emerald costume is looking at her with arrogance and disgust.

And her two hands were tightly buckled by two wicked women.

The momentum that came from them told the night to clear.

These two women are not low in strength.

The night was clear and the brain was spinning fast.

Everything that happened in the upper three worlds channel yesterday appeared in my mind.

She was pulled into the hurricane by a pull.

Then... and then... blinking again, this is the scene.

What is A Xuan?

What is the hurricane?

What is it here?

Countless questions have surfaced in my mind.

However, they are not answered.

"Hurry and take people down! Rain Princess is coming soon! Don't let the rain princess see this!" The **** was so arrogant.

The woman buckled her arms around the night and set her up, and walked toward the streets.

There was no resistance at night.

She hasn't figured out the situation yet.

I don't know what the plane is.

There are so many people watching.

Rebellious, she does not necessarily have the benefit.

The night was cleared and it was so framed that it was deep in the back lane.

The sound of snoring is isolated behind the ear.

The two women put her on the ground.

It was only after the night cleared that I could see the faces of the two women.

At the age of about 50.

It is fierce and fierce.

I can see that there is a lot of blood in my hand.

The night cleared and secretly measured the strength gap between himself and the two women.

"Small, if you die, don't look for us... If you blame, you should blame you for not appearing on the way back to the city."

One of the women looked at her coldly.

In the tone, it is full of killing.

Another woman, from the pocket of her waist, took out a dagger and walked close to the night.

The two women, apparently did not see the night in the eyes.

Attitude is extremely casual.

When the woman took the dagger, it was close to the night when the night fell.

The night fell and the palms flipped, holding the wrist of the woman.

Immediately turn quickly.

The pickpocket took the dagger.

The spin is about to be decapitated and is drawn to the neck of the woman.

This series of actions is almost done in an instant.

That woman has not responded yet.

Then fell to the ground, blood spewed.

"You..." The other woman's eyes widened and looked strangely at night. "It's still a mystery!"

The night cleared and gently licked the **** dagger.

A light bullet at the fingertips.

The dagger flew away.

Steadyly plunged into the chest of the woman who fell to the ground.

Business she put up on the lap: "Come on me, please, please send me down with your partner." wherein

She smiled and bent, and she was absolutely unparalleled.


[The first chapter, I have to go out for a busy day today, I don’t know when I will be home at night, I will update it today, I will not make up for it~ I will be at home for a whole day.]

(End of this chapter)

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